Check out Balbo's Chess, our featured variant for October, 2024.

This page is written by the game's inventor, John Garwood.

Combat Chess II

By: John Garwood Copyright 1988 to current.

(e-mail- (email removed contact us for address) .net

This is a little game of chess I came up with. Though more simple than chess it is still quite complicated and has its own set of intricacies.

  1. Setup a regular chess board.
  2. Get a hold of a six sided dice ( two is preferable )
  3. Get a friend to play with.

The Pieces

Pawn - Pawns move in a straight line in any direction.
Pawns have no, 0 bonuses. [Exception if a pawn ever kills a king that pawn becomes a bishop with a +2 and it becomes a leader.]

Castles - These pieces stay put all through-out the game.

Knight (Dragon) - The dragon, this piece can move over any number of pieces in a straight line as long as there is a space to land in.
Dragons get a +1 to all rolls.

Bishops - Moves in a straight line and is considered a leader.
Bishops get a +2 bonus to all rolls.

Queen - Moves in a straight line and is considered a leader.
Queens get a +3 bonus to all rolls.

Kings - Moves in a straight line and is considered a leader.
Another thing a king can do is a called teleportation discussed later.
Kings get a +4 bonus to all rolls.


At the start of a turn a player rolls (except when any piece is at combat, and/or when trying an escape.) a single six sided dice. That is the number of spaces he/she may move a single piece. In combat chess all pieces (except castles) move in straight lines like a regular chess queen. It is possible to roll too many spaces. If this happens the player looses his turn. This is called over-planning. All pieces (except the dragons) cannot move through any piece. All pieces if chosen must move all of the number of spaces rolled. No piece may make any kind of turn.

Pieces' bonus is not added to this roll.

Another thing a player can do if his/her king is still alive is is make a called teleportation. The moving player before the roll of the dice must declare ("king teleportation"). If it is not declared the king may not do this. After declaration the player then rolls the dice. For every leader of the players side is on the board the king gets a +1 to this roll. If the roll is equal to a 6 the player may place the king in any unoccupied space on the board. Pieces' bonus is not added to this roll.


When a players piece becomes adjacent to an opponents piece the moving player may then choose to challenge the adjacent piece of his/her choice. The challenger then rolls the six sided dice and adds the challenging pieces bonus to it. The challenged player then rolls the dice (or his/her own dice) and adds the challenged pieces bonus to it. The highest of the two numbers wins. If a tie is rolled then the process repeats until there is a victor.

Upon victory the player then moves that piece into the opponents square. Removing the captured piece to the back edge off of the board. The player may now challenge, roll for movement, or try an escape. This means that as long as the player fights and wins the player continues to go.

Upon defeat the player looses his/her piece to the other player who now must take that defeated piece and place it to the back edge off of the board. The player has now ended his/her turn and may take no further action. It is now the victors turn to move.

Escape Attempts

This is accomplished by moving a piece in a previous turn adjacent to any of the opponents castles. The "hero" then rolls the dice once and adds to that its bonus. If that result equal or greater than a 6 the player may choose any captured piece and place it into any empty adjoining place next to the castle. This piece is now free to do what ever. If there is no empty adjoining spaces to place a piece in then there can be no escape attempt.

The players turn now ends. At this time the opponent may try to get a piece there to protect it or if there is already an adjoining piece may make a combat challenge. If there is no pieces to be escaped then choose to do something else.

Victory comes when all the leaders have been killed (bishops, queens, kings).

Playing the game

1. Each player rolls the six sided dice, the highest number goes first, in case of tie reroll.

2. The winning player then can choose to either roll to move, declare kingly teleportation, or if possible declare challenge or escape attempt.

3a. After any combat the winner then gets to do step 2.

3b. Once the player has moved or been defeated the player then hands over the dice to the opponent and the opponent gets to move doing step 2.


In a combat victory the taken piece may be placed on either side (left right) back part off of the board. That piece is then assigned to that castle and may only be escaped from that castle.

Thats it. I hope you enjoy.

Written by John Garwood.
WWW page created: January 25, 1996. Last modified: February 7, 1997.