Check out Balbo's Chess, our featured variant for October, 2024.

This page is written by the game's inventor, Kevin Pacey. This game is a favorite of its inventor.


Constable-Spiel came about when I thought of having a somewhat similar game to an earlier variant idea of mine that's played on a much smaller board (Constabulary Chess).

A preset for play on Game Courier is available: Constable-Spiel




Constable-Spiel uses the 6 piece types of orthodox chess, plus 4 unorthodox piece types:

A Warmachinewazir - also known as a Woody Rook; it moves like a wazir (moves one step orthogonally, i.e. by rank or file) or like a dabbabah (leaps two squares orthogonally).

A Waffle - also known as a Phoenix; it moves like a wazir or alfil (leaping two squares diagonally).

A Kirin moves like a dabbabah or ferz (one step diagonally).

A Ferfil moves like an alfil or a ferz.


Constable-Spiel follows the rules of chess, except where noted below.

The castling rules for Constable-Spiel are as follows: A king that has never moved, and is not in check, can 'leap' once a game, along the first rank, to any unattacked empty square between it and an unmoved rook, followed by said rook 'leaping' to the king's initial square so as to complete castling in one single move. It does not matter if any squares in between are occupied or under attack.

Threefold repetition of position or stalemate is a draw as in standard chess, and the 50 move rule is also in effect in Constable-Spiel (i.e. game drawn if no captures or pawn moves have been made before 50 consecutive moves by both sides). Pawns move as in chess, and can promote to any piece type included in the setup, except for a king.

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By Kevin Pacey.

Last revised by Kevin Pacey.

Web page created: 2024-03-03. Web page last updated: 2024-03-03