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You're right about the piece that you correctly define as the MAB 14 Sexton. I have added something to that effect to the article. I can visualise two kinds of truncated octahedron. Both have 6 square faces but one has 8 triangles and the other 8 hexagons, depending on how far you truncate. It seems to be the type with hexagons that tesselates (please confirm or correct this deduction), and I have already considered hex prisms as a cell mixing hexagonal and rectilinear faces. Hex prisms, however, can be sized so that the distance between cells adjoining on both shapes of face are the same. With truncated octahedrons, the distance between cells adjoining on hexagonal faces seems to be root (3/4) times the distance between those adjoining at square faces. That calculation is based three lots of half the latter distance at right angles. If so it complicates things as not every SOLL is measurable as an integer multiple of the shortest. Another interesting geoimetric property that I have recently noticed is that oblique leapers restricted to alternate directions (so that all moves are at right angles) are (like radial leapers ordinarily) bound to the proportion of the square-cell 2d board reciprocal to their SOLL.
I agree that the truncated octahedral system seems to complicate matters unnecessarily. I suspect there's an advantage hiding in there somewhere but I haven't found it. I would tend to consider the hexagonal direction the single step, and the square direction a funny sort of diagonal - but then the board has the likely undesirable property that no two of its eight main axes are perpendicular.
Hmmm. That is an interesting geometric property. Note also that in the coloring of a board for this partial knight, a cell adjoins each of the four other colors exactly once on the orthogonals, and once on the diagonals.
PS for 3-d visualization I suggest vZome. It's very good at the cubic and rhombic dodecahedral systems, I find. (It's not much good at hex-prism just yet, but I'm still talking to Scott Vorthmann about that.)
Gilman's introductory vocabulary words are essential and many of them appear already here: standard diagonal (sd), nonstandard diagonal(nd), colourbound, (hex-prism), switching, triangulate, symmetric pieces, bindings and their independence, divergent, co-prime, non-coprime. They are all here, so get a grasp of them here, and all the follow-up Gilmans fall into place. The ones least likely to be understood on rereading, I will take up over the next comments, since we cannot cover all of them, though Gilman tends to shorten definitions, thinking readers fully understand from the context. Hey, that's good professorial practice to anyone remembering the real intent of introductory lectures, to weed out the less interested and able. What would you say by way of explanation or example about any of the 10 or 11 terms above? Here's a helpful hint. Think of Gilman nomenclature of piece-types as nonessential but for entertainment mostly instead. Then everything else besides naming piece-types, i.e. all the other terms, becomes important CV analysis in Man & Beasts.
Terms for the lead article will recur. Squares have SD, cubes have both SD and ND, and hexagons have ND only. Square diagonal one-step and cube diagonal one-step (whether SD or ND) are root-2. None of them have to be one-step only, they can keep going, and these are all root-2. [Correction added in these brackets later is that ND cubes of course is root-3. Gilman's comment above cites his text couple of sentences explaining the rationale for identity of all NDs.] However hex ND is root-3. Switching can be used describing ranks or files or differently bindings. EINHORN (UNICORN) is 100 years old with Raumschach. That summarizes MB01:CC. Eduardo Punset: Life requires imperfection. At what speed do the atoms move? Nicolas Garcia, nanotechnologist: In the atmosphere, the atoms move at 1500 metres a second. But in the case of this figure, they jump every nanosecond. E.P.: Is this really the essence of life? N.G.: The essence of life might be the possibility of finding places, defects, where atoms group together to form new structures.
While pieces may be bound to one of any number of mutually exclusive sets of cells, switching is always between two such sets - in the case of ranks, odd and even. The Bishop can move from odd to odd or even to even rank, as well as between the two, and so is not switching. Pieces that can move within a rank certainly do not switch ranks - although some like the Wazir switch other things. The pieces that always switch rank and file in 2d are the Ferz here, the Camel (and everything else -mel) in MAB 03, and the Bear in MAB 06 - pieces which always move an odd number of both. On a cubic board this is no longer the case as they can move within a rank. The matter of this page's compound pieces being unbound on a cubic board I hsve covered. The Primate, Pope, Besieger, and Usurper all have a Wazir move and so are clearly unbound. The Moderator and Heretic are unbound because they can move to an adjacent cell in two moves - by making a 1:1:1 move but retracting it in only two dimensions. All geometries' nonstandard diagonals have steps of length root-3 - the description asserting their common identity amounts to a root-2 and root-1 step at right angles.
