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SELECT * FROM `Item` LEFT JOIN `IndexEntry` USING (ItemID) WHERE `IsHidden` = 0 AND `Item`.`IsDeleted` = 0 AND `Language` = 'English' AND (`InventorID` = 'CharlesDaniel' OR `InventorID2` = 'CharlesDaniel') ORDER BY `LinkText`, `Item`.`Summary` ASC LIMIT 500 OFFSET 0
Asylum Chess. 3 new unique pieces: fire-through rooks, double-capture knights, leaping bishops. (10x10, Cells: 100)
Asylum Chess
. Includes new game that features dual path compound pieces: the Loony Snake Rook and the Insane Snake Bishop.
Asylum Chess. Fire-through rooks, mad leaping (camel-move) bishops and double-capture insane ninja knights with lion-like powers.
Asylum Redux. Two new pieces: dual path sliding Zebra + Bishop and a dual path sliding Camel + Rook. (10x10, Cells: 100)
Asylum Redux
. Introducing the Loony Snake Rook and Insane Snake Bishop. Also starring the dangerous and superfast Ninja Pawns!
Asylum Redux. Featuring dual path Zebra / Camel crooked sliders compounded with Bishop / Rook.
Basic Chess. Variable baseline chess without drawing lots. Restrict Rooks to a and h files, and King to d or e files.
Birds and Ninjas
. Featuring the Flying Bombers that fly over to capture, and the short-range Ninja Guards that capture two enemy pieces at once.
Birds and Ninjas. Two simple checkmate problems for the game.
Birds and Ninjas. Immaculately balanced game features pieces with unique fly-over capture ability and short-range diagonal leapers.
Birds and Ninjas. Strategically rich chess-like game with powerful dual range orthogonal flying pieces, and short-range diagonal leapers. (10x10, Cells: 104)
Burmese Chess. Sittuyin preset uses a mix of equivalent pieces from Alfaerie Set.
Capture the Scepter. Checkmate the king or capture the scepter located on opposing king's home square. Features extra-mobile sliding pawns. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Carnage. Combines Rococo type gameplay with Chess on a large board with augmented knights and ninja pawn drops.
Carnage. Featuring the Terror Freeze, Detonator and the Dragon that attack the enemy in 4 different ways. (10x10, Cells: 100)
. Features new pieces that attack by detonation, withdrawal, approach, and immobilization.
Claustrophobia. Played utilizing 46 squares of a chessboard, using new unique pieces, all of which can be represented by the standard pieces. (5x8, Cells: 46)
Colossus. 10x10 chess with 4 Rooks, 4 Knights, 4 Bishops, 10 Pawns, 1 Queen and 1 King!
Colossus. Large-board chess with standard pieces and double the number of bishops, rooks and knights. (10x10, Cells: 100)
. With twice the number of Rooks, Bishops and Knights. Also includes 5 new variants with exotic pieces.
Displacement Chess 2
. Chess with minor modifications and no opening theory!
Displacement Chess 2. Chess with flexible castling, reverse symmetry and no opening theory.
Flying Bombers Chess. This dual-range flying and jumping piece adds a new dimension to chess. Standard and large board presets.
Flying Bombers Grand Chess. The usual pieces in Chess are complimented by two Flying Bombers, which eliminate enemy pieces by flying over them! (10x10, Cells: 100)
Flying Bombers with Hangars. Features the flying bomber - a versatile dual range piece that captures by flying over the enemy. (8x8, Cells: 68)
Hadean Chess
. Play expanded chess with Ferz/Wazir Sorcerers, Ferz/Wazir Knights, Flying Warmachines. Flying Elephants and Ninja Pawns.
Hadean Chess. Large chess with 12 pawns, 10 Ninja Pawns, 4 short-range linear jumpers, and Wazir/Ferz Zebra and Knight compounds.
