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Have you registered? You posted without a userid, and you need one to join games. If you can describe the problems you're having, I can be of more assistance to you.
Eurasian Chess now displays legal moves when you click on a piece.
I'm playing a game of Eurasian Chess with GC and I was expecting to get a promotion when I advanced my Pawn on the last 3 ranks. But nothing happened and the Pawn remained a Pawn.
Have you tried entering the promotion manually? Game Courier's features were added in stages, and older presets need to be rewritten to benefit from newer features. Promotion is not mandatory until the last rank, and the ability to prompt you about available promotion options is a newer feature. The code for Eurasian Chess is so old, it was ending every line with a semicolon instead of using a colon after lines that introduce blocks of code.
Thank you for the explanation. How I should I do to enter a promotion manually?
Type it in the moves field. Instructions are provided in the How to Move Pieces section below the board.
Since the previous preset for Eurasian Chess was ancient and lacking in some modern features, I wrote a new one using the fairychess include file. It's not official yet, but I'm providing the link for beta testing:
First, I tested the ten latest finished games of Eurasian Chess against the new preset, and they all displayed correctly. Then I made a backup of the newrules preset called newrules-backup, and I saved the fairychess preset under the name newrules. With that done, I viewed every finished and active game of Eurasian Chess using the now updated newrules settings file, and they all displayed correctly. Although the new preset works differently, it is notationally equivalent to the previous preset, which allowed me to completely replace the previous one with the new one.
The new preset should now prompt you about optional Pawn promotions, and it should use full piece names and give piece descriptions in error messages.
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