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Game Courier Logs. View the logs of games played on Game Courier.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
David Paulowich wrote on Thu, Dec 16, 2004 05:32 PM UTC:
'I have made some significant changes to how loops, conditionals, and
subroutines work. Let me know if these changes result in any bugs.

Parse error: parse error, unexpected ')' in
/home/chessvar/public_html/play/pbm/gamecode.php on line 590'

Was the message I received the first time I tried to send move 29 (Black)
in my game of GrotChess.  When I look at the page now there is a long list
of Debug links, ending with:

405 [2:if]: endif
406 [1:sub]: endsub

DEBUG scope:
DEBUG ifhead of scope:
581 [0:main]: end

DEBUG label:
    [postauto1] => 5
    [postauto2] => 205

🕸📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Thu, Dec 16, 2004 06:19 PM UTC:
I did get your move 29 and responded to it. So I guess you just noticed a temporary bug that popped up while I was debugging code. When I am debugging, the debugging functions show debugging messages when the player variable is equal to my userid. Since you were playing Grotesque Chess against me, and it was my turn after you moved, you got to see the debugging code that is meant only for me to see.

Paul Grosemans wrote on Fri, Dec 17, 2004 06:14 AM UTC:
About my game with Daniel Wang. When I click the URL in the email I
received this morning, it answered :

Parse error: parse error, unexpected $ in
/home/chessvar/public_html/play/pbm/gamecode.php on line 781

Fortunately, I can access the game through the pbmlogs/index.php.

David Paulowich wrote on Fri, Dec 17, 2004 09:59 PM UTC:
I am seeing 'has won' results without any name attached on Fri, Dec 17, 06:15 and 10:12.

🕸📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Sat, Dec 18, 2004 01:58 AM UTC:
Previously, all commands were handled in the main part of the program. But now all commands are handled by a function called runsubroutine. This meant that many variables had to be explicitly declared global, but I missed the $opponent variable, which is used for getting the winner's name when the player resigns. The game I looked at ended with a resignation, and I expect the same is true of the others. I have now made $opponent global in runsubroutine.

Greg Strong wrote on Sun, Dec 19, 2004 08:26 PM UTC:
Getting problems viewing Shogi games again ...

Paul Grosemans wrote on Sun, Dec 19, 2004 08:28 PM UTC:
In my game with Greg Strong, at the 31. s*1b, I send the move and when I
click 'Continue' I received :
Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_BOOLEAN_OR in
/home/chessvar/public_html/play/pbm/polish.php on line 223

Cheers, Paul

Paul Grosemans wrote on Sun, Dec 19, 2004 08:31 PM UTC:
This was when I chose a refreshing at 15 seconds.

When I chose 30 seconds the message is :

Parse error: parse error, unexpected ')' in
/home/chessvar/public_html/play/pbm/polish.php on line 232

🕸📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Sun, Dec 19, 2004 09:16 PM UTC:
Recent comments about bugs seem to be in reference to some debugging I was just doing of new features. The bugs were due to not getting the right number of parentheses in certain expressions, and their only effect on ongoing games was to halt Game Courier for a while. I just enhanced the logical operators or, and, nor, nand, and cond. These will now take arrays, as well as scalar values, as arguments. With arrays as arguments, they will conditionally evaluate arrays as separate Polish notation expressions. Each binary logical operator will evaluate the first array first, and it will evaluate the second only if its value is required to determine the value of the expression. The cond operator , depending upon the value of its condition, will evaluate the first or second array that follows the condition, assuming both arguments are arrays. When arguments for these operators are not arrays, the scalar value will be used. This all allows logical operators to be used for flow control over expressions nested by parentheses.

Travis Compton wrote on Sat, Dec 25, 2004 04:58 AM UTC:
Editors: Please revise the preset to Medieval Chess to this updated one,
but still link the rules page to the rule set. Thanks. 


Nicola Caridi wrote on Fri, Dec 31, 2004 11:38 AM UTC:
I don't succeed to resign my shogi game with Manabu Terao; when I set
'Manabu Terao has won' and I confirm my move I receive this message: 
Your browser was not refreshed when you entered this move. If this move
had not been stopped, you would have overwritten your log with data for a
past move, causing you to lose moves in your game. Go back and refresh the
log page before entering your move.

