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There seems to be a bug in the preset since I launched an invitation selecting the one from the normal 8x8 board but it was switched to the circular one.
There seems to be a bug in the preset since I launched an invitation selecting the one from the normal 8x8 board but it was switched to the circular one.
It hadn't set your theme. So, I added your theme to your log, and I updated the code to include the theme in the invitation form.
Something is wrong in the normal 8x8 preset programmed through logical directions since, using the "PLAY someone at the same location" resource, after any first move by White the board becomes circular. The same thing happens when trying to edit it. Surely this problem is related to what I reported before.
This is now fixed. I made sure it included the settings and theme values in the form.
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I updated this page with new presets that use logical directions. I made these in preparation for making presets for spherical variants. The links to the old presets are still provided, as they will help illustrate the difference between using mathematical directions and using logical directions. While I was at it, I made improvements to the code for displaying circular boards. The files are now more naturally oriented, there are now rank markings on the board, and the image map better matches how the board is drawn.