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The plinths look like a good balancing mechanism for Knights on a large board.
Surprisingly enough, I think it's the best chess variant ever!

Alberto, the following paragraph is copied from a comment I made this morning. Would you be interested in making a preset for the game? Chess alchemy [all messages] [add response] 2009-06-05 Joe Joyce Verified as Joe Joyce ... 'The last game I'd like to look at is one I haven't played, Shuuro. It's a commercial game that debuted here last week. For a variantist, it has a very common weakness in using only the standard FIDE pieces and pawns. [Maybe someday we'll be able to get decent variant pieces at good prices.] Beyond that, though, it shows a nice bit of imagination with a 12x12 board, roomier than most, and the slider-but-not-jumper-blocking plinths that are randomly placed. The innovation of allowing knights to land on top of them and stop as well as move 'through' them is quite nice and does a fair job of enhancing the knights' mobility, and reducing the sliders. This looks like it could be quite interesting, I'd like to play it. Can we get a preset? [Maybe if I put this comment on the Shuuro page, where they'll see it...] This is another game I would like to see shortrange pieces in, that could move through or on top of the plinths. I'd also like to try letting the players place the plinths deliberately, each player placing 1 plinth in each of the 4 quadrants - alternating who goes first in each quadrant.'
Fantastic! When I was explained this game, I immediatly understood that I would have had a lot of fun. When I arrived home and started playing, I was surprising of how interesting this game was. The possibility to create your own 'army', the pillars... really Amazing
Thanks Lea, may I ask you to post your comment (and maybe even rate Shuuro) on BoardGAmeGeek? Thanks! Alessio
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