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Of course, we need a Mormon (non-drinking) version of this game. How about dice chess; roll a dice to determine what you move. One means pawn, two means knight, three means bishop, four means rook, five means queen, and six means king. Goal is capture of the opponent's king. Castling can be done if either a king or rook is rolled. If you can not move any piece, re-roll.
This idea is hardly original; indeed, here is an ancient dice version of Chess. I have heard it said that Shantraj was once a dice game, and the reason Shantraj stopped being a dice game and became an abstract game is because it was against Muslim law to gamble. - Sam |
Sh-SHAY, Roberto!!! *hic!* Th-THAT sh-shoundsh like a WI- *hic!* WINNER!! B-but Ah'll B-BETCHA we *hic!* cudnen--cudddnnn--*hic!*--CUDDENT play it HERE!! F-F-FERGUSH wud SHMACK ush!! *hic!* WOONCHOO, F-Fergush??!!?? SSHAY, you call that a Q-Q-QUEEN??!!?? I thought*hic!*hic!!* QUEENZHZH wur s'pose ta be sh-*hic!* sheckshy!!!.... (THUMP!)
You could play it here, but the time delays of online play would reduce the effect, and without being together in person, you couldn't tell whether the other person was really drinking. Even if you played live with webcams, you couldn't verify that what the other person was drinking was really alcoholic, since you couldn't smell it. Now, let me offer as a modest proposal a variation on this theme. Chess is a mental sport, and alcohol harms the mind. In physical sports, we could apply this same idea but harm the body. For example, when someone hits a homerun in baseball, someone could smack him in the legs with a bat. This would allow minor leaguers to more easily compete with major leaguers, and it would probably be very entertaining to spectators.
Of course, when you play against Topalov, you will find it very difficult to defend correctly after he sacrifices both of his rooks.
No-o-o-o-o, F-Fergush--*hic*--I DON' wanna play basheball with YOU!! *hic* (S-Shaint Paddy'll GITCHOO fer that..) *shnicker!!* *hic!* Oh, hey, I was at the foundry not long ago and saw a set of Alice-in-Wonderland chess pieces being cast, and thought how splendid to use for Alice Chess. (That's all I need, another inspiration! BUT...) And yeah, I'm still working on the Paladin pieces, AND Sarang pieces, AND...
I found something on the web which made me think of this old thread. :)
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