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Since there seems to be no response whatsoever to this request, let me post something cool about Paco Shako in the mean time. The diagram below is not only an interactive diagram; it is an intelligent diagram! It considers itself as playing for black, so every time you play a white move on it, it will make a move in reply. (Beware: since Paco Shako can allow multiple moves per turn, namely when a piece gets released from an embrace, you might have to wait a bit until the computer finishes its move sequence. Or you will have to place your own released piece to finish your turn, before the computer moves again. So pay attention to the text above the chess board, which instructs you what to do!)
I think it would be useful to specify the rules of this game, I have found them posted by you on another website but not here, honestly I have not understood them much, like what is the objective of the game :(!
I submitted an article about it to CVP; this is what the leading post of this comment thread was about. But you know how it is: it won't appear in the index before it is approved by a editor. I posted it under the name Hug Mate, however, which the game's inventor now told me he no longer wants to use. Anyway, the link to the unapproved submission (which you should be able to guess from the name anyway) is:
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I have posted a description of a chess variant under the name 'Hug Mate', but it turns out that the inventor has abolished this name, and now only uses the name Paco Shako for it. Can this still be changed by renaming the file and membergraphics directory by an editor, before it is approved? (Then I can take care of the links in the content.) I'd rather not repost it, as it was a lot of work to upload all the associated graphics files.