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Diagram Designer. Lets you display diagrams without uploading any graphics.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
🕸💡📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Tue, Dec 15, 2015 02:02 AM UTC:
I spent a long time hunting down a mysterious bug. Some sets were working with this, while others were not. I finally realized the problem was that some set files had trailing spaces after the PHP code, which introduced content into the script, which stopped the ability to modify the headers. This problem never happened in Game Courier, because Game Courier writes the graphic image to a file instead of changing the headers of a script to turn it into a graphic image. So, if a set is not working with this, it may need to have trailing spaces removed from its file. If you're not an editor, and therefore can't fix it yourself, then please let me know of any set you find this not working with.

🕸💡📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Wed, Dec 16, 2015 02:11 AM UTC:
I have started to incorporate this into Game Courier, so that you can make diagrams from presets and game positions, but it looks like it will have to be a bit more sophisticated than it currently is to handle what Game Courier can throw at it.

🕸💡📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Sat, Dec 19, 2015 07:34 PM UTC:
I added some new automated sets, mainly for use with the Diagram Designer, though they may also be used with Game Courier. As automated sets, they read the contents of a directory, or in one case multiple directories, and populate the $pieces array with all the GIF or PNG images found within the appropriate size range. They can all be found in the Automatic group. They are provided for Abstract, Alfaerie, and Utrecht pieces. Unlike most sets, they do not normally use single letter labels. They base the labels on the file name. For the Abstract and Alfaerie, the initial w or b and the file extension both get chopped off, and the name is put into full uppercase or full lowercase. For the Utrecht pieces, the file extension gets chopped off for the label. To use pieces from these sets, you should enclose the piece label in braces, which you get by shifting a bracket key. There are two automated Alfaerie sets. One is just the contents of the alfaerie folder, and the other is all the pieces from all the alfaerie folders. That one is huge. Note that the Utrecht pieces do not follow the convention of using green transparent backgrounds. They are provided mainly for people who have previously used JavaScript to display diagrams with these images.

H. G. Muller wrote on Sat, Dec 19, 2015 07:52 PM UTC:
Can you also make the XBoard 50x50 pieces (now in <a href=""></a>, starting with w or b prefix) available for Diagram Designer? <p> And as a more general request: would it be possible to have some scripts in those piece-graphics directories that display a list of the directory contents, like the server would do when there is no index.html in that directory? Currently the presence of an index.html in directories like graphics.dir/alfaerie/ shadows this information.

🕸💡📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Sat, Dec 19, 2015 08:34 PM UTC:
I made an automated set for your interactive pieces. For a directory listing, would you prefer a listing of every file or just a listing of graphic images? If the latter, would you prefer a list of pieces or of all graphics?

H. G. Muller wrote on Sat, Dec 19, 2015 08:50 PM UTC:
Thank you. A listing of all files would be fine. The JavaScript of the design wizard already picks out the the names with the white prefix and extension that the user selected. Most convenient would be if the names where in the href part of a link, because that is how the server presents them if there is no index.html or script in the directory, when you give the directory path as URL. Then it can use the same code to extract the names, no matter what the source of the data was. <p> Cool: <br> <IMG SRC="/play/pbm/drawdiagram.php?code=%7Bcamel%7D%7Bmao%7D%7Bdolphin%7D%7Bwolf%7D%7Bking%7D%7Belephant%7D%7Bknight%7D%7Bzebra%7D1%7Bwizard%7D4%7Biron%7D1%7Blance%7D%7Blance%7D%7Blance%7D%7Blance%7D%7Blance%7D%7Blance%7D%7Blance%7D%7Blance%7D16%7BSWORD%7D%7BSWORD%7D%7BSWORD%7D%7BSWORD%7D%7BSWORD%7D%7BSWORD%7D%7BSWORD%7D%7BSWORD%7D1%7BCHAMPION%7D4%7BVIKING%7D1%7BCAMEL%7D%7BMAO%7D%7BDRAGON%7D%7BLION%7D%7BKING%7D%7BCLAW%7D%7BKNIGHT%7D%7BZEBRA%7D&set=auto-interactive&colors=77A26D+C8C365+22BB22">

🕸💡📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Sat, Dec 19, 2015 11:16 PM UTC:
I have added a script to each directory of piece images called list.php. It will list file names in order, putting file names in both the HREF and text part of an A tag. It will not list directory names.

