Check out Balbo's Chess, our featured variant for October, 2024.

This page is written by the game's inventor, Yu Ren Dong.

Chess with Different Periods

Chess with Different Periods is a TURN-related variant of Los Alamos Chess. Every time two player's pieces are moved above ten times, the rules often would be changed.


The game is played on a 6x6 board. The array is as follows: White: King d1; Queen c1; Rook a1, f1; Knight b1, e1; Pawn a2, b2, c2, d2, e2, f2. Black: King d6; Queen c6; Rook a6, f6; Knight b6, e6; Pawn a5, b5, c5, d5, e5, f5. Other squares could be used in order to know the game goes on which turns and periods. Players may use a dice to indicate six periods.


The pieces shown above move as in orthodox chess.    

Pawns have no initial 2-step move option, En passant ,and could not promote to a Bishop.  

Castling is not allowed.


Normal Los Alamos Chess with the following exceptions:

1. One move per turn. Ten turns per period. Six periods per cycle.

2. Before moving pieces, two players appoint alternately one modest chess variants to an undecided period. They may appoint the same variants without limited times. 

3. Once six periods are all appointed, the cycle would starts. Play continues with the cycle until a victor or a draw is determined. 

4. Over one certain period, main rules are still based on Los Alamos Chess; however, some rules would be changed by the appointed vatiant rules of that period.


This game is my second chess variant. Since people may appoint the same modest variant. The game has a chance that the game would played with pure one kind of variants from opening to ending. I recommend some modest variants to play: Brickchucking Chess Invented by Alan Holloway and Gary Smith in 1975. Pieces may not move backwards, but may still give check and mate backwards. Brotherhood Chess Invented by Gianluca Vecchi in 1993. Except for kings and pawns, a piece cannot capture one of its own kind. Cannibal Chess Invented by unknown. Except for kings, when a piece takes another piece, its become the movement abilities of the piece it has taken. Job Change Chess Invented by Yu Ren Dong in 2009. Knight entering into the last line becomes Rook; Rook becomes Queen; Queen becomes Rook. Kamikaze Chess Invented by Benjamin Glover Laws in 1928. Except for the king, a piece making a capture is removed from the board together with the captured piece. Los Alamos chess Invented by Paul Stein and Mark Wells in 1956. This game is played on a 6¡Ñ6 board without bishops. There is no pawn double-move,en passant capture, no castling. Pawns may not promote to bishops. Modified Round Chess Invented by Rudolf Schwind in 1977. Queens and rooks may move around the concentric tracks. Self Eliminator Chess Invented by John Gallicano and Steve Mann in 1997. A piece may take their friendly pieces. Start Again Chess Invented by David Brine Pritchard in 1990. A piece which left the original squares of its kind may return if vacant. Teamster Chess Invented by Tony Paletta in 2001. Moving forwards Pawn pull one friendly piece behind it.

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By Yu Ren Dong.
Web page created: 2009-06-25. Web page last updated: 2009-06-25