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Every day here is Ralph Betza appreciation day. This site would be much poorer without his years of advice and encouragement. Here is a whimsical little game he sent me back around 1998.
1.g3 d6 2.Cb3 Kd7 3.Nf3 Kc6 4.Ne5 double check and mate.
We are ants crawling across the chessboard. The endgame K+R versus K+N has been known for a thousand years. I once used it to save a half point early in this century. While the Rook can trap the Knight in some positions, even masters are known to have difficulty finding a win while the clock is ticking. And then there is the following endgame study. A computer tested forced win that goes OVER FIVE HUNDRED MOVES without a piece being captured. Perhaps we should tone down any remarks on the limited scope of chess on 64 squares.
Black to play, White wins in 517 moves
Marc Bourzutschky and Yakov Konoval, May 2006
That sounds like an interesting little variation!
Hi, David! Glad to see you back! This is a nice helpmate and looks like an interesting 'little' game to play - all that power in the corners and a weak center, on a small board! The central rook is a rare feature, or was, a decade or two ago. Who's used it besides Ralph, you, and me, any idea? I don't remember it in even any semi-popular game onsite aside from what you and Ralph have done.
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