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George Duke wrote on Sat, Aug 2, 2008 07:55 PM UTC:
Gridlock, Stanley Random, and Blizzard are satire. Yang Qi is pun. Extreme shortage of  T.R. Dawson
material is practical praecisio. Weave & Dungeon is metalepsis, a transumption.  Twenty Chess Moralities 2001-2007 are allegories. Philosphers Chess' seven moving choices properly arranged are form of auxesis.  ''Control the center'' is aphorism. Most of triagonal, trigonal, orthogonal and mutator are neologisms in the sense(s) they are used in chessboard and grid variations after year 2000.

George Duke wrote on Sun, Aug 3, 2008 07:44 PM UTC:
Betza's last Comment before leaving in 2003 ''I can't wrap my mind
around that [piece values]'' is aporia. ''Can't'' itself is synaloepha.
Half-duck and multi-path are hyphenations. Falcon Chess(2000) is periphrasis to reductionists. Armies of Faith is metonymy.
Jacks & Witches is synecdoce. Elbow Chess is catachresis. CVPage title
page begins with anaphora using ''some, some.'' There are 600-1000
useful literary terms, rhetorical devices and figures of speech easy to find
concrete examples in any developed field of study or body of work. These everyday words are guaranteed to raise test scores and improve intelligence. Mediocre outside-link Blizzard Chess unfortunately presents cacemphatons. Bird's and Capablanca's are arguably plagiarism. There may not be single term for V.R. Parton's Rettah usage, spelling hatter backwards -- oddly related to Carillo's current post Reverse Symmetry.

George Duke wrote on Tue, Aug 5, 2008 06:20 PM UTC:
Tmesis: Capablanca, as Capa Blanca, is white cape.
Epanados: Amazon is Rettah, and Rettah is Amazon.
Isocolon: ''The further the Pawns advance, the more and stronger their promotion choices become,'' say rules of Quinquereme. Antithesis: Win by removing Check, not by Checkmate, as
Anti-King. Dungeons and Dragons is hendiadys.

George Duke wrote on Tue, Aug 5, 2008 06:31 PM UTC:
''For definiteness, let us suppose that there are nine main roads in the
atom--nine possible orbits for the electron. Then on any occasion there
are nine courses open to the electron; it may jump to any of the other
eight orbits, or it may stay where it is. That reminds us of another
well-known jumper--the Knight in Chess. He has eight possible squares to
move to, or he may stay where he is. Instead of picturing the atom as
containing a particle and nine roads or orbits, why should we not picture the atom as containing a Knight and a Chess-board? It turns out that my suggestion would not do at all. However Metaphorical our usual picture may be, it contains an essential truth about the behaviour of the atom which would not be preserved in the Knight-Chess-board picture. We have to formulate this characteristic in an abstract or mathematical way, so that when we rub out the false picture we may still have that characteristic--the something which made the orbit picture not so utterly wrong as the Knight
picture--to hand over to the mathematician. The distinction is this. If the electron makes two orbit jumps in succession it arrives at a state which it could have reached by a single jump; but if a Knight makes two moves it arrives at a square which it could not have reached by a single move.''  --Arthur Eddington, ''The Theory of Groups,'' chapter of 'New Pathways in Science' 1935

George Duke wrote on Wed, Aug 6, 2008 04:49 PM UTC:
'' The pieces and the squares of the board correspond
to the elementary signs of the calculus; the permitted configurations of
pieces on the board correspond to the axioms or initial formulas of the
calculus; the subsequent configurations of pieces on board correspond to
formulas derived from the axioms (i.e.,to the theorems); and the rules of
the game correspond to the rules of derivation for the calculus.  A
meta-chess statement may assert, for example, that there are 20 possible
opening moves for White, or that, given a certain configuration of pieces
on the board with White to move, Black is mate in three moves. It is
pertinent to note, moreover, that general meta-chess theorems can be
established, whose proof involves the consideration of only a finite
number of permissable configurations on the board. The meta-chess theorem
about the number of possible opening moves for White can be established in this way; and so can the meta-chess theorem that if White has only two
Knights and the King, and Black only his king, it is impossible for White
to force mate against Black. These and other meta-chess theorems can thus
be proved by finitary methods of reasoning, consisting in the examination
in turn of each of a finite number of configuratiosn that can occur under
stated conditions. The aim of Hilbert's theory of proof, similarly, was
to demonstrate by such finitary methods the impossibility of deriving
certain formulas in a calculus.  --Ernest Nagel and James R. Newman
''Godel's Proof'' 1956

George Duke wrote on Thu, Aug 7, 2008 05:46 PM UTC:
Roberto Lavieri's Achernar, Altair, Alpha Centauri and Deneb are astrothesias. Abecedarian by Glenn Overby is itself figure of rhetoric. Nemeroth is
topothesia. Stanley Random represents noema. Calling Shogi the Pawn's
Game is tapinosis, a meiosis. Falcon move-definitions are systrophes.
Alliterations all by Ralph Betza: Amazon Army, Colourbound Clobberers,
Cylindrical Cinders, Nutty Knights.

