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listen i cant get on the sight and i want my money back ive been trying since yesterday and its not my computer its the sight i wish someone would email me back melissa

The Its Your Turn web site appears that it's been 'down' since Wed evening Dec 4. Does anyone know why? Is it a technical problem, or did they go out of business or what? I've been using it over a year without any significant problems before, so this is a new development.
I'm as much in the dark as Ken is...I play a few games there (ItsYourTurn), and have had no trouble until this extended outage. If I hear anything reliable I'll mention it here. Glenn Overby Editor

About the 'vanished' Its Your Turn web site: Since we can't contact the site to ask what's going in, does anyone know if they have any 'sister site' or other related site who might know what's going on? Maybe someone even knows someone in charge at Its Your Turn and can call them (or email them some separate way) to get an answer. Does anyone know where they are based? I've used the Its Your Turn site regularly for over a year, and there were a couple of times where they had server problems and were down for a couple hours, but nothing like this. This outage is in its third day now, with no warning. Maybe they got hacked into or something, who knows?
What's particularly worrisome about this outage is that they seem to have
lost their DNS entry (the <b>D</b>omain <b>N</b>ame <b>S</b>ystem is what
maps names like 'www.itsyourturn.com' into actual internet address -- more
info <a href='http://www.dns.net/dnsrd'>here</a>). Now, I've read that if
a DNS entry is delisted for any reason it takes about three days for it to
perculate back through the system and that site to become findable again.
I hope that they've just been accidently delisted and that's it.

Its Your Turn update - The its your turn site is back! This is as of about 1 pm Friday afternoon Central US time. There was no explanation on the site (that I could find) as to what happened. My games seemed to be as I left them Wednesday (but with no adjustments for time limits). If anybody knows anything about happened, I think there's a lot of users of that site wondering.
I confirm Ken's statement...with the added note that those of us who play fast (28-hour) tournaments saw every game time out. :(
If you click on news on left menu bar when at IYT, you will see that the
outage is due to the NC icestorm, and that they will be fixing the
tournament timeouts.

More on 'Its Your Turn' site outage. Yes, there is an item of explantion on their site about what happened, but its a little hard to find. You have to click 'Message Boards' (left column) and then News from the next screen. Apparently there was a big ice storm in North Carolina that created mega-problems for several days and huge power outages. Even after several days, the folks in NC are still not out of the woods and still battling big problems and continued power outages. So the problems with the web site are totally understandable! Up until now, I had no idea where the site was based - now I know it's North Carolina!
They're working hard on making everyone whole. This is a brief excerpt from a long explanatory message apparently sent to subscribers in general... ---begin excerpt--- Any timed-out tournament and non-tournament games since midnight Thursday will be restored automatically. Also, we will suspend tournament timeouts until midnight on Tuesday. If you are a current member, we will add 2 days to your membership. Please email [email protected] from the email address registered on your account, and we will take care of this for you. Please allow a few days for us to get to this request, since we are frantically trying to address all the issues relating to this downtime. ---end excerpt---
Stephen Pribut's Rec.games.chess.misc FAQ are actually located at http://www.drpribut.com/sports/chessfaq.html .

The page http://www.chessvariants.com/xiangqi.html gves the rules of XiangQi, and works perfectly well with InternetExplorer. But if I try to read it with Netscape4, it automatically forwards me to the page http://rcm.amazon.com/e/cm?t=thechessvariantp&l=st1&search=chinese chess&mode=books&p=15&o=1, which does not exist. Nick
Hello to all at Chess Variants, The 2004 edition of the Chesmayne Chess Dictionary is now back on-line at:- http://chess-dictionary-chesmayne.net Yours sincerely, Raymond Reid.

here is a variant of chess: http://membres.lycos.fr/laurentduboislaurent/zzchess.htm playing chess on a draught board with the addition of a piece: the 'zig-zag', which can move as many cases as one wants horizontally or vertically zigzagging. Cordially Laurent Dubois http://www.laurentdubois.com

Discover 4-way chess and play vs. computer now at

This is really freaky! I was taught a game by my uncle about thirty years ago (im 43 now) called Martian Chess. The pieces were a Freezer (upside-down rook), chamelion (bishop), coordinator (knight), long leaper (queen), retractor (king) and Flanker (pawn), but all at the same time, no normal pieces. It was one of the best games I ever played and I even taught my kid and he thinks it's cool too. This is the first time I've ever seen anyone that ever heard of this stuff in my entire life. What a mind-blower! Sincerely, Steve
Steve, this sounds like Ultima. See our page on that game.
chess players, help me i needed an answer, is there really a rule in chess that when an opponent have no more piece only his king, i must checkmate him within 11 moves or else it would be considered as a stalemate. please send me a reply on my email address.... [email protected] ...thanx
11? No. See the first question in the <a href='http://www.chessvariants.org/d.chess/faq.html'>Chess FAQ</a>
The rating is for the new layout of the page. One thing I find annoying about it, though, is the way the page instantly jumps to a certain spot whenever you click on anything. In my opinion, it would be easier to navigate if it just sat where it was.
I don't understand your comments, Jared. To understand them better, I need to know what you're seeing. Do you just see a single list of options, or do you see the full content of the page? You're supposed to initially see only a single list of options, but if you don't have JavaScript and CSS running, you will see the entire content. When you click on an option, and assuming that JavaScript and CSS are enabled, you will see only the portion of the content that you clicked on a link for.

Fergus, it works as you describe for me, with the exception of the 'submit content' option, which doesn't seem to do anything.
The 'submit content' option works on my browser, which is Mozilla Firefox. What browser are you using?
Okay, I think I know what you mean, Jared. It wasn't such a problem when I was testing the prototype, because I didn't have the full footer content, which caused the page to move around less. It is functioning this way so that it will remain useful on browsers that don't support JavaScript and CSS. I think I can do this by using JavaScript and the NOSCRIPT tags to write alternate versions of the links, but it will have to wait, as it is time for Alias.

IE 6.0. 'submit content' scrolls the screen a little, but it doesn't give me any additional options, like the others do.
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