Query Results for
SELECT * FROM `Item` LEFT JOIN `IndexEntry` USING (ItemID) WHERE `IsHidden` = 0 AND `Item`.`IsDeleted` = 0 AND (`AuthorID` = 'MatsWinther' OR `AuthorID2` = 'MatsWinther') ORDER BY `LinkText`, `Item`.`Summary` ASC LIMIT 500 OFFSET 0
4-handed Chaturanga with dice. Missing description
4-handed Shatranj. Shatranj for Four.
Accessory Chess. A drop variant with one or two external pieces per player (many to choose from). Zillions (zrf) program available.
Accessory Chess (with Divaricator). Drop chess with external piece. The Divaricator can capture by withdrawing in an oblique angle (+zrf).
Adjutant Chess. Regular chess with extended castling, and extra corner squares. Makes new strategies possible (+zrf).
Adjutant Chess. Introducing the Adjutant that can slide like a queen, but on the same square colour only (with zrf).
Adjutant Chess (with Adjutants). The Adjutant, besides sliding on the diagnals, can slide on the orthogonals by ignoring the other colour (+zrf).
Airplane Chess. Schmittberger's big-board variant featuring the very mobile Airplane (with zrf).
Alpaca Chess. An Alpaca, worth two pawns, is added to the standard piece context (with zrf).
Alpaca Chess. Introducing the weak but interesting Alpaca, which hops one or two steps rookwise (with zrf).
Alseid Chess. Introducing the Alseid, which moves like a queen but cannot capture. Instead it can kidnap piece behind a screen (zrf exists).
Alternative Chess. A drop variant with one single external piece per player (many to choose from). Zillions (zrf) program available.
Amiral Chess. Introducing the Amiral piece and the bounce-capture method on a Gustavian board (zrf available).
Angel Chess. D'Autremont's very aggressive variant featuring Amazons that cannot be exchanged (with zrf).
Arrangement Chess. The players take turns to relocate the king and the queen, thus enhancing opening ramification (with zrf).
Arrangement Chess. Swap king & queen before play begins. With mirrored kings and non-mirrored queens (with zrf).
Aviation Chess. Legan's Aviation Chess, popular during WWI, featuring the Aviator piece (with zrf).
Bario. Pieces are undefined until they move.
Barion. A variant of the chess variant Bario.
Barion. A variant of the chess variant Bario.
Basilisk Chess. Introducing the Basilisk cannon, with standard pieces (zrf exists).
Belfry Chess. Introducing the belfry catapult.
BlindChess. A blindfold program (optional board), good for training (DOS freeware).
Blindfold Chess. One of the oldest chess variants, where one of the players is blindfolded (zrf available).
Bodyguard Chess. A 9x9 variant, with a Bodyguard and two Kwaggas per side (zrf available).
Bolyar Chess. A historical variant, native to Bulgaria, with imaginative rules (zrf available).
Bombardier Chess. Introducing the Bombardier, combining a rook with a camelrider (zrf exists).
Brigadier Chess. Introducing the powerful Brigadier piece on a 68-square Gustavian board.
Buccaneer Chess. Introducing the Buccaneer and the bounce-move, whereby the piece bounces diagonally away from its course (zrf available).
Burmese Chess. Missing description
Camelrider Chess. P. Aronson's big-board variant with regular pieces and Camelriders.
Cannonrider Chess. The Cannonrider moves differently depending on square colour: on white squares as a Nightrider; else as a Chinese Cannon.
Capablanca Relocation Chess. The Capablanca piece array can in one move be rearranged, creating 144 different board positions (with zrf).
Castalia Chess. Introducing the Castalia, which moves like a queen but cannot capture. Instead it can magnetically dislocate pieces (zrf exists).
Castle Chess. As Fide-chess, but with extended castle: the king may jump three squares (with zrf).
Chess 25 (Fischer Placement Chess). Swap king and/or queen before play begins. Follows FRC rules (with zrf).
Chess with Extended Castle. Standard chess with extended castle rule, effectuating greater opening variance (with zrf).
