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I have a bizarre problem I can't solve with the GC preset. The Black ship on e13 can go on a12 and I don't know why. And while on a12 it can go on a11. These moves are not at all allowed. This doesn't happen with the White Ship. When the ship is every where but on the raw 13, that problem does not occur anymore.
The Ship is supposed to move as a vertical half-gryphon.
The code is:
def s fn (checkride #0 #1 0 1 and empty #0)
where #0 1 1
or fn (checkride #0 #1 0 1 and empty #0)
where #0 -1 1
or fn (checkride #0 #1 0 -1 and empty #0)
where #0 1 -1
or fn (checkride #0 #1 0 -1 and empty #0)
where #0 -1 -1
or checkleap #0 #1 1 1;
def sL mergeall
leaps #0 1 1
ray where #0 1 1 0 1
ray where #0 1 -1 0 -1
ray where #0 -1 1 0 1
ray where #0 -1 -1 0 -1;
I don't understand what's going on. Thanks for any help
Ed.Note: formatted the code
It seems to be fixed if you change each occurrence of "checkride" to "checkaride".
Big thanks!
Would it be possible for a kind editor to add the following alfaerie SVG pieces to the set defined as "alfaerie-metamachy" with the following labels:
mammoth >> MM
wolf >> WO
sabertooth >> ST
Thanks a lot
I retry this question in hope someone could help me::
Would it be possible for a kind editor to add the following alfaerie SVG pieces to the set defined as "alfaerie-metamachy" with the following labels:
mammoth >> MM
wolf >> WO
sabertooth >> ST
Thanks a lot
Since the alfaerie-metamachy set uses PNG images, I added the appropriate PNG images to it instead. Let me know if you would prefer the set to use SVG images.
Hold on. I just noticed that ST was already in use for sergeant. SG might work better for that piece, but if any game is already using the piece, we should take some steps before replacing it. In the meantime, I have commented out the sabretooth piece.
Thank you Fergus
PNG/SVG: my fault, I thought the other icons were in SVG. So, you did it fine, it may remain like you set them.
ST: my fault again. Yes I used ST for Sergeant (and Soldier) elsewhere. So, if you can, please add the Sabertooth with SB.
Thank you again
Yes I used ST for Sergeant (and Soldier) elsewhere. So, if you can, please add the Sabertooth with SB.
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I believe the pages Fantastic XIII and the one for the GC preset can be published. Thank you