Hadean Chess. Expanded chess with short-range linear jumpers, augmented knights and zebras and more dynamic pawns. (12x12, Cells: 144)
Herculean Chess
. Extended version of chess features the Flying Bishops, the Flying Chariots, Ninja Pawns, Augmented Knights and Zebras.
Herculean Chess. Large board chess with augmented versions of Bishops, Rooks, Zebras, Knights and pawns.
Herculean Chess. 12 x 12 version of chess featuring 4 Rooks, 4 Bishops, 4 Leapers and 22 pawns. (12x12, Cells: 144)
Holy Grail
. With the extraordinary but deadly Serpent that mutates into the Flying Bomber, Raptor, Cannon, Vao, Stealth Gryphon and more!
Holy Grail. Extended chess game with ability to drop a mutating piece and a crown price that changes the winning conditions.
Holy Grail. To win, checkmate both the King and the Crown Prince but avoid the evil Mutating Serpent! (10x10, Cells: 104)
Insane Ninja Chess. Play this exciting chess variant featuring two pairs of unique multi-mode pieces: Insane Ninjas and Mad Leaping Ninja Guards.
Insane Ninja Chess. Big board chess with dual range Camel's Leap Ninja Guards, and Insane Ninjas: powerful multidirectional short-range leapers. (10x10, Cells: 104)
Insane Ninja Chess
. Featuring 2 pairs of powerful multi-directional leaping pieces capable of double capture.
King to Bunker Leap. King can jump over own pieces to reach 1 of 2 bunker positions in Shuffle Chess or Pre-Chess. (8x8, Cells: 64)
King to Bunker Leap
. Includes Shuffle Chess and pre-Chess with new “bunker leap” king safety rules.
King to Bunker Leap. Play this exciting version of Pre-Chess using new king safety rules.
Ninjutsu (Claustrophobia 2). Win by invading palace or checkmate; new leaping pieces promote to gain more power.
Ninjutsu (Claustrophobia 2). The fierce double capture leaping pieces: the Ninja Warriors and the Ninja Guards can promote to Insane Ninja Knights! (8x5, Cells: 46)
No Limit Bet Chess. A gambling multi-move chess variant played with dice that allows players to place bets on each move. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Octopus Chess
. Featuring the Octopus, the Sorcerer Snake, the Ferz Knight, the Wazir Knight and the Ninja Pawns.
Octopus Chess. Features the crooked slider: the Octopus and the dual path Sorcerer Snake. (10x10, Cells: 100)
Octopus Chess. Featuring the Sorcerer Snake, the Ninja Pawn, the Wazir Knight, the Ferz Knight and the Octopus.
Omega Transplant
. The Warmachine Alfil , the Camel Ferz, the Ninja Pawns and the usual suspects battle it out on a new chessboard.
Omega Transplant. The Champion and Wizard from Omega Chess are transplanted to the board system and rules used for Birds and Ninjas.
Palace Ninja Guards
. A pair of short-range diagonal leapers and four extra squares are added to the standard chessboard and pieces.
Palace Ninja Guards. A pair of short-range diagonal leapers and four extra squares are added to the standard chessboard and pieces.
Palace Ninja Guards. A pair of short-range diagonal leapers and four extra squares are added to the standard chessboard and pieces. (8x8, Cells: 68)
Pick the Piece Big Chess
. Massive collection of games featuring dual path Sorcerer Snake; crooked slider: Octopus and much more.
Pick the Piece Big Chess. Players can choose to play with Gryphon, anti-Gryphon, SuperCannon, Flying Bomber, Ninja Pawns and many other diverse pieces.
Pick the Piece Big Chess. In this customizable game, players decide on the pieces to fill two empty slots and those to be dropped during play. (10x10, Cells: 100)
Pillage. Featuring the Super Pawn: a powerful short-range piece with promotional capabilities.
Pillage. Features the powerful jumping Super Pawns as well as a twin set of Vaos and Cannons. (10x10, Cells: 100)
. Featuring the unique Super Pawn: a powerful short-range piece with promotional capabilities.
