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Earlier today, the CPU load was at or near 100% for an extended period of time. Looking at the end of the access logs, there seemed to be a lot of activity from AhrefsBot. I made some modifications to robots.txt, and when this didn't seem to help, I rebooted the server. Shortly after it came back on line, the CPU load dropped back down.
You were clicking on a fixed link to the current comments. It wasn't working, which is why you couldn't understand what it was showing. I have now fixed that. The link you want is called Earlier Comments.
All I see is "Earliest Comments" (not "Earlier" ones), and when I click on it I see just comments that are from back in 2002.
That's at the top. The Earlier Comments link comes at the bottom, because it has to calculate where they will begin from before it can create the link.
Thanks. That was a bit tricky for me to see, because not only was it at the bottom of the most recent Comments page, but then (on my laptop at least) I had to use thel horizontal sidebar to be able to see the link to Earlier Comments.
The latest CVP downtime (all night!?) seemed rather long.
Actually here in Romania was all day long, even worse I'd say! No matter I'l do my stuff tomorrow! Good luck to everyone!
It started yesterday afternoon, and it lasted until this morning. Even though I was aware of it, I was unable to boot the server. I'm told there was "an unexpected maintenance in USA servers." So this was due to something external to my server affecting all the servers my host has in the USA. The good news is that it wasn't due to excess CPU usage on my end. I have made a correction to the Game Courier time controls to not count the time lost. To keep in the loop in case anything like this happens again, you can subscribe to the chessvariants Yahoo group or the cvgameroom yahoo group.
9 comments displayed
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There was some downtime for CVP a couple of hours ago, and I'm wondering if I somehow caused it. I clicked on a small CVP logo on some page (Comments!?), then before noticing the main CVP page hadn't finished loading, I clicked on the small CVP logo again - could this have caused the downtime that followed right then and there?
Also, in trying to look up the previous page of comments for the Comments page (or for someone's submission page), no matter what I try I don't succeed in finding that previous Comments page. My first instinct is to click on a blue link showing number x to number y, but instead of any previous comments showing, there is just stuff that's meaningless to me.