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Trebuqi. Hex variant using pieces selected for their similarity to Xiang Qi ones. (11x11, Cells: 91) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
George Duke wrote on Wed, Sep 16, 2009 11:25 PM UTC:Good ★★★★
Xiangqi and hexes. Trebuqi has its own reasons for the same 91 spaces of Liu Yang. It takes visualisation after Ralph Betza's Rectahex:,
an enjoyable enterprise of connectivity without dealing with boards all dolled up for a change, you know, related to the old styles Betza called a hundred times ''ugly Ascii,'' your basic important ideas once having taken precedence over artwork. I defer to Gilman and L.Smith for deeper comparisons, because even Abdul-Rahman Sibahi's Falcon Hexagonal Chess was not of great interest to me.  Now respecting hexagons, I like squares and cubes exclusively -- and tetrahedral 3-d spaces. No triangles, no hexagons. However, working within a domain similar to pre-existing CVs by oneself or others should at least try to cite some of them in context. It is misleading to present a CV as if concocted out of the blue. I would be remiss not to step in occasionally in role of archivist, uncovering some few prior instances of similarity, rare examples of repeat performances, and practically nonexistent plagiarisms, should they ever obnoxiously reappear. These several attempts were by any interpretation melding of the hexagonal with the Chinese xiangqi. Some occurred before others in an establishable time-line.

💡📝Charles Gilman wrote on Wed, Dec 30, 2009 07:03 AM UTC:
George Duke writes: 'Now respecting hexagons, I like squares and cubes exclusively -- and tetrahedral 3-d spaces. No triangles, no hexagons.'
	Well Tetrahedral Chess has neither no triangles nor no hexagons. Look at any of the faces. They are all triangles. Now look how the Rook moves along those faces - in any of six directions at 60° to each other. Yes, the faces are hex boards, as clearly as those of cubic variants are square-cell ones.
	Now look at a cubic board. Let's say the corthogopnals are 1-8, a-h, and s-z. Look how Bishops move within the plane comprising sa1, sb2, sv3, sd4, se5, sf6, sg7, sh8, ta2, tb3, tc4, td5, te6, tg7, th8, ua3, ub4, uc5, ud6, ue7, uf8, va4, vb5, vc6, vd7, ve8, wa5, wb6, wc7, wd8, xa6, xb7, xc8, ya7, yb8, za8. Yes, it's exactly how a Rook moves on a triangle of hex cells!

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