Chess100. Piece positions are modestly randomized according to Arrangement Chess rules, castling is retained (+ zrf).
Chess256. The pawns are randomized on the 2nd and 3rd rank.
Chess400. Piece setup is randomized according to Configuration Chess rules, producing 400 modest, mostly non-mirrored, positions (+ zrf).
Chess484. Before play, certain pieces are regrouped, creating natural positions. Castling is retained (+ zrf).
Chess64. The piece array is moderately randomized according to Relocation Chess rules, castling is retained.
Chinese Chess.. An strong Zillions implementation plus a description of the world's most popular game.
Circular Chess. D. Reynolds's Circular Chess, a modern version of a Byzantine variant (with zrf).
Columbiad Chess.. Introducing the Columbiad, combining a cannon and a Cannonrider, on an H-board (zrf exists).
Commodore Chess. Featuring the Commodore piece (also called Leo) on a Gustavian board.
Configuration Chess. King and queen swap with other pieces before play begins - enormous variety! (with zrf).
Configuration Chess. Some pieces are rearranged before play begins, thus enhancing opening ramification (with zrf).
Constable Chess. Introducing the Constable piece on an H-shaped board. A game for attacking players. With zrf.
Coordinator Chess. Dekle's Coordinator Chess, featuring the Coordinator that captures in coordination with the king (with zrf).
Correlator Chess. Introducing the Correlator which captures by correlating with the king (with zrf).
Crab Chess (Chess4). Blocked flank pawns are have an additional jump move to empty square (with zrf).
Crossbishop Chess. Introducing the Crossbishop piece, with interesting cannon capabilities (Zillions file downloadable).
Crossbishop_Chess (8x10). A big-board variant featuring the new Crossbishop piece, an advanced cannon relative (Zillions file downloadable).
Crossrook Chess. Introducing the Crossrook, a versatile piece with cannon capabilities (Zillions file downloadable).
Culverin Chess. Introducing the Culverin cannon, which is dropped among standard pieces (zrf exists).
Culverin Chess. The Culverin is a cannon that can move like a king but must jump to capture (+zrf).
Descent Chess. Kaufmann's drop variant. Begins with only K + P + P. Recommendable!
Dimachaer Chess. Introducing the Dimachaer, a bifurcation piece that always lands on the diagonal second leg (zrf available).
Dimachaer Chess. The Dimachaer is a gladiator bifurcation piece that must collide to move (+zrf).
Doublebarrel Chess. Introducing the Doublebarrel piece, a lethal cannon relative with amazing tactical capabilities (Zillions file downloadable).
Doublecannon Chess. Introducing the Doublecannon piece, a strong cannon relative with breathtaking tactical capabilities (Zillions file exists).
Doublecannon-Chess (8x10). A big-board variant featuring the amazing new piece, the Doublecannon (Zillions file downloadable).
Dragonet Chess. The Dragonet flies to any square queenwise, captures piece behind landing square (with zrf).
Dromedary Chess. Pieces adjacent to the King can leap like a Dromedary (Camel).
Echidna Chess. Introducing the Echidna, a repulsion piece with telekinetic capacities (with zrf).
Elephant Chess. Featuring the time-honoured Burmese Elephant.
Elk Chess. The double-barrelled Elk moves differently depending on square colour.
Elk Chess (with Scorpions). Poisonous Scorpion pawns combined with the restive Elk, that changes with the colour of the square.
Elkrider Chess. Elkrider plus regular pieces. The Elkrider moves like a Nightrider if standing on white squares, otherwise it moves like a Rook.
Essedar Chess. The Essedar is a bifurcation piece that moves by colliding (+zrf).
Essedar Chess. Introducing the Essedar, which captures orthogonally but moves by the collision method (zrf available).
Extrapawn Chess. Standard chess with one extra pawn per player in the reserve (with zrf).
Flexible Chess (F-chess). The light pieces can move from any empty first rank square (with zrf).
Flexible Chess (F-chess). The light pieces are external and can move from any empty first rank square (with zrf).
Flexible Chinese Chess (F-Xiangqi). Xiangqi variant where the horses are initially external (with zrf).
