Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

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Bn Em wrote on Wed, Jul 8, 2015 01:37 PM UTC:

How about this?:
Pirahna plants can emerge from Warp pipes, pieces which cannot move on their own but work in pairs like teleporters and can be carried similarly to shy guys; the pirahna plants could move like a king to any square within a 2-square radius of the pipe and would come along if the pipe were moved while it was outside. Promotes to Venus Fire Trap which has rifle capture. It cannot be captured when it returns to the pipe (and obviously doesn't warp).
Bullet Bills move like rooks in the direction they are fired from a bullet bill launcher, which are similar to warp pipes but uncapturable and unable to work as teleporters. Bills may or may not be subject to Momentum Chess rules and there could be limits on how many can be on the board at one time and I'd guess no double Bills (only one bill on one file/rank going vertically/horizontally respectively), esp. if momentum doesn't apply. If Banzai Bills are desired they could be the same except take up a 2x2 square.
Boos could be mobile (if not quite as much as lakitus) and can ignore all pieces in their path but cannot move if threatened by an enemy (and maybe even a friend). Probably cannot be captured by replacement as in originals.

Idea for moving pipe and bill launcher is from the fangame SMBX where there are versions of those which can be used by the player; perhaps if you decide to later make a 'Great Mario Chess' with more pieces one could try to include things like Bowser, Water (and of course then cheep-cheeps, bloopers, maybe frog suit), buzzy beetles (koopas but can't be fire-flowered), and many more...

This was meant to be a reply to the other thread with this title, see here for original thread.

(zzo38) A. Black wrote on Thu, Jul 9, 2015 09:14 PM UTC:

For tarot cards you don't necessarily have to consider individual effect for each trump; the names may differ in some decks anyways, you can just use their number (from I to XXI). What you might do is consider the cards in six different category and then define them based on that:

  • Swords (14) (corresponds to spades)
  • Rods (14) (sometimes "wands"; corresponds to clubs)
  • Coins (14) (sometimes "discs"; some decks have pentragrams inscribed on the coins; corresponds to diamonds)
  • Cups (14) (corresponds to hearts)
  • Trumps (21) (also, when combined with the fool, sometimes called the "major arcana")
  • Fool (1) (also called "excuse"; sometimes considered the highest trump (even though it is marked zero in some decks, although this has to do with interpreting the sequence of major arcana as a journey and is not related to the card's rank); at other times entirely separate)

But, I do have other ideas to make chess variants too, such as:

  • A variant based on INTERCAL
  • A variant based on Slugterra
  • The game where all katakana are possible pieces

Charles Gilman wrote on Sun, Sep 13, 2015 07:20 AM UTC:
I would be interested to see a page on Okisaki Shogi, a 100x10 Shogi variant with additional strong pieces (by Shogi standards) such as the Queen and Knight. I might have posted one myself, but I have never had confirmation of what thet array is. My guess is that both players have the Queen to the left of the King, to balance the positioning of the one Rook and Bishop aside, but that is only a guess.

Charles Gilman wrote on Sun, Nov 8, 2015 09:52 AM UTC:
Sorry, that should have been 10x10, not 100x10. The latter size would be
too large even for me - including in the 3d sense of a cube of side 10.

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