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I'm not sure what has happened here. I have never known anything like what you describe happening before, and as far as I know, it shouldn't happen. If you and your opponent would send me the email records of your last moves, it might shed some light on what has happened. I have now added the feature of backing up logs. It is too late for it to help us find out what has happened to your moves, but it can help me figure out what is going on if it happens again. Whenever you make a move, your old log will get backed up before it gets overwritten. Since each new backup will overwrite the old backup, you should report any loss of moves as soon as it happens.

Regarding possible game courier bugs, I have noticed a couple of things... I have also experienced the suddenly back-in-time that David describes, although I have never had it go back more than one move, and I have also discovered that I can completely prevent it from happening by always, always, ALWAYS clicking ctrl-refresh to force a full page re-load before entering any moves. I find that this is step is essential, or there's the occasional deja-vu-move. I use IE 6.0 SP 2, and it is configured to always reload all pages, so it's not IE configured to cache pages or the like. Also, in a game of Fisher Random Chess in which I was making the first move of the game, I noticed that every time I would click 'Refresh,' (which I always do, as described above) it would give me a different random configuration. But then, when I actually made the move, (a pawn move,) the pieces were suddenly in a different configuration (the original configuration, I presume, although I'm not sure. I wasn't paying that much attention.) Hope this helps! Greg
Fergus - all I am looking for is an internet chess site that does not require Java, ActiveX, or an email account that is working every month of the year. FFEN diagrams simply do not exist for me. I can play back the moves of a game in your Game Courier Game Logs, but not one of the 'saved games' elsewhere on this site. My old email address ceased to exist on Oct. 31 and I am now enjoying my anonymity. That address now exists only on my 'personid' page here (apparently removing it causes Game Courier to refuse to make any moves in my games) and in the phoney return address lines on various SPAM emails.
I assume Matthias Brendel sent move eleven shortly before 01:00 on Monday, Nov 15. What showed up here was a repeat of move seven. As in the case of 'Marc Wakeham - David Paulowich', this represents a trip back in time of at least four days. I suppose the email related to Brendel's move may have been returned to this site, but I really have no idea. Sorry that I cannot offer more help.
Based on Greg's comments, I think I know what to do about the bug David Paulowich reported. If I make sure that the old movelist is a substring of the new movelist before a game gets logged, this should prevent Game Courier from writing the log with data from unrefreshed browser windows. I'll report back when this is fixed for good. As for the other bug that Greg mentioned, it has already been reported and fixed.
It is my turn to play against Greg Strong. Altough when I click the URL : 'You may not move any enemy pieces.' Probably due to: 'I have made some significant changes to how loops, conditionals, and subroutines work. Let me know if these changes result in any bugs.' ;-)
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