Even after refresh the log page I receive the same message.
Thanks for your attention

🕸📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Fri, Dec 31, 2004 04:18 PM UTC:
For one thing, you're not resigning in the proper way, which is to type the word resign as your move. Try that and see if your problem persists.

🕸📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Sat, Jan 1, 2005 03:31 AM UTC:
I added the following new functions to the Polish notation calculator


These all handle movement that may go along a winding, unobstructed path,
such as the movement of some pieces in Jetan. The checkmaxsteps function
checks whether a piece may move from one space to another within a
specified number of steps from one adjacent space to another. The
checknsteps function checks whether a piece may move from one space to
another in exactly a specified number of steps. Both of these functions
allow movement through the origin space and repeated movement through the
same space. They are both handled by a recursive function that goes
through all possible paths until it finds one that works. The checkpath
function checks whether a piece can move from one space to another by
following a specific path, given as a set of paired directions. To
illustrate how these work, here are two alternate ways to handle the
Squire from Holywar:

Barring possible mistakes, here is the long way that uses 16 checkpath
functions for all possible paths:

checkpath origin dest (1 0 1 1) or checkpath origin dest (1 1 1 0) or
checkpath origin dest (1 0 1 -1) or checkpath origin dest (1 -1 1 0) or
checkpath origin dest (-1 0 -1 1) or checkpath origin dest (-1 1 -1 0) or
checkpath origin dest (-1 0 -1 -1) or checkpath origin dest (-1 -1 -1 0)
checkpath origin dest (0 1 1 1) or checkpath origin dest (1 1 0 -1) or
checkpath origin dest (0 1 -1 1) or checkpath origin dest (-1 1 0 -1) or
checkpath origin dest (0 -1 1 1) or checkpath origin dest (1 1 0 1) or
checkpath origin dest (0 -1 1 -1) or checkpath origin dest (1 -1 0 1);

Here is the short way that uses checknsteps in combination with

checkleap origin dest 1 2 and checknsteps origin dest 2;

The checkleap function makes sure that the piece is going to a space a
Squire could move to, then the checknsteps function makes sure it can get
there in exactly two steps.

Travis Compton wrote on Sun, Jan 2, 2005 04:50 AM UTC:
Please delete the game of Medieval Chess between Carlos Carlos and Ironlance. The game is not working and it will not let me delete it. Thanks.

🕸📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Sun, Jan 2, 2005 06:36 PM UTC:
What is the problem? It may just require a bug fix.

Travis Compton wrote on Mon, Jan 3, 2005 02:02 AM UTC:
It says the following:

'Syntax Error on line 23b11-b9 is not a valid expression, because b11-b9
is not a recognized piece, coordinate, command, or subroutine.For the sake
of debugging, here is the full GAME Code program that this error occurred
in. The lines have been properly indented to help you spot scope errors.'

🕸📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Mon, Jan 3, 2005 02:32 AM UTC:
Here's the source of your problem. You are playing your game with a preset that uses the Medieval Chess settings file that you are the author of. Since only the author may modify a settings file, I conclude that at some point, you modified this settings file to give the board one less rank, as per Travis Compton's request for changing the rules of the game. This caused there to no longer be any eleventh rank, which caused the space b11 to no longer exist. So when a piece tried to move from b11, Game Courier recognized the move as invalid. Since you caused the problem, you can also fix it. You can change your settings file back to how it used to be, then either delete your game or finish it. Once you're done with that, you can change the settings file back to how you have it now.

Travis Compton wrote on Tue, Jan 4, 2005 05:42 AM UTC:
First of all, I was told by you that only an editor can change the preset
of a game that has been added to the Chessvariants site. I tried to change
it, but to no avail. I requested this several weeks ago. To this day, I'm
still trying to get Tony to change it to the new preset, but he is not
responding to my emails. So I posted the new preset on the forums here,
hoping an editor would change it for me. Now, I just noticed that there is
an error when trying to click on the game link.

