Pawns-to-Kings Chess
Game starts without kings, but pawns and blacksmiths can promote to kings of the opposite color. The game is likewise won if any player has no king on the board and his/her opponent has no pawns or blacksmiths left on the board.
Starting position: A W S N S W N A P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P A N W S N S W A Ranks 1 and 8 contain the pieces and ranks 2 and 7 contain the pawns. (Alternatively to the above, the players may agree to place the pieces on their respective first ranks however they wish, either as in "Pre-Chess" or independantly and unknowingly of eachother.)
A=Archbishop (knight + bishop compound) S=Blacksmith The blacksmiths move without capturing one step orthogonally straight forward or one step straight back or it slides an unlimited number of squares horizontally. It can't jump obstacles. The Blacksmith captures enemy agents (and gives check) one step in all diagonal directions. W=Waffle The waffle moves the same as in "Betza Chess". It is an alfil + wazir compound. It jumps 2 squares diagonally or moves 1 step orthogonally. It captures the same way it moves. Promotion can result in chancellors. They are rook + knight compounds.
Change of rules from orthodox chess: ¤ Pawns are berolina plus pawns. For a first move they may move either 1 or 2 steps ahead, diagonally, if the way ahead is clear. After that, they’ll only be able to move 1 step diagonally forward, and they’ll take out enemy agents either 1 step orthogonally to either side or 1 step orthogonally forward. There is no en passant. ¤ Pawns and blacksmiths promote on the player's eighth rank. Option is open each time between promoting to kings of the opposite color to the promoted pawn/blacksmith, chancellors (same color as the promoting agent) or queens (same color as well). ¤ The game is won by checkmating an enemy king. The game is likewise won if any player has no king on the board and his/her opponent has no pawns or blacksmiths left on the board. ¤ It is allowed to take out friendly agents, except for the king/kings. Kings can’t be taken out by friendly agents, and the kings themselves can not take out friendly agents, either. (There is no castling move, naturally.)
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By Patrik Hedman.
Web page created: 2014-03-17. Web page last updated: 2014-03-17