Check out Balbo's Chess, our featured variant for October, 2024.

This page is written by the game's inventor, Köksal Karakus.

Perfect Chess

This variant includes all possible pieces that can be created by the rook's, bishop's and knight's move. It is somewhat similar to Gerhard Josten's Chess 2000, but instead of the left bishop in that game, here there is queen, and instead of the queen in that game here we have general. It is perfect in the sense that all possible natural pieces exist exactly once at the opening setup.
If anyone wants to play it with me, you can mail me at (email removed contact us for address)

Board and Setup

Perfect Chess Setup

The game is played on a 8x8 board. Each player have a King, a General, a Queen, a Chancellor, a Bishop, a kNight, a Rook, a Minister, 8 Pawns.

The opening setup is as seen on the left.

White: King e1; General d1; Queen c1; Minister b1; Chancellor a1; Bishop f1; Knight g1; Rook: h1; Pawns a2,b2,c2,d2,e2,f2,g2,h2.

Black: King e8; General d8; Queen c8; Minister b8; Chancellor a8; Bishop f8; Knight g8; Rook: h8; Pawns a7,b7,c7,d7,e7,f7,g7,h7.

Moves and Rules

General General moves and captures like the amazon, i.e. like a queen or a knight.

Chancellor Chancellor moves and captures like the usual chancellor, i.e. like a rook or a knight.

Minister Minister moves and captures like the arcbishop, ie like a bishop or a knight.

King, queen,bishop, knight and rook move and capture exactly in the same way as in FIDE chess. King can castle with the rook or the chancellor just as in orthodox chess.

Pawns move just as in FIDE chess. En passant exists with the same rule. Pawns promote when they reach the last row (1 or 8) of the board, to any non-pawn and non-king piece.

Other Rules

White makes the first move. The aim is to checkmate the opponent's king as usual. Stalemate is just as in orthodox chess.
Note that most of the chess variants that include a different winning way or multimoves can be applied to Perfect Chess.

(c) Köksal Karakus - 2000

Written by Köksal Karakus.
WWW page created: February 2, 2000.