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PRE tags should not be added automatically[Subject Thread] [Add Response]
🕸Fergus Duniho wrote on Fri, Apr 6, 2012 03:57 PM UTC:
Whenever PRE tags are added automatically, the result is usually long lines
that extend beyond the right side of the page. I have commented out the
lines that add PRE tags, and no comments extend beyond the screen edge now.
But I need to do some testing to make sure the results are acceptable. For
this message, 'Using HTML tags in the message' is not selected, and there
is no second option to select.

I will enter a second paragraph here to see whether the two paragraphs will
run into each other or be kept separate. This is the second sentence of the
second paragraph.

🕸Fergus Duniho wrote on Fri, Apr 6, 2012 04:36 PM UTC:
I have now changed the way text without HTML tags will be displayed.
Instead of surrounding the text with PRE tags, it isolates each paragraph
and puts P tags around it. Technically, it replaces [carriage
return][newline][carriage return][newline] with a closing P tag and an
opening P tag, and it surrounds the whole text with a pair of P tags.

Here is a second paragraph. Note how this is now treated as a second
paragraph. If I write lots of text, it will still wordwrap as through
surrounded by P tags, because it is in fact surrounded by P tags.

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