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Thanks, this is where I found that one :) The Gnu section did give me a hard time.
I'm not really familiar with the original song, to be perfectly honest, but I appreciate the information. Apart from my questionable choice of nursery rhymes, how did you like the game?
Hardly negative, I finally get some information on how the game is actually perceived. The colourbound pieces were intentionally placed symmetrically, as it creates an interesting balance, both thematically and technically. The Vampires are a very strong piece, weakened by the movement stipulation and by colourbounding. Placing the Vampires on white and black would give the two pieces over-dominancy in the game. This also made me decide to keep the Bishops on same-colour squares. I tried fiddling with a bit off-conservative ideas, like different armies and a board that is not nXn, and it does has its advantages, but also its disadvantages. As for the presentation, ignoring the typo, the alfaerie pieces are always a manner of hit and miss, I chose the diagonal cannon image since that one at least resembled a cannon, unlike the others. Still thanx for the comment, and I hope you enjoyed playing the game.
Typo fixed, On the same manner, are there any known example of what you referred to as the usual problem of colourbound pieces on odd number files? Would be interesting to see how others tackled this issue.
In 1889 Ben Foster wrote a book 'Chancellor Chess.' The game is played on a 9x9 board, with the setup RNBQKCNBR. All the pawns are defended and the Bishops are on both light and dark squares.
In 1983 Carlos Cetina proposed 'The Bishops Conversion Rule', which has its own web page on this site. Briefly, one of your Bishops makes its first move in the game: exactly one square horizontally or vertically.
Two games with 11 columns take a new approach. Mainzer Schach places Bishops on the c-file and d-file, and Knights on the h-file and i-file. R. Wayne Schmittberger's Wildebeest Chess has White Bishops and Black Camels on the c-file and d-file, because the setup reverses the placement of the Black pieces.
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