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MiniXiang. Missing description[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Emmanuel Baud wrote on Sun, Sep 14, 2008 10:25 AM UTC:
There's an error on Horse move: it normally cannot move when a piece is on its way.
This is an interesting variant, but I fear that 1st move Cannon b2-e2 is always winning.

Charles Gilman wrote on Mon, Sep 15, 2008 07:58 AM UTC:
I can concur on the requirement for a pass-through square. Hm, you're right, perhaps I've stuck too close to the original. Although Black can also take the Rook out, White will ultimately be an Elephant up (b2-e2 d5-a5 e2xe6 a5xa1 e6xc6+ b6-a5). Would it solve the problem if I swapped the Cannons' starting files over so that they started on d2 and b5? That would at least make d2-e2 less of a threat on account of d6 (or c6)-e4 and the loss tha would result from e2xe5 e6xe5.

Emmanuel Baud wrote on Mon, Sep 15, 2008 05:49 PM UTC:
> White will ultimately be an Elephant up...
hum... taking immediatly this Elephant is perhaps not the best solution, because Cannon is then stucked... Finally, I wonder if Red has a big advantage on this position...

Maybe that's also a good idea to change files, but this has to be checked also with Zillions engine, in order to see there's no other great advantage to Red(Knight moves have to be fixed first)... At first sight, it seems to be equilibrate.

Starting with Cannon file exchange (d2 & b5), there's an other
zillions implementation error(with cannons?), where the Red General is not allowed to move:
1. Horse b1 - c3; 1. Horse d6 - e4
2. Cannon d2 - e2; 2. Cannon b5 - a5
3. Horse c3 x e4; 3. Cannon a5 x a1
4. Horse e4 - c5; 4. Mandarin b6 x c5
5. Cannon e2 x e6; 5. Elephant c6 - e4

eurasiachess wrote on Sat, Sep 20, 2008 05:48 PM UTC:Good ★★★★
Finaly, original setup is fine.
I modified Zillions ZRF adding '(verify (empty? $1))' just after
'(define leap(' in order to fix Horse moves.

When zillions calculate (at depth 16) on such setup, it doesn't take this
Elephant trap, and the playing remains quite equilibrate:

On the contrary, switching file of Cannon for setup, is giving greater
advantage to Red at the very begining:
So let's play the mini-shogi-like setup !

PS: I was wrong on the 'Cannon zillions implementation error'. In fact
that was the impossibility for Generals to face them diagonaly. 
Maybe stroking 2 General-diagonal lines on the board would be a good Idea

📝Larry Smith wrote on Wed, Sep 24, 2008 10:00 PM UTC:
Sorry for the delay in responding. Ike took out the power in my neighborhood for over a week. Internet service was not my priority, simple lighting was the goal. That and patching the roof.

I have corrected the Horse error, my bad. I will post an update for this game at Zillions, it should be up by Saturday.

As to the suggested graphics, I am a little reluctant to draw diagonals on the grid field as it seriously changes the aesthetics. I am considering putting colored spots at the intersections which these diaganals cross, this will achieve the same effect of cuing the player to the potential exposure threat. I'll work up the graphic and see how it looks. If good, I'll include it in the update.

Charles Gilman wrote on Thu, Sep 25, 2008 05:51 PM UTC:
Reading the comments has alerted me to another error in the description, at least, of the Zillions implementation, regarding the General. To quote from my original rules page: 'Generals are barred from sharing a file with no intervening piece. As they lack diagonal moves they are free (unlike Yang Qi Kings) to share a diagonal with no intervening piece.' In other words, it should be only along a file that they cannot face each other (ranks never arise of course). Sorry I didn't spot this earlier.

📝Larry Smith wrote on Thu, Sep 25, 2008 07:15 PM UTC:
I will make the appropriate corrections, and post the revised implementation to Zillions.

Charles Gilman wrote on Wed, Dec 3, 2008 09:13 AM UTC:
Note recent comments on this game's rules page.

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