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SELECT * FROM `Item` LEFT JOIN `IndexEntry` USING (ItemID) WHERE `IsHidden` = 0 AND `Item`.`IsDeleted` = 0 AND (`AuthorID` = 'RobertPrice' OR `AuthorID2` = 'RobertPrice') ORDER BY `LinkText`, `Item`.`Summary` ASC LIMIT 500 OFFSET 0
Alice Raumschach. Combining the Raumschach and Alice chess variants. (5x(5x5), Cells: 125)
Alice Raumshach
. Combining the Raumschach and Alice chess variants.
Byzantine Chess
. A variant of Shatranj, played on a round board.
. Variant with fairy pieces and transmitters that can transport pieces.
Cheapmate Chess. Mate your opponent with an illegal move. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Cheapmate Chess
. Mate your opponent with an illegal move.
Chess Pool. Game played on a pool table, inspired by chess.
Chess Pool. Sample game of Chess Pool v. 0.50.
Chessapawn. Game where all pieces move forward and a win is by promoting. (8x8, Cells: 64)
. Game where all pieces move forward and a win is by promoting.
Chessapawn Puzzles. Four positions of Chessapawn to solve.
Chessapawn Sample Game. Missing description
. Four dimensional chess variant.
Cincinnati 4-Way Chess
. Four player chess variant from Cincinnati.
Circular Chess
. Chess on a round board with modern pieces.
Crazy 38's
. On strange board with 38 squares.
The Duke of Rutland's Chess
. Large variant from 18th century England.
Edge Chess
. Pieces can stand on the edges of squares.
The Fellowship of the Ring. White may win by carrying a 'ring' to the other side of the board. (8x8, Cells: 64)
The Fellowship of the Ring
. White may win by carrying a 'ring' to the other side of the board.
Fellowship of the Ring Puzzles. Several problems based on the Fellowship of the Ring variant.
Five Tigers
. A Chinese Chess variant with unequal armies.
. Four player chess variant on 8 by 8 board.
Grid Chess
. Always move to a different 4 by 4 square part of the board.
Hexapawn. Martin Gardner's miniature game of three pawns vs the pawns. (3x3, Cells: 9)
. Martin Gardner's miniature game of three pawns vs the pawns.
Highcastle Chess
. All pieces can castle.
. Pieces move depending on the column they are on.
. Pieces change movement capabilities depending on the column they occupy.
No Chess
. Forbid one move to your opponent each turn.
The One Ring
. White wants to get the Ring to the far side and destroy it.
The One Ring. White wants to get the Ring to the far side and destroy it. (5x8, Cells: 42)
The One Ring 1. Sample Game #1.
The One Ring 2. Sample Game #2.
The One Ring 3. Sample Game #3.
Platform Chess
. Pieces move normally or ride on 2x2 platforms that move themselves.
Platform Chess. Pieces move normally or ride on 2x2 platforms that move themselves. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Quad-Square Chess
. Chess on a board of 38 squares, of which six have size two by two.
Quantum Chess
. Commercial variant with new pieces on 10 by 10 and 12 by 12 boards.
. The classical variant of three-dimensional chess: 5 by 5 by 5.
Relativistic Chess. Squares attacked by the opponent are considered not to exist.
Rifle Chess
. Pieces are taken by shooting: capturing without moving.
Tank Chess
. With exploding bombs and pushing tanks.
Taxi Chess
. Pay for moves: long moves are expensive.
Unreal Tournament Chess
. Chess variants with a different objective, inspired by the multiplayer computer game Unreal Tournament.
Xiangqi 42. A minature version of Xiangqi (Chinese Chess) on 42 squares. (7x6, Cells: 42)
Xiangqi 42
. A minature version of Xiangqi (Chinese Chess) on 42 square.
Xiangqi 42 Sample Game. Missing description
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