Future Chess. With extra empty corner squares. Pieces can be relocated before play begins. Creates immense strategical variance (with zrf).
Gala (Farmer's Chess). Gala, a medieval cross between chess and tafl games. New rules reconstruction (with zrf).
Gastrophete Chess. Introducing the Gastrophete, a catapult capable of hurling other pieces over its head (zrf exists).
Gaul Chess. Introducing the Gaul, which captures like a bishop, but moves by the bifurcated jump method, on an H-board (zrf available).
Gladiatrix Chess. Introducing the Gladiatrix, an extremely agile female gladiator, on an H-board (zrf available).
Gorgona Chess. V. R. Parton's Gorgonia Chess (also Gorgon Chess), featuring the paralyzing Gorgonia (with zrf).
Gorgona Chess. V. R. Parton's Gorgona paralyzes enemy pieces so they can't move (with zrf).
Grenadier Chess. Introducing the Grenadier piece on an H-shaped board. A game for the attacking player. With zrf.
Guanaco Chess. Introducing the Guanaco that hops two squares orthogonally continuously (with zrf).
Gunnery Chess. Cannon pawns can leap over friendly piece and explode an enemy piece on the same file.
Gunnery Chess (8x10). Cannon pawns can leap over friendly piece and explode an enemy piece on the same file. Regular pieces plus Mastodons.
Gunnery Chess (with Scorpions). The Scorpion pawns have the additional capability of cannon-like moves. Very advanced. Only recommendable to grandmasters!
Gustav III's Chess. Invented by King Gustav III of Sweden (1746-92).
Gustavian Adjutant Chess. Standard chess with empty extra corner squares and extended castling (with zrf).
Gustavian Camelrider Chess. Camelriders and regular pieces on a Gustavian (68squares) board.
Gustavian Cannon Chess. Featuring the remarkable Swedish Cannon on a Gustavian board, where it thrives (zrf available).
Gustavian Cannonrider Chess. Cannonriders and regular pieces on a Gustavian (68 squares) board. Cannonriders move differently depending on square colour.
Gustavian-Camelrider Chess (with Scorpions). Camelriders and Scorpions on a 68 square Gustavian board.
Gustavian-Cannon Chess. The Swedish Cannon moves like a Korean Cannon, but can move like a rook if it cannot jump (+zrf).
Helmsman Chess. Introducing the Helmsman and the bounce-move, whereby the piece deviates orthogonally. A very positional piece (zrf available).
Hiashatar. A Mongolian historical variant, featuring the very special Bodyguard piece (zrf available).
Hoplit Chess. Introducing the Hoplit, a very mobile modern relative of the Korean cannon, on an H-board (zrf available).
Hoplomach Chess. Introducing the Hoplomach, a dynamic bifurcation cannon, related to the Korean cannon, on an H-board (zrf available).
Hopper Chess (with Scorpions). Pieces standing before friendly pieces can jump over enemy Scorpion pawn and land directly behind it.
Hopper-Chess. Pieces in front of friendly pieces can land immediately behind enemy pawns.
Hopper-Elk Chess. Pieces can hop over an enemy pawn and land directly behind it. The Elk moves differently depending on square colour.
Howitzer Chess. Introducing another piece named Howitzer, a fearful form of cannon, on the H-board. For the advanced tactician. With zrf.
Improved Chess. An improvement of standard chess: a blocked pawn on the far side gets extra jump moves to empty squares (with zrf).
Interloper Chess. Introducing the Interloper, a highly invulnerable attacking piece (with zrf).
Korean Chess. Korean Chess: presentation plus a strong Zillions implementation.
Ladon Chess. Introducing the Ladon, a short-range piece that can repel any other piece, and also capture this way (zrf available).
Laquear Chess. Introducing the Laquear, that captures like a bishop, but moves by the collision method (zrf available).
Leapfrog Chess. The pawn can leap over any man in its initial two-step move (with zrf).
Leto Chess. Introducing the Leto, a doubly telekinetic piece, very versatile (with zrf).
