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This page is written by the game's inventor, Daniil Frolov.

Reflection teammate

Inspired by This article. I thought, how it will work with four player games. It really can be played! But it will not be 4 player game anymore, it will require only 2 players.


Several possible opening setups on different boards. They don't need 4-colored sets, but it's better if pawns, moving in diferent directions are different. First setup, looking like setup in several different four player variants: RNBKQBNR PPPPPPPP -------- rp----------pr np----------pn bp----------pb qp----------pq kp----------pk bp----------pb np----------pn rp----------pr -------- PPPPPPPP RNBKQBNR Two other setups need rules that prevent moving first 2 and last 2 ranks of one of players to first 2 and last 2 of other player. Second setup, also used in several games: RNBQKBNR PPPPPPPP rp--------pr np--------pn bp--------pb qp--------pq kp--------pk bp--------pb np--------pn rp--------pr PPPPPPPP RNBQKBNR Third setup, from my Mini four player chess, can be played with standart equipment: NBKR PPPP rp----pr kp----pk bp----pb np----pn PPPP NBKR


With each turn, player must move two pieces from different parts of his army, and second move must mirror first. Some examples for third setup:
R d2-d4, R d7-d5.
N e3-d5, N e6-d4.
B c3-f6, B c6-f3.
Both pawns may move diagonally if at least one of them makes capture, and may move orthogonally if at least one moves without capturing (originally i wanted to allow them move only orthogonally without capturing and capture only diagonally, but it makes pawn too weak).
Move must be posible for both pieces, neither may leap and rooks may not leap over each other.
When pawn becomes blocked by it's reflection, they swaps positions on same move (this action don't need separate turn).
When piece losts it's reflection, it may move freely, but when two pieces of same kind without reflections moves to corresponding squares, they will become reflections of each other and will have to move simultaneously.
Simultaneously moving pawns must promote to pieces of same kind.
Winning conditions are optional: capture both kings or checkmate either (choose before playing).
Castling is possible in first two setups. During castling, neither king may cross or move out of check.
Pawns promotes when they are in position, where they will never be able to move. Promotion to queen in third setup is optional.


I have several subvariants.

Reverse symmetry:
Setup is different. In first two setups queens faces kings, third setup in this subvariant looks like this:


Example of reflecting move:
N f1-e3, N c8-d6.

Second subvariant: when piece is captured, it's reflection is also captured.

Another setup on 8x8 board:


Capturing through line between 4th and 5th files is not allowed. Castling is possible. Promotion to queen is optional.

Same, but with reverse symmetry:


Game on two boards: two independed normal boards, on first board setup is usual, on second white king is swapped with white queen. With each move, player must move one piece on each board, these moves must mirror each other for white and be made with two identical pieces, in same direction and with same number of steps, for black (actually rules for white and black are identical, i described these rules in this way only for convenience). And both moves must be legal. Win by checkmating either king.

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By Daniil Frolov.
Web page created: 2010-09-07. Web page last updated: 2010-09-07