With the addition of the 'pentagonal' boards, this article now covers five of the most familiar of the nineteen uniform and dual-uniform tilings. Several of the others -- Floret pentagonal comes to mind -- can be addressed using the AVERSE system, so coverage is likely much better than that.
I'd like to suggest the quadrilateral tilings on this list for further study. Quadrilateral tilings tend to suggest obvious interpretations of FIDE pieces, but when the quadrilaterals are not rectangles, those pieces may behave oddly. On the deltoidal trihexagonal tiling, the obvious Rook travels in a twelve-step circle.
It looks like the tri-hexagonal geometry is a kite that can fly (pause for groans). As well as the Rook curving round on itself, I notice that the Knight and Camel can triangulate. Assuming the three-player-variant rules for Bishop movement where six quadrilaterals meet, the Bishop and Ferz can reach every cell and the Ferz too can triangulate. The Elephant, Tripper, et cetera appear bound to single diagonals as there is no continuation of three-player-variant diagonal steps. Another group of pieces that look interesting in this geometry are those that are non-Straight in the square geometry (see Man and Beast 09). The Girlscout has a straighter path than the circuitous Rook, and alternates not between two Bishop paths but between one Bishop path and one path alternating orthogonal and diagonal steps. The Boyscout has a very strange path, bifurcating at each meeting of six cells. The Rhino moves seemes to get cut a bit short in its Crooked form, but takes a curious oblong circuit, still of eight steps, in its Curved (Leaping Bat Chess) form. Note that I am not considering geometries with cells of different shapes - should I say this explicitly, do you think?
You probably should mention that restriction explicitly. The article already considers in passing a board with two shapes of cells! A Dabbaba-averse square board has two different cell shapes -- square for the Dabbaba-binding a Ferz step from the removed one, pentagonal for the other two. The article covers at least five of the eleven Dual-Uniform tilings, which are my above list restricted to use only one kind of cell. Of the other six, at least the Rhombille and the Floret pentagonal tiling can be handled as averse boards.
Now you've hit on something. All right, if an aversion produces a mixed-cell board that's a bonus. Making pieces averse to a single Elephant binding gives squares alternating with pentagons, and making them averse to a Trebuchet binding gives a curious mixture of squares in clusters surrounded by pentagons. Making them averse to the binding of a Veering or Backing Knight (see Man and Beast 12) gives a third pattern entirely of pentagons, an asymmetric one with the boundaries forming an unfortunate swastika motif. Returning to the Dabbaba binding, I see that the paths of Bishops unaffected by the restriction suddenly look like hex Rook paths! Of course hex boards can also have pieces averse to a Dabbaba binding, and for them the board turns into the following rhombic pattern: ____ ____ ____ ____ /_/\_\/_/\_\/_/\_\/_/\_\ \_\/_/\_\/_/\_\/_/\_\/_/ /_/\_\/_/\_\/_/\_\/_/\_\ \_\/_/\_\/_/\_\/_/\_\/_/ /_/\_\/_/\_\/_/\_\/_/\_\ \_\/_/\_\/_/\_\/_/\_\/_/ /_/\_\/_/\_\/_/\_\/_/\_\ \_\/_/\_\/_/\_\/_/\_\/_/
Thanks for the reminder, this has long been on a list of things to do when I have the time.
The diagram designer changed behavior around movement markers after Charles had made all of these, breaking them. I need to go through with a regex replacement. Doing that through the site's forms would take a while; doing it through the database would be faster, but then revision history wouldn't be updated, so I'd want to more carefully check that the changes worked and didn't break something else.
OK, this page is done; please let me know if anything remains to fix here.
(There were two diagrams here too in which a piece name started with a period and the surrounding brackets had been URL-encoded, which made the first pass of the regex replacement convert too much. It was easy enough to spot and fix. I can't just begin the process by converting the URL-encoded %7B
and %7D
back to brackets, because then the main regex will stop too soon. Maybe I can adjust the main regex to exclude matches to %7B.
There's one main thing left to fix, though it's probably Charles' error: The diagram for the Primate (WB
, top right in the last block of diagrams) has a spurious sideways rook move, of a kind which isn't introduced until Alternative Fronts. Idk whether we consider that within the editors' remit though, esp. with Charles gone
Incidentally, the thing with the mathematical expressions (which you note here and also affects this page's degree signs ⟨°⟩) is the same problem as affected this page, among many others across the site. In principle worth fixing though it may be more difficult to do thoroughly, especially if people have edited affected pages in the interim
The Unicorn was invented for 3D games, and I disagree with the claim that the diagonals on a hexagonal board are the Unicorn's diagonals rather than the Bishop's. In various hexagonal adaptations of Chess or Shogi, the Bishop has been understood to move along lines of spaces that are the same color.