Prison Break. Starring the sliding pawns, the Ninja Guards, the Knight, the Bird, the King and introducing the captivating Ice Queen! (6x8, Cells: 46)
Prison Break. Checkmate the enemy king or break out of prison with your king!
Random Move Number Chess. A die now controls the number of moves a player makes each turn. Luck and skill required to win! (8x8, Cells: 64)
Raptor Chess. Play game in which two pairs of dual mode fliers: the Raptors and the Birds create havoc on the board!
Raptor Chess. 104 square large board game with complimentary diagonal and orthogonal flying pieces each with dual mode capture abilities. (10x10, Cells: 104)
Raptor Chess
. Two pairs of complimentary flying/leaping pieces: the Raptors and the Flying Bombers change the nature of the game.
Shock Troops. System of chess with standard board and pieces, but with new leaping pieces entering during play.
Shock Troops. The usual chess until the War Knight, Elephant Knight and Ninja Pawns enter the game. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Shock Troops
. Make a regular move or drop one of two pieces into a vacant space in the back rank.
Sorcerer Chess. Big board chess featuring the Sorcerer (Zebra compund) and the Conjurer (Camel compound).
Sorcerer Chess. Practice the art of sorcery with two pairs of extra long leaping pieces: the Sorcerers and Conjurers. (10x10, Cells: 104)
Stealth Ninja Chess. Features a Drop Zone and diverse pieces such as Ninja Guards, Ninja Warriors, Stealth Gryphon, Anti-Gryphon, and Ninja Pawns.
Stealth Ninja Chess. Chess with two pairs of linear short-range leapers, and drop zone to add the Stealth Gryphon, Anti-Gryphon and Ninja Pawns. (10x10, Cells: 104)
Stealth Ninja Chess
. Dynamic but balanced game with short-range leapers, and unusual sliding pieces: the Stealth Gryphon and Anti-Gryphon.
Super Knights Chess 2. The Archbishop and Chancellor are complimented by a Ferz Knight, a Wazir Knight and Ninja Pawns.
Super Knights Grand Chess. Missing description (10x10, Cells: 100)
Super Knights Grand Chess
. The original Super Knights with the Archbishop, Amazon, and Chancellor, as well as two more exciting and innovative games.
Super Knights Grand Chess. Two Chancellors, One Archbishop, no knights and Amazon among Bishops, Rooks...
Titan Chess. In which, a new class of pieces such as Quad Bomber, Flying Bomber, and Raptor possess a unique fly-over capturing mechanism.
Titan Chess. Chess featuring dozenal board and seven diverse new pieces with multiple capture mechanisms and movement modes. (12x12, Cells: 144)
. The Sissa and Sorcerer Snake on a large board chess system with Ninja Pawn drops.
Venomous. Play this new large board system of chess with the Sissa, Sorcerer Snake and Ninja pawns.
Venomous. New system of chess on 10x10 board with new pieces: the Sorcerer Snake and the even more venomous Sissa. (10x10, Cells: 100)
. Features 3 new pieces: the Detonator, Dragon and the Flying Guillotine plus 5 Ninja Pawns.
Wreckage!. Introducing the dual mode Flying Guillotine, the Detonator that destroys adjacent pieces, and the advancer / withdrawer Dragon.
Wreckage!. A highly tactical game featuring the Dragon that captures by approach or retreat, the Detonator and the Flying Guillotine. (10x10, Cells: 100)
ZigZag Madness. Introducing the 2-path bent riders: the ZigZag Bishop and ZigZag Rook.
ZigZag Madness. Featuring the crooked dual path sliders: the ZigZag Bishop and the ZigZag Rook. (10x10, Cells: 100)
ZigZag Madness
. Its madness when the standard chess pieces clash with ZigZag Bishop, ZigZag Rook, Ferz-Knight, Wazir-Knight and Ninja Pawns!
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