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From my point of view, the most interesting Alice Chess End-Game Tables would be:
King and Queen vs King and Rook,
King and Rook vs King and Knight,
King and Dragon Horse vs King and Knight.
I want to believe that a Dragon Horse(BW) can defeat a Knight on the 8x8 board, but it has never been tested. That confrontation can happen in four of my variants here, including my latest: Alice Courier Chess.
Meanwhile your Checkmating Applet keeps providing solutions to my questions. I was delighted to learn that King, Knight and Alibaba(AD) can force stalemate victories in:
25 moves on 8x8 --- 35 moves on 12x8 --- 36 moves on 10x10.

I'm not able to view any game where it's my turn
It seems I introduced a syntax error when making corrections for lost time. To compensate for that, I have now reduced the length of interrupted moves by 48 hours. I have now fixed the error, and you should be able to view your games now.

There was a poll about what should happen when a mimic lands on a promotion tile. The results are:
Promote just like the last moved piece.
7% 2 votes
Promote only as a mimic base piece.
15% 4 votes
All options - last moved piece and mimic.
63% 17 votes
I have no idea what this means.
11% 3 votes
Something else.
4% 1 vote

Hey guys! I prepared my game last weekend but it's not visible when I search for it with 'Your Submissions Awaiting Review'. What did I wrong? https://www.chessvariants.com/rules/no-castling-random-chess

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EGT on plain 8x8 boards can be generated with FairyGen, and I can confirm that Dragon Horse beats Knight there. As well as Bishop, Nightrider, Woody Rook (WD), Modern Elephant (FA), Phoenix (WA). It cannot beat a Commoner, though. But that is no surprise; even a Queen cannot beat a Commoner, when the latter is connected with its King. (Because the enemy King cannot approach it.)
Mate with Knight + Alibaba is an interesting case. The Alibaba is a 'potent' piece because of its D move, so if you can drive the bare King to a corner the Alibaba can reach, checkmating is easy. But of course the Alibaba can only acces 1/4 of the board, and on 8x8 there always is a single corner it can reach. (The Alibaba is also 'forking' in those corners, and together with the 'semi-potent' Knight it can also force an edge mate there, but that doesn't provide extra possibilities.) Apparently it is too difficult for Knight + Alibaba to drive the bare King to the deadly corner from any of the other corners, so the end-game is a general draw, with only 1% of the positions with black on move a forced loss. (Presumably because the bare King is already trapped in the deadly corner there.)
On 9x9 this goes up to 24%. In this case all corners are equivalent, and 1 of the 4 Alibaba placements (31% to be exact) allows forcing of checkmate in all 4 corners. When stalemating is a win 77% of the positions with black on move is lost. (And 99.3% of the positions with white on move is won.)

Not sure I have seen that poll.
But I would say that a mimic moves / promotes / does whatever as the rules of the variant it participates in says it does. It is not a standard piece. Usually mimicking is about moving, and things like promotions or royalty are not part of the move. Of course you could define a piece that mimics the promotion of the last-moved piece too. Or even only that, always keeping its own move, but allowed to promote on it (no matter where it goes) when the opponent promoted. Or even promote in its own prescribed way when the opponent promoted. The possibilities are endless. Of course promotion of a mimic would in general make it a non-mimic. (Unless a game has various types of mimics in it.)
A generalization of a mimic is a piece whose move and/or other properties depends in some way on the previous move of the opponent.
If you get again at the joker, maybe you can find some time to think about the transferrer (joker for chess with different armies). Not very important though, as I will write my own C++ program eventually. The one I'm writing is going well.

I was there when I checked. It is there as "No Castling Random Chess", not as "Random No Castling Chess".

I'll add seconds for Balbo's Chess, Elk Chess, and Three Check

This rule was added to speed the game up after a King is "safe" in its own corner square. The King must re-enter however when 2 of the 3 "Queens" are captured and if he cannot enter the Chess playing 64 squares without being in check , then he is checkmated in his corner square and loses.

I have added your seconds to the table, and it looks like we can go with Balbo's Chess for October. The other two need some work before they are ready to be featured.

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What do they need?

Carbuncular Carbuncles by Madman, AKA madman_madchessdev

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As the weekend is approaching, I'd like to give a friendly reminder to the editors that this article as ready for review!

Thank you! Here is a test game https://www.chessvariants.com/play/pbm/play.php?game=Jabberwocky+Chess&log=pokshtya-cvgameroom-2024-275-280
The final position in this game is Jabberwocky Mate - The Black King cannot capture the White Rook because then Black would be left without a king.

Woah, somehow you got it!!!
really one page instead of six is what I suggested much time ago. Well done!
Only flaw is that some pieces are linked to Piececlopedia while others aren’t.
Some pieces don't have piececlopedia articles.
HG Muller has taught some new things and then I could do it.
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I'm not able to view any game where it's my turn