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I just clicked on a game where it got the result wrong. Black resigned, but it said that the White player resigned. Please hold off until I can fix this.
Whether White resigns or Black resigns, it is now assigning win and loss to the correct players. There is one log that ended in a time out, and I don't know how to interpret it yet. It's currently at the beginning of the list, since it is not updating. I will try to figure that one out tomorrow. But for games ending in resignation, it seems to be working properly. So, you can now help out by viewing some of the games, which will initiate auto-correction on them. If anything seems amiss, let me know, and I will get to it tomorrow.
I viewed 3 games of mine on your link, right near the end of the list. All were agreed draws, but all had me listed as the winner. After I hit the back button after viewing each of the 3 logs, each of the logs apparently vanished from your long list(!) - I don't know if the right result (draw) is now given in each case somewhere. One was a Eurasian Chess game log vs. erik, and 2 were Symmetric Chess logs vs. Carlos. [edit: these 3 logs are now showing up as drawn games in the finished games list, but when they are viewed they have me as the winner on time in all cases, still.]
Yup, here's an example:
Shows as a draw in the game list (the link to "finished games" shows it ending just a half hour ago) but the page itself shows as a win. The game result must be stored in more than one place an they can become out-of-whack.
Being on this topic, please check the the last secutor chess game between Francisc and myself. I apparently won, but on the board I actually got checkmated :(! As much as I like those juicy rating point, I don't want them won like that :)!
On the main topic, how may I help?
The problem with drawn games should now be fixed. Can you remember what the other ones you looked at were, Kevin, and view them again?
I looked at my drawn game logs for the last couple of years, at least, and all (now) said the same result (draw) after clicking on the log itself and viewing it. For some reason I cannot go back to games earlier than 2016, if I search on 'only finished games' with the log search mask. I'm not sure I had any that finished in 2015, when I first came to CVP website, though. I notice my Game Courier rating has suddenly jumped, so some of my drawn games may have previously been rated as losses for me, perhaps.
Note to Fergus:
A recent game I won as Black (by checkmate) has somehow been recorded as won by my opponent under the finished games section on the CVP main page menu (plus my GC rating went way down after). Please correct the problem if possible:
In the CWDA tournament game I play vs Carlos Cetina neither of us see the captured pieces little window, which is usually quite usefull. Other CWDA games exibit the same simpotms as I curently play a lot of them (27). Another example is my friendly rated game against sxg :)!
Thanks :)!
Note to Fergus:
I'm bumping up a note to you I posted earlier, in case you missed it:
"A recent game I won as Black (by checkmate) has somehow been recorded as won by my opponent, under the finished games section on the CVP main page menu (plus my GC rating went way down after). Please correct the problem if possible": wdtr2 vs. panther Crazyhouse 2017
Musketter chess still seems to have a bug in the fortress movement. I cannot move two ranks forward and one file left. I though you have corrected that during our musketeer chess game, but I doubt I started this other game against wdtr2. Maybe this is the problem. I don't now :(!
Ok, something's going on. A ton of games are suddenly showing as "resigned" but they are from lots of different players and they are all games who's name begins with "M". So these are not voluntary resignations. Look at the link of recently finished game courier games (/play/pbm/logs.php?age=2419200&stat=finished) and you will see it is obviously not right.
Also, I have lost two games on time with no apparent reason as yesterday evening I had 23 more hours to go and now they have not yet paseed, also those 23 hours could not be correct, as the max time is 3 days and I had had moved just 1 day before and I had at least 25 days in reserve :)
Our first Gross Chess game that was very hard-fought but you finally won... In the index, it now shows that it just ended 5 minutes ago and I won. But if you open the game, it still says you won. Not sure what's going on but the entire history of GC seems to be getting corrupted and things are going from bad to worse.
Interesting, I'm not the only one with this problem.
Did your game finished with the "won" command (instead of the resign command)?
I fixed Game Courier to auto-correct that log. Although it worked well when a player made his move, it got confused when someone viewed a finished game. The code in that circumstance was not complex enough to tell who had won. To tell who was playing when the won command was used, I changed the code to
$GLOBALS["winner"] = (($movenum & 1) ^ ($side != $first)) ? $player : $opponent;
This first checks whether the move number was odd. It should be odd for the first player, and it should be even for the second. It then xors this with the inequality of the current side and the first side to move. This inequality should be true for the second player and false for the second. So, it determines the winner like this:
Movenum is odd | Movenum is even | |
side is first | Player | Opponent |
side is not first | Opponent | Player |
There seems to be a bug in CWDA. Please check the game here /play/pbm/play.php?game=Chess+with+Different+Armies&log=catugo-cvgameroom-2017-340-629&userid=catugo . The trouble is that is should be checmate but my waffle can somehow ilegally capture the enemy queen :(!
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Yesterday, noticing a discrepency in the PHP error logs led me to notice that Game Courier was still making the mistake of reversing the winner on finished games that seemed to run out of time. I corrected this, and I programmed Game Courier to corrects its mistake when it loads a log it has made a mistake on. Now what needs to be done is to view each log with mistakes. But there are too many for me to quickly do. Please help out by viewing some of the logs listed on this page: /play/pbm/log_mismatches.php
When you view a log, please make sure its results are now correct, and let me know if you spot one whose results are not correct.