H. G. Muller wrote on Sun, Dec 20, 2015 07:20 PM UTC:
OK, great! I have changed the design wizard in the interactive-diagrams article to now use alfaerie as default. (This seems most suitable for this web-site, as it seems the most extensive set, and uses 'cut-and-paste' pieces for compounds, which is very good for presenting new variants, as it makes it more obvious how they move.) By using the list.php in the user-selected directory, it now displays the very extensive list of alfaerie images in response to the 'Pick' button for adding pieces. <p> A few minor problems that popped up by this: <br> The wizard has two ways to add piece types to the diagram other than typing their image filename by hand: the Pick button, which shows a list of all images in the selected directory, which on clicking them are then put in the 'image name' field of the piece description (so the user can type the move and other info he want to use for the piece before adding it). And there is the 'Stock' button, which shows a list of checkboxes for the more common pieces. So that you can add them all at once by just ticking the checkboxes of the pieces you need, and pressing 'Stock' again when you are done. In this case the names and moves of the pieces are all defaults. <p> The problem now is that for these default pieces the name listed with the checkbox is supposed to coincide with that of the image. For the orthodox Chess pieces this was not a problem. I also put the better-known fairy pieces in the 'stock' list, however: Capablanca pieces, Xiangqi pieces, Shogi pieces, Omega pieces, Nightrider, Grasshopper, Lion, Griffon, Falcon. (The latter three because the description of their moves in XBetza notation is cumbersome.) For some of those the name was not the same in the alfaerie set as in the set I used before. And when the names are not the same, the checkbox for that stock piece would not work in the set where it has a different name from what it assumed, and this is of course undesirable. <p> Well, no big deal. Alfaerie uses man instead of commoner, goldgeneral instead of gold, horse instead of mao, gryphon instead of griffon... I can live with that, and will simply rename the pieces of my own set to conform with alfaerie. There are two cases where I have some misgivings, however: <p> Alfaerie does use 'cardinal' for the image of the BN piece, and 'chancellor' for the RN. The best known names for these pieces are 'archbishop' and 'chancellor', though, due to Capablanca. Games that use 'cardinal' for the BN usually use 'marshall' for the RN. Neither a 'marshall' nor an 'archbishop' image exists in alfaerie. <b>Would it be possible to add duplicates of the w/bcardinal.gif files with the names w/barchbishop.gif?</b> <p> A second point is that there is no image for 'wizard', although there is one called 'champion'. I am not sure what the recommended alfaerie image is to use for the Omega-Chess Wizard. Is it 'mage'? I have never seen that name used before, certainly not in the context of Omega Chess. <b>Could duplicats of an applicable piece be created in the alfaerie directory under the names w/bwizard.gif?</b>

🕸💡📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Sun, Dec 20, 2015 10:17 PM UTC:
There are two other options. Game Courier groups pieces into sets, and it groups sets into groups of sets with images for the same pieces. This allows people using Game Courier to change the piece set for a game being played. So, one option is to use a set of internal names for the pieces instead of their external names. You can keep the internal names consistent no matter what external names the piece artists give to them. The other option is to put piece images into folders under your own control, so that you can name them as you please.

Kevin Pacey wrote on Mon, Jan 18, 2016 10:05 AM UTC:
As a relative newbie, I'm wondering if anyone can tell me if a Pegasus piece image (e.g. in an Auto Alfairie set) stands for any sort of standard fairy chess piece? I'm not absolutely sure that it isn't a way used to represent a Nightrider. I was thinking of using the Pegasus symbol to represent a novel idea for a piece otherwise. A second question is: does the Unicorn symbol, when used for 2D variants, standardly represent a Banshee (i.e. Nightrider & Bishop compoiund), as stated on wikipedia? In that case, that's how I'd be thinking to use it, but I'm curious since 2D variants commonly show Unicorn symbols.

