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The Nuclear Missile piece is great. It is also a nice, easily-learnt game.

Great Game! The Nuclear Missle piece is great. Good scope for strategy.
Just one question: Shouldn't the abbreviation for the Nuclear Missile piece be something like M, because N is already in use for the Knight? If not, what should be used for the Knight?
N and M are too easily confused. How about A (for A-bomb) or I (for ICBM)?
<p> Or we could just switch to using French abbreviations; then the problem goes away...
This choice of letter is not a big deal. It was the choice of the author of the game to call the new piece a Nuclea. Feel free to call it a Bomb if you like. Bishop is a Fool in French you know, so the names of piece have demonstrated some flexibility. Btw, Knight (which does not start with a N, no?(humour)) is Cavalier in French, so we use a C. And, it took me few seconds to get what ICBM meant...
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