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A few thoughts...[Subject Thread] [Add Response]
Johnny Luken wrote on Wed, Oct 9, 2013 09:34 PM UTC:
Hi all,

Been a while since I posted here. Laziness, and the more games get posted,
the less any individual one gets noticed anyway, so its discouraging. 

Anyway, I still regularly have new thoughts on this topic and I still want
to contribute here, but rather than just churn out games that cluster
closely to ones that have already been made and add to the pile, I feel it
would more fruitful and enjoyable for me (and hopefully for you), if I
instead discussed deeper, philosophical or more far flung topics among
chess variants.

PS: is it too much to ask we could get a blog or forum section on this
website? I know theres an index, but its not particularly friendly or nice
to look at. It seems this website is missing a trick here. I feel it could
attract a lot more people and contributors, potentially even a lot more, if
it were just a bit more open and friendlier in its layout. A forum or blog
section being a good start point...

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