Comments/Ratings for a Single Item
I still have to limit the revisions of works-in-progress, and I have to replace the Hidden tags with Private and Members-Only tags, and turn off notifications on works-in-progress.
I have done all that. When saving a private page, it keeps the last 12 revisions and deletes the other ones. I assume someone who is rapidly making multiple revisions will also be checking that each one looks correct.
I think there should be a dedicated page for WIP pages (reviewwip.php or something similar), like the Review New Submissions page for Members-Only submissions, if there is not one already. Since it is now possible for a page to be either WIP (Authors-and-Editors-only) or Members-Only, this would make access to WIP pages easier. We can then have a link to the WIP page list on The Editor Page, or perhaps even on the homepage as well.
I think there should be a dedicated page for WIP pages (reviewwip.php or something similar), like the Review New Submissions page for Members-Only submissions, if there is not one already.
I had been meaning to do this but got sidetracked by other projects. I have now made a page for this, and you will find a link on the Editor page, which there is a link for in the menu headed by your name.
Would it be possible for us to order the pages listing Members-Only and WIP submissions by the date of the last action taken on them (creation, revision, comment, etc.) by the author? By pushing pages with the most recent actions to the top, it would greatly improve quality-of-life for the Editors who focus on reviewing submissions, as it would allow us to more easily see which pages the authors genuinely want reviewed, and which ones are just sitting on the site doing nothing (much of the stuff from 2022 and prior, and especially from 2021 and prior, does this).
My gut feeling is that it shouldn't be too hard, but I am not yet fluent enough in SQL to do this by myself yet.
I changed them to sort by ModifiedDate instead of CreationDate. However, since the revisions and comments are in separate tables of the database, the ModifiedDate will probably not reflect the last action taken.
I changed them to sort by ModifiedDate instead of CreationDate. However, since the revisions and comments are in separate tables of the database, the ModifiedDate will probably not reflect the last action taken.
It may not be ideal, but it's a right improvement.
Edit: This is probably the best possible ordering with the tools we have now.
However, since the revisions and comments are in separate tables of the database, the ModifiedDate will probably not reflect the last action taken.
Just a thought, but would it be possible to list these two values separately? Perhaps this would give the Editors a better clue of the state of a page.
I'm just discovering this!
Does anyone know it?
It seems a very recent invention.
OATLALI was created in 2019 by Moeketsi Mohlakola, developed by Ndimphiwe Sityata.
Literata has a distinctive Q and italics, and these look correct for me. Also, Georgia has digits at different heights and baselines, whereas the digits in Literata all have the same height and baseline. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 all look correct to me. However, I can see that the serif text in your image is more transitional, whereas Literata is more old style.
Noto Sans should put bars on the capital I, but Helvetica does not.
And the I in the above sentence has bars as I see it.
Courier Prime should have slab serifs, and that is what I'm seeing in the monospace text.
There are some possible explanations for what you are seeing, but you will have to do tests to tell what is happening.
One possibility is that is being blocked in your country. If that's the problem, then installing the fonts on your computer should fix the problem.
Another possibility is that CSS variables are not working in your browser. If that's the problem, updating your browser or switching to another browser might fix the problem.
One more possibility is that this was a temporary problem caused while I was updating the CSS scripts. I have been working on a color scheme for dark mode tonight.
Have you ever thought about phone (Safari) users with dark system theme?
I have been working on a color scheme for dark mode tonight.
And how it looks in light mode. What’s with Menu and why the text is red?
It’s AWFUL! All was fine before yesterday, why you decided to destroy your site?!???!
Can you return to old version of it? Simply to let me copy PDFs of my pages and run away so far from this trash forever…
I don't know what is going-on here. The pages look is very unpleasant. All menus appearing from the top bar are now transparent. Some fonts seem changed too. Very difficult to read. I use Firefox.
Bruh, you guessed just now?!
When my browser sets the preferred color scheme to dark, this site ends up looking horrible due to some areas having dark backgrounds and some light, some text being too light, and some too dark.
We are power together!
I don't see anything unusual on these pages. Not even when I refresh the browser cache.
I don't see anything unusual on these pages.
go to any active game courier game and look at the top menus
Ah, indeed. I can confirm that the menus in GC presets have transparent background. I don't see any of the other strange effects reported here, though. Except perhaps that a zero in the Comment I posted before this looks a lot more than a lower-case oh as I seem to remember.
We might have reverted to another (default?) font; when I select a line in a displayed Comment with the mouse, the highlighting of the selected words does not overlap neighboring lines. It did used to do that, presumably becouse a line spacing was forced through CSS that was not native to the font that was used.
I don't see any of the other strange effects reported here, though.
Switch to dark theme and watch the madness…)
From phone. From desktop it works correctly.
Have you ever thought about phone (Safari) users with dark system theme?
It's a work in progress, and I had to go to sleep. For the time being, I have turned off the dark color scheme until I am ready to work on it again. I also have plans to add the option for members to choose a color scheme. Perhaps I should give priority to that instead of relying on the color-scheme selected in the browser. Anyway, selecting the light color scheme in your browser should have made it go away immediately.
You haven't turned off all the changes though (transparent menu background). May I suggest you work on this in the .org site to not affect users until you're ready with the changes?
go to any active game courier game and look at the top menus
I just fixed that. It was using an alternative version of global.css that wasn't being kept up-to-date, and I changed it to use /g/global.css.
25 comments displayed
Permalink to the exact comments currently displayed.
I have done that. I have also added instructions for how members can submit their completed pages for review. I have put a link in the menu for members to see their works-in-progress. And I have begun to go through the tail end of the unpublished submissions queue, changing the visibility of long neglected pages from members-only pages pending review to private works-in-progress.
I still have to limit the revisions of works-in-progress, and I have to replace the Hidden tags with Private and Members-Only tags, and turn off notifications on works-in-progress.