Magicpawns Chess. Any piece can move to friendly pawn and change place with it. Pawns thus become more dynamic and pieces less constrained.
Magneticpawns Chess. Introducing the magnetic pawn, which can dislocate an enemy piece by magnetic force. Regular board and pieces (zrf available).
Mangonel Chess. Introducing the remarkable Mangonel piece, which can hurl pieces over its head, on a Gustavian board (zrf available).
Mastodon Chess. Standard pieces plus two Mastodons per side. A strategical big-board variant.
Mastodon Chess (8x10). Standard pieces plus two Mastodons per side. A strategical big-board variant.
Matron Chess. Introducing the peculiar Matron queen, which makes regular chess more aggressive (zrf available).
Meridian Chess. Introducing the Meridian, bishop-capture combined with bifurcated bounce-move, on an H-board (zrf available).
Meteoric Chess. A sober but lively drop chess variant with standard pieces (zrf available).
MiniXiangqi. S. Kusumoto's MiniXiangqi - Chinese Chess on a 7x7 board (with zrf).
Mortar Chess. Introducing another piece named Mortar, a form of cannon, on an H-shaped board. Positionally advanced. With zrf.
Murmillo Chess. Introducing the Murmillo piece, and new collision-capture, on a Gustavian board (zrf available).
Naiad Chess.. Introducing the Naiad, which moves like a queen but cannot capture. Instead it can kidnap pieces by magnetism (zrf available).
Neoorthodox Chess. Introducing the Neoorthodox board, the Divaricator piece, and extended castling (with zrf).
Neoteric Chess. Pieces are swapped before play begins. An external piece is introduced (with zrf).
New Chess. Drop-chess with pawn relocation. Standard pieces and rules. Ideal for avoiding opening theory.
Nonary Chess. King or queen are optionally swapped with a bishop before play begins (with zrf).
Oblong Shatranj with Die. Missing description
Orphic Chess. Before the King is dropped the pieces can only capture. A very tactical and fast variant.
Orphic Chess (with Elks). Before the King is dropped the pieces can only capture. A very tactical and fast variant, with Elks.
Oxybeles Chess. Introducing the exceptional Oxybeles piece, which can hurl pieces over its head, on a Gustavian board (zrf available).
Oxybeles Chess. The Oxybeles can sling a piece to the farthest square in the movement direction (+zrf).
Paulovits's Game. Paulovits's chess variant, c. 1890, featuring leaping pieces Pasha and General (with zrf).
Pegniar Chess. Introducing the Pegniar, a very interesting bifurcating bounce-slider, on a Gustavian board (zrf available).
Perier Chess. Introducing the Perier Cannon in a Western piece context (with zrf).
Phalanx Chess. Introducing the Phalanx pawn that can swap place with piece in front (with zrf).
Pilgrim Chess. A new method of introducing an extra piece to the standard board (with zrf).
Pioneer Chess. A new method of introducing an external piece on the orthodox board (with zrf).
Pitcher Chess. Introducing the Pitcher pawn that can catapult posterior piece.
Placement Chess. King and queen are swapped with another piece, except rook, and creating a new mirrored position (with zrf).
Placement Chess. King and queen are swapped before play begins, generating FRC subset (with zrf).
Placement Random Chess (Chess 20). The piece setup is randomized following Placement Chess rules, generating 20 modest Fischer Random positions.
Provocator Chess. Introducing the Provocator, a zigzaging bifurcation piece, on a Gustavian board (zrf available).
Pyrrhus Chess. The Pyrrhus moves like a king but paralyzes enemy pieces at queen's distance (with zrf).
Pyrrhus Chess. Introducing the terrible Pyrrhus that can paralyse enemy pieces with its gaze (with zrf).
Randomscorpions Chess. The Scorpions are randomly distributed on the 2nd and 3rd rank. Otherwise regular setup.
Reformed Chess. Pawn can swap with an enemy piece located on the last rank, except king. Thusly, many more won endgames (zrf available).
Reformed Chess. Introducing a new pawn swapping capability intended to solve the problem of drawishness in chess (with zrf).