His reasoning for this begins with how he defined standard diagonals:
Standard diagonal (SD) directions, the diagonal of the standard square-cell geometry formed by simultaneously moving equal numbers of orthogonal steps at right angles have steps of length root-2.
I would disagree with this, defining diagonals instead as lines formed by passing through the opposite corners of spaces. This fits with the etymology of diagonal, for dia- means through, and -gonal refers to the corner. Similarly, a polygon literally means many-angled. If the shapes are not squares, then diagonal movement will not reach the same spaces as you could reach by making an equal number of moves in two directions at right angles to each other. It is merely a coincidence that it works this way on a square board, but it is not the definition of diagonal.*
The problem comes in when we start thinking about how diagonals should work on 3D boards. Since the Bishop is a colorbound piece on the 2D board, the decision was made to make it a colorbound piece on the 3D board too. But to do this, it was given a move that does not pass through the corners of a cubic space. Thinking of each space in a 3D game as a cube, the level-to-level movement of a Bishop in 3D Chess goes from one cube edge to the edge that is opposite in all three dimensions. However, this can be thought of as diagonal movement if we think of each vertical slice of a 3D board as a 2D board of squares. In fact, this is not so different from how we think of movement on the same level. We easily see the usual Bishop's moves as diagonal on one level of a 3D board, because we view it as a 2D board of squares. But if we thought of each space as a cube, the movement would no longer appear diagonal. This is easier to see, because of the way 3D boards are constructed. But mathematically, the board can be divided into vertical slices just as easily as it can be divided into horizontal slices. (Note that these vertical slices come in same-rank varieties and same-file vartities.) If we view the Bishop's movement as 2D diagonal movement through a single vertical or horizontal slice of the board, it can still be understood as diagonal in a 3D game.
Therefore, I would distinguish between 2D diagonals and 3D diagonals, and not between standard and nonstandard diagonals. Bishops move along 2D diagonals, even on 3D boards, and Unicorns move along 3D diagonals, which just don't exist on 2D boards, including 2D hexagonal boards. So it is wrong to say that the diagonal movement on a hexagonal board is how a Unicorn rather than a Bishop would move. The 3D Unicorn simply has no legal moves on a 2D board of any kind.
As an afterthought, his definition of Standard diagonal could be tweaked for spaces of other shapes than square. On a hexagonal board, you can reach spaces along the diagonal though pairs of alternating orthogonal moves that are 60 degrees apart from each other. This works, because each angle of a hexagonal space is 60 degrees, not 90 degrees like it is for a square.
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I see several principal radial directions, each generally with its own SOLL:
- Wazir-wise
- Ferz-wise
- Viceroy-wise
- Rumbaba-wise
You observe each of these, and treat on them at length (though as it appears in only one geometry, #4 gets a separate article).Their unique characteristic, setting them apart from other directions, appears to be that as moved in space they do not move through cells other than the one they're leaving and the one they're entering (though they may pass along edges, as Viceroy, or faces, as Rumbaba).
In the rhombic dodecahedral board, I observed an interesting direction. (I tried reading Oddly Oblique to see if you'd named it there, but I couldn't tell; your construction of the pieces for a rhombic dodecahedral board was difficult to follow without more knowledge than I have of your cubic pieces and of your reducing process.) Its SOLL is 6, analogous to your cubic Sexton, and it can be found by making three mutually perpendicular Ferz steps (not possible in cubic) or equivalently a Ferz step and a perpendicular Dabbabah step. (I am guessing it is the one that Oddly Oblique calls a Sexton?)
The interesting property is that it, too, does not pass through any other cell. It passes along the edges of six other cells (three a Wazir step away, three a Viceroy step away) but the first cell it enters is the destination.
I've illustrated it here. The starting square is red; green is a Wazir step, while blue is a Ferz step. Yellow is a Viceroy step. The direction in question is included in purple.
Only distantly related, but also worthy of note, the family of shapes that brought us cubic and rhombic dodecahedral has a third member. The truncated octahedral tiling is as yet unexplored in chess variants, to my knowledge. It is found by removing three-quarters of the cells of a cubic; if we consider the chess pieces as residing on points instead of in cells, it is a body-centered cubic crystal system (as compared to a simple cubic, a hexagonal, or rhombic dodecahedral's face-centered cubic). I don't think its properties are as interesting as those of the other varieties, but it could be worth investigating.