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Game Courier Tournament #2. Sign up for our 2nd multi-variant tournament to be played all on Game Courier.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
πŸ•ΈπŸ“Fergus Duniho wrote on Thu, Feb 3, 2005 12:36 AM UTC:
Much of this is copied from the previous tournament and is subject to revision. In particular, the time controls may change to allow more time at the beginning of the game with less time given out for each turn. There were also concerns about how long the previous tournament lasted. The length of the tournament will largely be a function of how many games each participant plays and the time controls given for each game, though the individual pace of each player will also factor in. But we have more control over the first two. The previous tournament lasted several months, and that didn't bother me, but some concern was expressed over it being too long. So I would like to get a general consensus on how long the tournament should ideally last and how many games we should play. So if you're interested in participating in this tournament, please state your opinions now. Once the tournament starts, which will be in early March, it will be too late to decide on these matters.

Roberto Lavieri wrote on Thu, Feb 3, 2005 02:36 AM UTC:Excellent β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
IΒ΄m paying my inscription and Antoine FourriereΒ΄s inscription (he paid mine
the last time) with the money I won in the last Tournament, and IΒ΄m going
to pay up to 4 (four) inscriptions of new players, those who have not
played the First Game Courier Tournament, but I donΒ΄t know the mechanism
for doing that, so it should be good that the organizers clarify how can a
new player make effective his(her) inscription in this way. If there are
not new inscriptions, or the number is less than 4, well, we need to talk
Time controls must depend on the preferences of majorities, but the
suggested is fine with me. Ith should be good a 'permission time', to be
used only once, if it is the need, by a player which must, eventually, be
out of the Tournament by a period of time, say no more than 10-15 days.

πŸ•ΈπŸ“Fergus Duniho wrote on Thu, Feb 3, 2005 04:11 PM UTC:
<BLOCKQUOTE> Ith should be good a 'permission time', to be used only once, if it is the need, by a player which must, eventually, be out of the Tournament by a period of time, say no more than 10-15 days. </BLOCKQUOTE> I don't know what this means.

πŸ•ΈπŸ“Fergus Duniho wrote on Thu, Feb 3, 2005 05:33 PM UTC:

Assuming that David has withheld your prize money from the previous
tournament on the understanding that you would just use it to pay for your
registration, Antoine's, and that of four others, I can add you and
Antoine to the Signed Up list right away, and you need to tell me who the
other four people are. These four people should also inform me of their
intention to register. Then I can add them without any of them needing to
go through Paypal.

George Duke wrote on Thu, Feb 3, 2005 06:11 PM UTC:
If I have skimmed the thread correctly, I did not play in Tournament 1, now sign up for #2 early.

Greg Strong wrote on Thu, Feb 3, 2005 06:14 PM UTC:
I will be participating.  Any time controls are fine with me, although I
don't see why things need to be any different than the last one. 
Although I didn't participate, I can see how long it took to complete,
and it doesn't seem unreasonable at all.

Regarding Chess with Different Armies: This could be handled in a lot of
ways, but it what might make sense it to have each participant select
which army he wishes to play (out of the supported four) before the
tournament begins.  Army selections probably should not be made publicly
available ahead of time, or people might want to select late and try to 
meta-game with their selection.

I look forward to the start of this epic struggle, in which I will likely
be defeated by decisive force!  P.S.  I'll send the money shortly :)

David Howe wrote on Thu, Feb 3, 2005 07:14 PM UTC:
Fergus, I did not send out the prize money (on Roberto's request). It is being held in trust for application as Roberto has specified.

πŸ•ΈπŸ“Fergus Duniho wrote on Fri, Feb 4, 2005 12:33 AM UTC:

I have added you to the Signed Up list, and once Antoine formally states
his intention to compete in the tournament, I will add him too.

Joe Joyce wrote on Fri, Feb 4, 2005 03:20 AM UTC:
Fergus, with great trepidation, I will sign up for Tournament #2. I have only played 2 of the games on the list casually, and those were 40 years ago (how I wish I was exaggerating here). As I am effectively computer illiterate (I keep my college sliderule on my encyclopedia bookcase), may I mail you the entrance fee? Truthfully, as I live in the NY metro area, it'd probably be easier (and faster) for me to drive to Plattsburgh and bring the money myself than try to use Paypal. :-) Joe

πŸ•ΈπŸ“Fergus Duniho wrote on Fri, Feb 4, 2005 02:12 PM UTC:
I'm not handling the collection of fees. If you want to mail your fee, you should mail it to David Howe. He can post his address here when he sees this.

David Howe wrote on Fri, Feb 4, 2005 04:25 PM UTC:
To register by postal mail, please make the check out to David Howe, and mail it to our postal address, which is listed on our <a href='../feedback.html'>contact</a> page.

Roberto Lavieri wrote on Sat, Feb 5, 2005 12:49 AM UTC:
By the way, Greg Strong and Joe Joyce has manifestated the intention of participation in tne Second Game Courier Tournament, so IΒ΄m going to pay the inscriptions of both. The third and Fourth are going to be the new players which tell us they are going to play, definitely, in the Tournament, using this section (ratings and comments) as informative.

πŸ•ΈπŸ“Fergus Duniho wrote on Sat, Feb 5, 2005 02:46 AM UTC:
Okay, I've added Greg Strong and Joe Joyce.