Tonight I spent quite a while generating a diagram for a 91 cell hexagonal starting position for a hypothetical variant, partly as a test to see if I could do so. I succeeded, but I eventually became so tired that I accidently closed the Diagram Designer window on my laptop... fortunately the FEN code was remembered by the Diagram Designer, so reconstructing the diagram won't take so long if I try.

🕸💡📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Mon, Jan 18, 2016 04:18 PM UTC:

There is already a designated Nightrider piece. So the Pegasus is not used for that. As far as I know, the Pegasus is mainly a mythological creature, not a particular kind of fairy piece.

I'm not familiar with the name Banshee for David Paulowich's Unicorn. The Fairy chess piece article does not say that the Unicorn standardly represents this piece. All it says is, "Combination of Bishop and Nightrider. Also known as Unicorn." The name of Unicorn for this piece was introduced by David Paulowich, a contributor to this site, and I used the same name for the piece in Caissa Britannia, which included pieces based on the heraldic animals of Britain.

In general, there is not a whole lot of standardization in names for fairy pieces. For example, the two most common fairy pieces are each known by several names. One is known as Princess, Archbishop, Cardinal, Equerry, Centaur, and Paladin. The other is known as Empress, Chancellor, Marshall, Guard, and Champion. Meanwhile, some of these names have been used for other pieces. There's a different Cardinal in Cardinal Super Chess, a different Champion in Omega Chess, etc.

To give an example in the other direction, the name Lion has been used for several different pieces. There is the Chu Shogi Lion, the Murray Lion, the Leo (called a Lion in Caissa Britannia), and the Half-Duck Lion used by David Paulowich in Unicorn Great Chess.

In general, it's up to a game inventor to choose which names he uses for pieces. However, some names are more closely associated with a particular piece than other names. Nightrider is a name closely associated with a particular piece, because it is a homonym for a literal description of the piece, Knight-rider. Other names may gain popularity if the game they are used in is popular enough, and the same piece does not appear in other games of equal popularity.

Although I've sometimes seen a Pegasus image used for pieces, it's not a common name for any fairy piece I can think of, and it is not listed in the Piececlopedia or the Wikipedia article.

Kevin Pacey wrote on Mon, Jan 18, 2016 08:15 PM UTC:
Thanks Fergus. I saw a hexagonal variant diagram used by Charles G. some time ago in the Comments section, and it had me wondering about possible fairy chess conventions for piece images.

Fwiw, here's a wikipedia link, that mentions Banshee as an alternate name for Unicorn:

Ben Reiniger wrote on Mon, Jan 18, 2016 08:20 PM UTC:
I am also not familiar with the Pegasus as a named piece.  As an image I am most familiar with it as representing the Bishop-Knight in Ed Friedlander's applets.  That has a nice feel to it, the Bishop move somehow adding "flying" to the knight(/horse)'s move; but in most places people somehow overlay a more traditional Bishop imagery with the knight, which I think is a better representation.

I think the Pegasus and Unicorn images (and the latter name) are just attractive choices as chess pieces, and so get reused for several different things.  I wouldn't expect any confusion to arise if you reuse them in a new way.

Kevin Pacey wrote on Wed, Jan 20, 2016 01:23 AM UTC:
I sent the following in an email when I had trouble posting earlier today. I failed to notice that I needed to use an HTML tag in my comment: ... Hi Fergus Here's about as far as I got playing around with the Diagram Designer when trying to make a circular board (no particular variant I have in mind to invent, yet at least). I couldn't figure out how to place the pieces or label files in a ring around the board, in spite of reading the Game Courier instructions. If you have time and are willing, could you provide instructions and/or an example?: <IMG SRC="/play/pbm/drawdiagram.php?code=rnbqkbnrpppppppp%2F8%2F8%2F8%2F8%2FPPPPPPPP%2FRNBQKBNR&scale=80&shape=grid&bgimage=circle16x4-large.gif"> Yours truly, Kevin

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