Comments/Ratings for a Single Item has moved to I suggest you check it out and rethink the name of yours :D
I don't know whether my Kung Fu Chess is older than the simultaneous movement Kung Fu Chess game or not, but I could accept renaming my variant 'Shaolin Chess.' Tim Bostick
One idea I have, is making a Disciple can only promote to pieces that you have lost and only one of: Monkey, Panther, Crab, Snake, Tiger, Crane, Dragon, Mantis.
I also have idea of single-letters notations for pieces:
- I = Disciple
- N = Monkey
- P = Panther
- R = Crab
- S = Snake
- T = Tiger
- C = Crane
- D = Dragon
- M = Mantis
- Q = Ng Mui
- X = Wing Chun
- L = Bruce Lee
- Z = Super Wing Chun
- F = Super Bruce Lee
- K = Shaolin Master
And then make up a Chinese notation of pieces as well, based on the Chinese kung fu. So that you can even use a flat Chinese pieces but with marks of the name of these pieces in Chinese instead. (I know the game is not Chinese but I still prefer flat pieces for chess variants in general)
Currently of Florea's new CV Apothecary are the classic Gryphon of Grande Acedrex and complementary Aanca. Here are another pair of them from 2001 Bostick's Kung Fu Chess: Wing Chun moving like Aanca and Bruce Lee moving like Gryphon.
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