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Hello, David. I would be happy to swap games with you. I'd love to try an 8x10 shatranj game. It will probably take me a few days to get a skeleton GC preset together, non-rules-enforcing so we have the choice of specific pieces*. Never played Makruk, or any of your variants, so whatever you want is fine with me. Ten moves a week is at the upper limit of my practical ability, but five per is a good number. Looking forward to it. Sufficient mating force: the pieces I'm inclined to use in our game of 'great shatranj' (an awkward name for an 8x10 size) are the 1-step slide, 2-step jump pieces, like the Modern (Shatranj) Elephant. The dabbabah-wazir ('dababba') steps one or jumps two orthogonally. Clearly, the 2-step dababba-rider Gary Gifford and I are using in the Grand Shatranj test game can, with the king, checkmate a bare king, having a move of 1, 2, 3, or 4 squares. But the Modern Dababba moves only 1 or 2 squares. Can king and dababba checkmate lone king? *great rationalization for my being unable to do anything more than gut a pre-existing preset.
david_64-mageofmaple-2004-337-027 was my first game of Pairwise Drop Chess, where I simply hacked the Capablanca Chess Preset and added my new rules as Kibbitz Comments. This was a 'private preset' - I never got around to putting up a finished public model. Any variant with (modern) Elephants and War Machines sounds good to me. As for the 1or2 square War Machine, I suspect that even a nonjumping Mogyu (Violent Ox) from Dai Shogi can force mate - the trick is actually herding the lone King into a corner. Another note: the Hiryu (Flying Dragon) is a nonjumping 1or2 square Elephant. No need to rush your moves in our games - I know that you and Gary have a tournament to finish.
Hello David. As I do not have your email address, I'm offering you the invite this way. I have a non-rules-checking Great Shatranj test preset at: /play/pbm/play.php?game%3DGreat+Shatranj+Test%26settings%3Ddefault What are your preferences for pieces and set-up? The current setup guards all the pawns, which people seem to think is important. I would prefer we don't use the historic fers, wazir, alfil, or dabbabah, or the not-yet official zigzag general, but it's up to you. My e-add for a little longer is joejoyce at sprynet dot com. I will be dropping it in a couple weeks as I've switched providers. Pity, it never got spammed, not even once.
Hello Joe. I am quite happy with Rook=DW, Bishop=AF, Queen=FW, and the Knight compounds NDW and NDF. This makes for a nice collection of old-time pieces. Your preset looks like the mirror image of Variant 'C'. Please invite 'david_64' to play a game when you are ready. And add a Kibbitz Comment to your first move in the game with your final promotion rules: A1/B1/C2 look good. If the 'always can promote to General' option of Modern Shatranj is not being used, then you should state something similar to Rules 5 and 6 and 7 of Freeling's Grand Chess.
I am currently playtesting the 32 piece variant (Great taste! Less filling!) from my Mir Chess page. Note to Gary Gifford: I would like to play one game each of Mir Chess 32 and Shatranj Darwinian with you. Issue an invitation to me (david_64) if you are interested.
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