Regement Random Chess. Pieces are relocated to create a modest setup that most chessplayers will feel at home in (+ zrf).
Regiment Chess. Black determines king position, white can swap the queen before play begins (with zrf).
Relocation Chess. Swap a pair of your own pieces before you begin. With Fischer Random castling rules.
Relocation Chess. A remarkably easy method of rearranging the standard array of pieces (with zrf).
Retiar Chess. Introducing the Retiar, a bifurcating bounce-slider, on an H-board (zrf available).
Revised Chess. The pawn can also capture forwards if positioned on 7th rank. Thus, many more won endgames (zrf included).
Revised Chess. A revision of Fide-chess: a pawn on the seventh rank can also capture forwards. Makes chess much less drawish (with zrf).
Royal CannonChess. Pieces next to the king can capture forwards by a cannon leap.
Sagittar Chess. Introducing the Sagittar, a bifurcation cannon related to the Korean cannon, on an H-board (zrf available).
Samnis Chess. Introducing the Samnis, which combines rook-capture with bifurcated bounce-movement, on a Gustavian board (zrf available).
Scorpion Chess. Poisonous Scorpions instead of pawns.
Scout Chess. Introducing the Scout, combining queen-captures with Camelrider moves (zrf exists).
Secutor Chess. Introducing the Secutor piece, and new collision-capture, on a Gustavian board (zrf available).
Secutor Chess. The Secutor is a bifurcation piece that must collide and deviate in order to capture (+zrf).
Seirawan Chess. invented by GM Yasser Seirawan, a conservative drop chess (zrf available).
Seirawan Chess. Play this variant with extra pieces to drop into the game.
Shamanic Chess
. Pieces may be transformed into 'Shamans'.
Shamanic Chess. Pieces may be transformed into 'Shamans'.
Shatranj for Four. 4-handed Shatranj.
Stahlberg Chess. Regular pieces plus a Swedish Cannon and a Chancellor, which are dropped onto the board (with zrf).
Stheno Chess. Introducing the repulsive Stheno, which repels pieces as far as possible in the alignment direction (zrf available).
Stoltz Chess. Regular pieces plus a Swedish Cannon and an Archbishop, which are dropped onto the board (with zrf).
Swedish Cannon Chess. Introducing the Swedish Cannon, a cannon similar to the Korean, but well suitable for a Western piece context (zrf available).
Swedish Chess. Drop chess with regular pieces. Pieces dropped can relocate friendly pawns.
Thraex_Chess. Introducing the Thraex, which captures like a rook, but moves by the bifurcated jump method (zrf available).
Trebuchet Chess. Introducing the Trebuchet, an active catapult piece that slings pieces over its head (zrf exists).
Troitzky Chess. Troitzky Chess by Paul Byway, standard pieces on irregular board (with zrf).
Turret Chess. Introducing the Turret, which moves like a queen, and can hurl pieces over its head (zrf available).
Turret Chess. The Turret catapult can sling any piece above its head, and let it land on an enemy piece (+ zrf).
Twinmove Chess (uncompelled). Double move variant where a pawn can, optionally, be moved first.
Twinmove-Chess (compulsory). Double move variant where a pawn must be moved first. (This is like a pistol held to your head.).
Valiant Chess. Knight pawns at the fifth rank have an additional jump move to empty square (with zrf).
Variable Chess. A light piece is first moved outside the board. From there it can be introduced at any time via an empty square (with zrf).
Veles Chess. Introducing the deflecting Veles bifurcator on a Gustavian board (with zrf).
Venator Chess. Introducing the Venator, a bifurcation cannon related to the Korean cannon, on a Gustavian board (zrf available).
Warlock Chess. Introducing the Warlock piece, which can transform between Korean Cannon and Rook (zrf available).
Winther's Chess. Introducing the Bombard cannon, with standard peices (with zrf).
Zeppelin Chess. Introducing the Zeppelin, which can fly to any empty square orthogonally (with zrf).
Zeppelin Chess. The Zeppelin flies directly to any empty square orthogonally, captures piece before landing square (+zrf).
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