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This page is written by the game's inventor, Lim Peng.

Grandkingdom Chess

During Medieval time, knights of different capabilities and archers played decisive parts in battles. This game was created to represent this reality.

Set up of the Grandkingdom Chess. (A new expansion for dynamic interaction)

Rules for new pieces. (Crossbow-Knight, Archer-Lord)

(1) Grand-Knight (G).( Q / N )

It has the combined move and capture power of either Queen or Knight.

(2) Lancer-Knight (L).( R / N )

It has the combined move and capture power of either Rook or Knight.

(3) Sage-Knight (S).( B / N )

It has the combined move and capture power of either Bishop or Knight.

(4) Crossbow-Knight (C).( B / N / j B (if X))( j = jumping )(X = capturing)

It has the combined move or capture power of either Bishop or Knight. When it is moving as a Bishop it can jump over an intervening piece (jump once over one friendly or enemy piece) to capture an enemy piece. If it is not capturing, it cannot jump. It can only capture one enemy piece in one move.

(5) Archer-Lord (A). (Q / j Q (if X))(j Q = jumping Queen)(X = capturing)

It has the move and capture power of Queen. It can also jump over an intervening piece (jump once over one friendly or enemy piece) to capture an enemy piece. If it is not capturing, it cannot jump. It can only capture one enemy piece in one move.

General rules.

(1) Pawns have an initial two-step move option but are not subjected to en passant capture.

(2) Castling is not possible.

(3) A pawn promotes on the last rank. It can only be promoted to a " friendly" piece that has been captured, and for which it is exchanged. To be promoted to a Bishop it must be the same color bounded.

(4) A player wins when his opponent has no legal moves left, as a result of being checked or stalemated.

(5) Other rules are as in orthodox chess.

Written by Lim Ther Peng.
WWW page created: June 18, 2003.