πŸ•ΈπŸ“Fergus Duniho wrote on Sat, Feb 5, 2005 03:03 AM UTC:
I've revised the section on time controls. I've made Spare Time larger while reducing the amounts of Extra Time and Bonus Time that players get. Besides giving you more time to start with, increasing Spare Time maintains a larger buffer of time when you are keeping the pace. Maybe I should add a Buffer Time to the time controls that overrides the value of Spare Time when pace keeping is used. Then I could keep the buffer lower than the initial allotment of Spare Time.

Antoine Fourrière wrote on Sat, Feb 5, 2005 06:49 AM UTC:
I also wish to compete in this Tournament. Please count me in.

Regarding time limits, I have no strict formula in head, but I'm on the
side of leniency. Yes, 14 days of spare time does seem an improvement.
I'm also in favor of giving the players the possibility to allow each
other more time through a command (rather through repeating idle moves).
I would suggest to state that the referee may start a new round of games
without the agreement of the players which haven't completed all their
previous games (but not without two-week advance notice).

Another problem might be: what if there are more participants than last
time? How do you decide who is going to face whom? Through a random draw
of the opponents (alphabetical order is as good as any the first time, but
might become bothersome the following year), and game assignment only
later? (Perhaps Fergus might then propose an exchange of opponents to a
group of four players in order to meet their preferences.) If and when
such a problem occurs (and I hope it eventually does), I would suggest
some kind of play-off (say, a round of four/six games between the top
five/seven, with ties broken through the round-robin ranking) at the end of
the year to mitigate the luck factor.

πŸ•ΈπŸ“Fergus Duniho wrote on Sat, Feb 5, 2005 02:43 PM UTC:
Time controls will remain outside the control of individual players. They
are set for the sake of the tournament as a whole and should not be
subject to changes by individual players. The main thing is to find the
right balance that will allow a fair amount of time to play without
allowing the tournament to run on too long. 

Even creating a command that allows one player to give some of his time to
his opponent would run into the problem of its fair use. If one player gave
some of his time to his opponent and then lost on time, the question of
whether his loss was fair would arise. It is best to avoid such issues
altogether by not allowing players to give time to opponents.

Roberto Lavieri wrote on Sat, Feb 5, 2005 10:13 PM UTC:Excellent β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
PETER BODDY: Do you want be added to the list of players in the Second Game Courier Tournament?. Some days ago, you said you would play. If your intention is confirmed, IΒ΄ll pay your inscription, as i said, if there are not TWO or more new players before. Send a confirmation message in this section, please.

David Paulowich wrote on Sat, Feb 5, 2005 11:30 PM UTC:Excellent β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
Greetings from Canada! Planning to attend Swiss system tournaments in three provinces this spring, so I am unlikely to find the time to play in this event. I do have a few suggestions to make. <p>Regarding Chess with Different Armies: Back in 2001 we used the format [1] Black chooses an army [2] White chooses a different army [3] Tournament Director sets up the game. <p>Marseillais Chess and Wormhole Chess are very complicated games and deserve more time - perhaps play one less move per week. Note that these games normally end before move twenty.

πŸ•ΈπŸ“Fergus Duniho wrote on Sat, Feb 5, 2005 11:44 PM UTC:
Wormhole Chess was not among the games chosen for the tournament. The method you suggest for Chess with Different Armies is a good one. I will probably use it.

Tony Quintanilla wrote on Sun, Feb 6, 2005 03:18 AM UTC:
When will registration for the tournament close?

Greg Strong wrote on Sun, Feb 6, 2005 11:44 AM UTC:
Roberto:  Thanks for paying my fee!

Chess-with-Different-Armies:  I do not really like the Paulowich plan,
because White gets to see what army Black chooses before making a
decision.  I think this gives White an additional advantage.  You could
argue that this system actually gives Black the advantage, because they
get first pick, but I would disagree.  I think second pick is better
unless one army is definitely better then the others, and I don't think
that this is the case.  I think each player should have to select army
without any knowledge of what he is facing.

Roberto Lavieri wrote on Sun, Feb 6, 2005 12:39 PM UTC:
Greg: It was nothing, and good luck!. And thanks to you by your incredible Chess V, I use and enjoy it very often.

Roberto Lavieri wrote on Sun, Feb 6, 2005 01:23 PM UTC:
My friend George W. Duke said to me, months ago, he wanted to play the Tournament. I confirmed he would like playing the Tournament, so I`m going to pay his inscription. In this way, he has not chances of reconsidering the decision. My fourth new player could be Andreas, he is a new player in the Tournament, but it seems he paid his inscription. Other new players I would like to see in the Tournament?: David Paulowich: Think on the possibility of entering the Tournament. It is a nice experience... And there is a little probability, but not zero, we can play a Marsellais game again!, but if not, the list of possible games is very attractive. SAGI: You are invited to enter too!. Ultima has not been selected as an official game (it is only an expertise matter. You are a potentially good Ultima player, but it is clear you have had little experience with this game. As a hint, you must be much more positional in Ultima, usually, strong attack schemes are not very recommended). Instead of Ultima, Rococo (more chances) and Maxima (less) has some chances of being played in the Tournament...The game play is enterely different in the last two games.

carlos carlos wrote on Sun, Feb 6, 2005 03:18 PM UTC:
count me in.

i'll figure out a way to pay in the next week or two.  it's new years
week here at the moment.  i still have to pay for last time as well.

Andreas Kaufmann wrote on Sun, Feb 6, 2005 04:56 PM UTC:Excellent β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
Will we play in tournament a balanced version of Marseillais Chess or regular one? I would prefer balanced version.

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