George Duke wrote on Tue, Aug 12, 2008 12:43 AM UTC:
These are effective mnemonics, to connect many CVs with the available 600-1000
English language figures of speech and rhetoric, rather than artists or
board sizes. Betza's occasionally talking about baseball in Rules
write-up or forest scenery in ''The Game For the Trees (2002),'' are
examples of digressio. Gothic Chess' writer threatens cataplexis.
Tamerspiel's mixed-up starting array has grammatical equivalent in
cacosyntheton. Betza begins Amontillado (2001): ''Amontillado is a variety of sherry, and sherry is an augmented wine with a distinctive taste...'' That sentence exhibits anadiplosis or even gradatio as he goes on.   On baseball, artist Betza begins Chatter Chess(2002), ''Hey, let's hear some more chatter out there,'' as what a coach might say. Betza adds, ''In ancient telephony and modern telecommunications, chatter refers to the tendency of an electromagnetic signal in one wire of a multiwire cable to cross over (by electromagnetic induction) and be heard on a different wire.'' The dual lively descriptions are enargia, ecphrasis or hypotyposis.

George Duke wrote on Tue, Aug 12, 2008 04:30 PM UTC:
Polymath Ben Franklin was first North American chess writer with
'The Morals of Chess' (1779). At Paris in 1783 Franklin received letter
from Baron Wolfgang von Kempelen, developer of automaton chess-player The
Turk.  Von Kempelen showed Franklin other inventions as The Turk defeated
Franklin. [See ChessboardMath.] Now Franklin in autobiography recalls how
he used Chess to learn Italian. He played with  fellow students on the
condition that the loser would have to learn  pieces of Italian grammar
before next game. Likewise, figures of speech and rhetoric are
used to learn CVs this ChessboardMath2, and  conversely the panoply of
chessic art can easily help build vocabulary for language and logic.

George Duke wrote on Tue, Sep 2, 2008 11:50 PM UTC:
''The Nine'' is mostly the nine Greek Muses. Is Byron referring to Baseball below with ''the Nines'' in 1824? No,
though Baseball originated in mediaeval Europe as game with bats and ball,
and New England Puritans played evolving ''baseball'' in 17th Century.
Neither are they the Nine standard wickets of Croquet in most popular form, which established during mid-19th Century too. Byron's 'Don Juan' Canto 14:12, immediately after lines about Playing Cards, drinking, and reading: ''I think that were I certain of success, That no defeat can drive me from the Nine.  This feeling 'tis not easy to express, And yet 'tis not affected, I opine. In play, there are two pleasures for your choosing -- The one is winning, and the other losing.''  Golf possibly. Golf got Nine Holes in 1764 when St. Andrews dropped two short holes from 11, making 9 standard(played twice).  In Scotland since 12th Century, name Golf comes from Dutch ''kolf,'' Bat or Club.  Golf may have been Lord George Byron's outdoor sport referred to as winning or losing, but he means the 9 Greek Muses. The coincidental(?) so many Sports ''nines''(9's) -- Golf, Baseball, Croquet -- came into being all around the same time.  Whereas Franklin
played Chess against The Turk at Paris in 1783, there is no evidence Ben
Franklin tried a round of Golf.

George Duke wrote on Wed, Oct 8, 2008 10:56 PM UTC:
Here is new CV. OrthoChess 8x8.  Queen each turn plays according to the
toss of a die. Each turn consists in rolling the die and moving normally.
Queen as ''the die'' starts at regular d1 (Die-1?). It is not mandatory to move
her, whatever she is, but you have to roll first to show what she is. If
the Die is 1, Queen is Queen for that one turn; 2 Cannon; 3 Falcon; 4
Squirrel; 5 Quintessence; 6 Long Leaper. The next turn the ''Die''
may, and probably will (5/6), change, namely if the number changes. Notice
that a prospective Checkmate, upcoming otherwise, may be voided by the roll
of the Die of White and White's move thereupon, or the Die of Black, upon
Black's  move follow-up.

George Duke wrote on Fri, Feb 11, 2011 06:52 PM UTC:
Let a thousand flowers bloom and hundred schools of thought contend.
Post-your-own cvs are helpful not least because of serendipity. For
example, new cv Diagonal Oblong Chess of December 2010 brings over
technique ''guarding the queen'' into falcon chess 8x10 standard chess
as of January 2011.  Serendipity: once I finally took notice, it should be
there to stay, and some other designer may try guarding the queen on par
with castling.  The fact no one can keep up with the evolving cv-art is no
cause for alarm, but just a new case for more critics. In any field of art
-- cinema, the paint, sculpture -- surely critics stay pace with artists 1:100, not
the variant chess community's 1:1000.  Now so few, critics take it on the
chin.  Serendipity: Gilman's Crooked Board Chess' focus on difficulty
traversing a 4x4 central portion prompts the following.  In isolated 2x2
Knight cannot move.  In 3x3 Knight cannot reach the center.  In 4x4 from
perimeter, Falcon never reaches the central four.  In 5x5 Falcon cannot
reach one square.  On all sizes, Bishop reaches either 1/2 the squares, or
else [N/2 +/- 1/2].

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