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While trying to see the ID with my Android Phone, i just get a rectangle for the Berolina initial. I don t think that the diacritic letters are adding anything. I think they rebute the players. Using a two-letter system would be more attractive and efficient imo.
While trying to see the ID with my Android Phone, i just get a rectangle for the Berolina initial. I don t think that the diacritic letters are adding anything. I think they rebute the players. Using a two-letter system would be more attractive and efficient imo.
I actually agree with you, as far as that goes. I'm not sure two-letter codes work in morph and captureMatrix statements, though (H. G. can enlighten me on that).
I think it should be possible to use multi-character IDs in morph and captureMatrix by using comma separation in the rows these occur. This is untested, though. And the Play-Test Applet won't generate this format, but just concatenates the IDs, even if these are multi-character. So you would have to insert the commas by hand.
I'll give that a shot, then, and if it works I'll ditch all the extended-Latin characters for this game.
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I've now added an Interactive Diagram for this game, though I have yet to playtest it. As I note in the text, I used extended Latin so I could have one-letter codes for all of the (more than 26) pieces and feel confident with the promotions... though I'm still not that confident. (I think I need to add a captureMatrix for each of the promoting pieces.)