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I don't understand really the question in that case where a Prince is promotted to a Prince, meaning it actually refuses the promotion. In this case, it doesn't mind if this (non)promotion is obtained when entering, staying or leaving the zone as the piece is unchanged. What matters is that the piece should not be immobile!
Now look this unfinished page (the GC is not set yet). For the ID, I have used the morph instruction instead, and in this case it seems to work, the Prince can be promotted to either a Queen or remain a Prince, and it can move afterwards.
On the Timurid page there is custom JavaScript for handling the promotion, and I suspect the problem is in there. But it is already late now, so I will look at it tomorrow.
The morph method would probably allow promotion for every move that ends in the zone, also if it started inside of it.
Note that not even the succession would need custom script anymore; originally I used a custom routine BadZone to veto all moves where a King would swap with another pice than a Prince. But the captureMatrix can now do that too.
@HG: no need to look at, the morph instruction did the job.
By the way, your PTA is pretty convenient. It didn't translate the morph instructions though, so I had to add them manually in the GC preset file. But it is easy. Also, I had a small issue when a piece was only available on promotion and not present on the starting lineup. So, I cheated by momentarily placing this piece on a void square in order to create the needed lines for the preset, making sure of course I was not adding this extra piece on the FEN.
I am interested by what you say on the K's succession. I have to look deeper into that possibility.
The author, François Houdebert, has updated this page.
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yes, it would be logical for the promotion to be triggered when entering the zone only.