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'Note that there are not only cells, where it can't move, but also cells, where it will be able to make only one leap further. And these are the whole second hyperrank.' You appear to have omitted the adjective qualifying each instance of 'cells', resulting in two mutually incompatible definitions of cell, both of them subsets of the usual meaning. This is a pity, because a specialist term in particular for a cell from which a piece has no further move would be very useful in whatever number of dimensions, and I would happily make use of such a term. Were you waiting to put the adjectives in until you had devised them, have you now devised them, and if so what are they?

The knight here has of course just two moves in its lifetime. Dropping a knight becomes a tricky subject (although I suppose in my few Shogi games I rarely want to drop a knight). I assume the proposed promotion zone is the last hyperrank? I think I would suggest different diagonal movement in this game. As many of the Shogi pieces see 'forward' differently than 'sideways', it is perhaps better to keep track of the two 'forwards' and the two 'sideways' directions in this 4D board. In particular, I think the moves from center square Bb2ii should probably not include Bb3iii, nor any of the extended diagonal forward&back like Bb1iii. I also think that there's a possibility that king restriction (beyond eliminating tri- and quad-ragonals) is unnecessary. This board is so compact that the dense moves of the generals, the enemy king, and especially an enemy dragon king or dragon horse could force mate. (In fact, if 3- and 4-diagonals were included, a dragon on the center square sees everywhere.) (And Charles, Daniil's sentence is fine with the omission of those commas and replacing 'which' by 'that' (a grammatical technicality not recognized by most). I think such cells will occur infrequently enough to not warrant a universal name; one needs a particularly asymmetric piece to have any such squares.)
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