Check out Balbo's Chess, our featured variant for October, 2024.

This page is written by the game's inventor, wdtr2.

Pocket Shogi Copper

In 2017, I did a Google search and discovered a web site that is designed to play Chess Variants. Not only does this web site allow for playing chess variants, it allows for programming of the chess variants. At that time, the most popular variant was a game called Shogi. It is Japanese Chess. I consider myself a beginner chess player, and a very new beginner at Shogi. In my opinion, the game of Shogi is brilliant, there is a beauty to the game that any chess player can feel after playing a few games. As a beginner, I lack several skills to play a good game of Shogi. Once the Gold General is on rank #9, it loses a lot of its abilities, and I wanted the ability to pull the Gold General off the board and put him back in reserve. Based on other chess variants I came up with the idea of a pocket, where you could pull off one Shogi piece on the board and put it in a pocket. On your next turn, you could drop the Shogi piece using the standard Shogi rules. The 1st version of the game came out, and I played against Aurelian Floria, and he suggested several improvements in my first version. I wanted to have different promotions of the knight, Gold General, and Lance. The Lance promotion bothered me, because after promotion it moved slowly. After discussions with Aurelian, we decided to make the Lance promotion to a Side Mover. I consider this game a collaboration of three people. Myself, Aurelian Floria, and Fergus Duniho.

2017年に、私はGoogle検索を行い、チェスの変則チェスを再生するように設計されたWebサイトを発見しました。このWebサイトでは、変則チェスをプレイできるだけでなく、変則チェスのプログラミングも可能です。当時、最も人気のあった変種は将棋と呼ばれるゲームでした。日本のチェスです。私は自分自身をチェスの初心者であり、将棋の非常に新しい初心者だと思っています。私の意見では、将棋のゲームは素晴らしく、いくつかのゲームをプレイした後、どんなチェスプレイヤーも感じることができるゲームの美しさがあります。初心者として、将棋を上手にプレイするためのスキルが不足しています。金将がランク#9になると、その能力の多くが失われます。私は、金将をボードから引き離して予備に戻す能力が欲しかったのです。他の変則チェスに基づいて、ボード上の将棋のピースを1つ引き抜いて、ポケットに入れることができるポケットのアイデアを思いつきました。次のターンでは、標準の将棋ルールを使用して将棋の駒をドロップできます。ゲームの最初のバージョンが出て、私はAurelian Floriaと対戦し、彼は私の最初のバージョンでいくつかの改善を提案しました。騎士、金将、ランスのさまざまなプロモーションをしたかったのです。 ランスの昇進は私を悩ませました。昇進後はゆっくりと動いたからです。 Aurelianと話し合った後、LanceをSideMoverに昇格させることにしました。このゲームは3人のコラボレーションだと思います。私自身、Aurelian Floria、FergusDuniho。



This game follows the rules of Shogi. There are a few exceptions:

  • There is a Pocket that you can place any piece on the board into the pocket except the king. The move to a pocket will take 1 turn.
  • キング以外のボード上の任意のピースをポケットに入れることができるポケットがあります。 ポケットへの移動には1ターンかかります。
  • If there is a piece in the pocket, you can drop that piece onto the board. The standard Shogi rules for a drop apply.
  • The Gold General promotes to a Platinium General
  • The Promoted Knight moves like a Gold General.
  • Currently, this game can only be played with the Symbolic Set of Shogi Pieces.

The Pocket: The pocket is an extra area that any of your pieces may move to, except for the King. To Move into the pocket, you must have a valid move on the board. A pocket move into the promotion zone and then back into the pocket will NOT promote the piece.

A promoted piece can move into the pocket and it is OK.  There is no demotion, when you move a piece from the board into the pocket. For example, if you move a Dragon Horse into the pocket it remains a Dragon Horse.

Note: the asymetrical start.  Black has a Copper General in the pocket, and White has the Copper General in Reserve.  This was designed to compensate the advantage that black has by going first.

Note(2): A pawn drop and making the King go into check is valid. If you drop a pawn and that action causes the opponent king to go into checkmate, that action is considered a loss of the game.

Note(3): if you move your king accross the board and place it on the square where the opponent king started, that move is considered a win.


k King King may move one space in any direction, but not into check. The object is to checkmate the King. The King may not move into the pocket.
g Gold General Gold General moves one space in any forward or orthogonal direction. It may not move diagonally backwards. A Gold General will promote to a Platinium General. z Platinium General Platinium General moves almost like a king.  It can not move directly backwards.  A captured Platinium General demotes into a Gold General.
r Rook Rook moves any number of spaces horizontally or vertically. It may not leap over pieces. When entering, exiting, or moving within the promotion zone, it may promote to a Dragon King. +r Dragon King Dragon King moves as the Rook or one space diagonally. A captured Dragon King demotes into a Rook.
b Bishop Bishop moves any number of spaces diagonally. It may not leap over pieces. When entering, exiting, or moving within the promotion zone, it may promote to a Dragon Horse. +b Dragon Horse Dragon Horse moves as the Bishop or one space orthogonally. A captured Dragon Horse demotes into a Bishop.
s Silver General Silver General moves one space forward. It can also move 1 space in any diagonal direction. When it enters, exits, or moves within the promotion zone, it may promote. +s Promoted Silver General Promoted Silver General moves as a Gold General. When captured, it demotes to a Silver General.
l Lance Lance moves any number of spaces vertically forward. It may not leap over pieces. When it moves into or within the promotion zone, it may promote. When it reaches the last rank, it must promote. +l Side Mover Side Mover moves from side to side like a horizontal rook, and the ability to move vertical 1 space. The Side Mover when captured, it demotes to a Lance.
n Knight Knight leaps to either of the two spaces it could reach by moving two spaces forward, followed by one more space left or right. When it enters the promotion zone, it may promote. When it reaches either of the last two ranks, it must promote. +n Promoted Knight Promoted Knight The piece has 1 forward movement of 1 space, 2 diagonal forward movements of 1 space (Left Forward or Right Forward), 2 side movements of 1 space (left or right), and a backward Knight movement of a Chess Knight. Backwards 2 spaces and then over 1 space. The backward movement is a Knight leap. When captured, it demotes to a Knight.
p Pawn Pawn moves one space vertically forward. When it moves into or within the promotion zone, it may promote to a Tokin. When it reaches the last rank, it must promote to a Tokin. +p Tokin Tokin moves as a Gold General. When captured, it demotes to a Pawn.
c Copper General Copper General moves one space in the forward direction diagonally, forward direction orthogonal, or directly backwards. When it moves into or within the promotion zone, it may promote to a Silver General. +c Promoted Copper General Promoted Copper General moves one space forward. It can also move 1 space in any diagonal direction. This is the same movement as a Silver General. When captured, it demotes to a Copper General.


Play the game here:

Pocket Shogi Copper

This 'user submitted' page is a collaboration between the posting user and the Chess Variant Pages. Registered contributors to the Chess Variant Pages have the ability to post their own works, subject to review and editing by the Chess Variant Pages Editorial Staff.

By wdtr2.

Last revised by wdtr2.

Web page created: 2018-02-18. Web page last updated: 2018-06-27