DEBUG space:
    [a11] => j
    [b11] => y
    [c11] => -
    [d11] => -
    [e11] => -
    [f11] => -
    [g11] => -
    [h11] => -
    [i11] => y
    [j11] => j
    [a10] => h
    [b10] => r
    [c10] => n
    [d10] => b
    [e10] => q
    [f10] => k
    [g10] => b
    [h10] => n
    [i10] => r
    [j10] => h
    [a9] => -
    [b9] => p
    [c9] => p
    [d9] => p
    [e9] => p
    [f9] => p
    [g9] => p
    [h9] => p
    [i9] => p
    [j9] => -
    [a8] => -
    [b8] => @
    [c8] => @
    [d8] => @
    [e8] => @
    [f8] => @
    [g8] => @
    [h8] => @
    [i8] => @
    [j8] => -
    [a7] => -
    [b7] => @
    [c7] => @
    [d7] => @
    [e7] => @
    [f7] => @
    [g7] => @
    [h7] => @
    [i7] => @
    [j7] => -
    [a6] => -
    [b6] => @
    [c6] => @
    [d6] => @
    [e6] => @
    [f6] => @
    [g6] => @
    [h6] => @
    [i6] => @
    [j6] => -
    [a5] => -
    [b5] => @
    [c5] => @
    [d5] => @
    [e5] => @
    [f5] => @
    [g5] => @
    [h5] => @
    [i5] => @
    [j5] => -
    [a4] => -
    [b4] => @
    [c4] => @
    [d4] => @
    [e4] => @
    [f4] => @
    [g4] => @
    [h4] => @
    [i4] => @
    [j4] => -
    [a3] => -
    [b3] => P
    [c3] => P
    [d3] => P
    [e3] => P
    [f3] => P
    [g3] => P
    [h3] => P
    [i3] => P
    [j3] => -
    [a2] => H
    [b2] => R
    [c2] => N
    [d2] => B
    [e2] => Q
    [f2] => K
    [g2] => B
    [h2] => N
    [i2] => R
    [j2] => H
    [a1] => J
    [b1] => Y
    [c1] => -
    [d1] => -
    [e1] => -
    [f1] => -
    [g1] => -
    [h1] => -
    [i1] => Y
    [j1] => J

So anyway, I cannot even see the preset to make changes now if I could. Is
Tony the only person who can help me with this?

🕸📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Sun, Jan 9, 2005 05:37 PM UTC:
<BLOCKQUOTE> First of all, I was told by you that only an editor can change the preset of a game that has been added to the Chessvariants site. </BLOCKQUOTE> No, I don't think I told you that, because it is not precisely true. Only an editor may upload anything to the site by ftp, which does include presets. But a non-editor may change any settings file of his own creation. This is done in Edit mode, and you save your changes by including your userid and password before hitting the Save button. You created a settings file for Medieval Chess, and it is up to you to edit it.

carlos carlos wrote on Mon, Jan 10, 2005 12:08 PM UTC:

i can't seem to access this log either.

🕸📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Mon, Jan 10, 2005 05:06 PM UTC:
That bug is now fixed.

Travis Compton wrote on Wed, Jan 12, 2005 12:48 AM UTC:
Yeah, but after I make my changes, enter user id, password and hit save,
the preset is still the same at the chessvariants link at:

Click on this button to start the preset: (this is what the text says
above the link)

Any changes I try to make are not saved. Also, someone has altered the
board I created to have different colors than what I had created it for
and the title has a '+' symbol in it which I did not put there either.

How hard can it be to get this preset right? It's a simple revision and
you guys are pushing it back to me...come on, nip it in the bud, and just
set the preset to this new set up! PLEASE!


Let me explain to you how it's done, First go to this link and look at
the preset. Then save that one as the revised preset. The
new preset has 10 rows, not 11. That's the only difference.


🕸📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Wed, Jan 12, 2005 02:01 AM UTC:
I pointed out the need to change your preset because of a problem you were
having with a particular game that was using it. Changing the contents of
the preset page will not affect your game in any way. It will only affect
future games. Fixing the problem with your game only involves changing the
settings file you created, which is up to you to do, because it is
protected from being overwritten by anyone who doesn't use your userid
and password.

As for the preset page, I leave it in the hands of whoever put it up. As
long as the game is called 'Medieval Chess', a term that properly
belongs to Shatranj, I choose to take no action toward making a Game
Courier preset of the game available.

Anonymous wrote on Fri, Jan 21, 2005 10:30 PM UTC:
Please delete this log, it's not letting me. Thanks

Medieval Chess
Sat, Dec 11, 2004
Ironlance carlos carlos

Travis Compton wrote on Fri, Jan 21, 2005 10:33 PM UTC:
Please delete the following log, it's not letting me. Thanks.

Medieval Chess ironlance-cvgameroom-2004-317-137 Sat, Dec 11, 2004
Ironlance carlos carlos

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