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This page is written by the game's inventor, Glenn Nicholls.


Save The Tiger games

The Conflict known as Dragon

Which is based upon Chinese Chess and is:

A Kaleidoscope Game between The Middle Kingdoms of:


Copyright© G. Nicholls 2003 to 2015

Email: [email protected]



Overview and Object

Forces, Abbreviations and Elements

Board and Initial Deployment

Description of Principal Forces

Notes on Rules

Scope, Moves and Powers of the Forces

Main Rules of Play

Main Rules - Scoring and Other

Scoring Table

Check Lists

Notes and Further Rules plus Sequence of Events

Variations of White/Black Knights' powers and Notes additions


The Players and Sides:

The Forest OverLord who plays the Forest Forces

and is assisted by

The Forest Seer


The Storm OverLord who plays the Storm Forces

and is assisted by

The Storm Seer

Timed by TigerIncrement Clocks

The Settings of The Middle Kingdoms:

The Great Forest, which surrounds the Barren Lands, which in turn surround:

The Forest Kingdom

The Kingdom of Storms


Trafalgar Ocean, which surrounds the Island known as:

The Island of Sirens which cannot be occupied by any Force or item of Regalia.

Within the Forest Kingdom are:

The Forest Palace

New-Earth Library, which includes The White Room


Scholars' Tower

Within the Kingdom of Storms are:

The Storm Citadel

The Dungeons, which include The Stairwell


Storm Tower

Allied to the Forest Kingdom but many leagues away is The Woodland Kingdom

The Forces:

The Royal Forces

The TrueBorn King of the Forest Kingdom

The TrueBorn Queen of the Forest Kingdom

The TrueBorn Prince of the Forest Kingdom

The Woodland King of the Woodland Kingdom

The Woodland Princess of the Woodland Kingdom

The Imperial Forces

The Dark Warlord of the Kingdom of Storms

The Storm Queen of the Kingdom of Storms

The Storm Empress of the Kingdom of Storms

The Red Witch of the Kingdom of Storms

The Great Forces

The Ice Dragon of the Forest Kingdom

The Storm Dragon of the Kingdom of Storms

The Elder Winged Serpent of the Kingdom of Storms

The Younger Winged Serpent of the Kingdom of Storms

The First Wizard of the Forest Kingdom

The Iron Magician of the Kingdom of Storms

The Forest Talisman of the Forest Kingdom

The Storm Talisman of the Kingdom of Storms

The Major Forces

The White Knights of the Forest Kingdom

The Black Knights of the Kingdom of Storms

The Siege Directors of the Forest Kingdom

The Red Siege Machines of the Kingdom of Storms

The Rangers of the Forest Kingdom

The Raiders of the Kingdom of Storms

The Green Fortresses of the Forest Kingdom

The Red Fortresses of the Kingdom of Storms

The Albatrosses of the Forest Kingdom

The Ravens of the Kingdom of Storms

The Green Sceptre of the Forest Kingdom

The Red Sceptre of the Kingdom of Storms

The Green Flagship, Cannons and Battering Ram of the Forest Kingdom

The Red Flagship, Cannons and Battering Ram of the Kingdom of Storms

The Minor Forces

The Elves of the Forest Kingdom

The Trolls of the Kingdom of Storms

The Palace Defenders of the Forest Kingdom

The Citadel Watchers of the Kingdom of Storms

The Guards of the Forest Kingdom

The Warders of the Kingdom of Storms

The Green Knights of the Forest Kingdom

The Red Knights of the Kingdom of Storms

The Crossbowmen of the Forest Kingdom

The Catapults of the Kingdom of Storms

The Buccaneers of the Forest Kingdom

The Pirates of the Kingdom of Storms

The Watchtowers of the Forest Kingdom

The Castles of the Kingdom of Storms

The Green Ships and Battering Rams of the Forest Kingdom

The Red Ships and Battering Rams of the Kingdom of Storms

The Librarian of the Forest Kingdom

The Jailer of the Kingdom of Storms

The Green Arrows of the Forest Kingdom

The Red Arrows of the Kingdom of Storms

The Junior Forces

The Dwarfs of the Forest Kingdom

The Gnomes of the Kingdom of Storms

The Captains of the Forest Kingdom

The Ferrymen of the Kingdom of Storms

Captive Forces

The Captive Wizard of the Forest Kingdom

The Captive Magician of the Kingdom of Storms

The Captive Elf of the Forest Kingdom

The Captive Troll of the Kingdom of Storms

Caretaker Forces

The Scholars of the Forest Kingdom

Ground Forces

The Forest Trading Families of the Forest Kingdom

The Storm Elementals of the Kingdom of Storms


The Northern Light of the Forest Kingdom

The Forest Sword of the Forest Kingdom

The TrueBorn Banner of the Forest Kingdom

The Dark Crystal of the Kingdom of Storms

The Shadow Banner of the Kingdom of Storms

The Forest Flag of the Forest Kingdom

The two Storm Flags of the Kingdom of Storms

The Library Books of the Forest Kingdom

The Music Library of the Forest Kingdom

Games Equipment of the Forest Kingdom

The Chain and Manacle of the Kingdom of Storms

The Pouch of the Kingdom of Storms

The Padlock of the Kingdom of Storms

The Keys of the Kingdom of Storms

The Forest Flag of Truce of the Forest Kingdom

The Storm Flag of Truce of the Kingdom of Storms

The Green Ships' Flags of the Forest Kingdom

The Red Ships' Flags of the Kingdom of Storms

Overview and Object

The Game of Dragon is played by two players who are known as:

The Forest OverLord and The Storm OverLord. The Forest OverLord plays The Forest Forces and the Storm OverLord plays The Storm Forces.

The Forest OverLord may be assisted in his play by The Forest Seer for a maximum of three times during the game and likewise the Storm OverLord may be assisted in his play by The Storm Seer for a maximum of three times.

The game takes place in The Middle Kingdoms of New-Earth where The TrueBorn Prince (who has recently celebrated Son's Day) governs, along with his Mother The TrueBorn Queen, The Forest Kingdom. His Father, The TrueBorn King, is in poor health and resides in the allied Woodland Kingdom. The Dark Warlord rules The Kingdom of Storms together with The Storm Queen. Between these two Kingdoms lies the inland ocean known as Trafalgar Ocean which surrounds The Island of Sirens, and surrounding these two Kingdoms are The Barren Lands which are sparsely inhabited and mountainous. These Kingdoms form the largest inhabited area of New-Earth, (though The Woodland Kingdom lies many leagues away) and bitter conflict has broken out between these two Kingdoms with the Storm Forces striking the first blow. The outcome of this conflict is regarded as the most critical of all the conflicts in New-Earth.

The object of each player is to gain Victory over the opposing Forces, and this may be achieved as follows:

For the Forest OverLord:

  1. By Locking up the Dark Warlord or
  2. By Direct Capture of the Dark Warlord or
  3. By the TrueBorn Prince Planting his Forest Flag

For The Storm OverLord:

  1. By Locking up the TrueBorn Prince or
  2. By Direct Capture of the TrueBorn Prince or
  3. By the Dark Warlord Planting his Storm Flag or
  4. By the Red Witch Planting her Storm Flag

Locking up (Checkmate) occurs when either the TrueBorn Prince or the Dark Warlord is under attack and cannot play any move to avoid being captured, for it is not permitted for either the TrueBorn Prince or the Dark Warlord to remain under attack.

Direct Capture occurs by using The Forest Sword or The Dark Crystal. This is explained under these respective headings.

Planting the Flag occurs when a Flag-Bearer (the TrueBorn Prince, the Dark Warlord, the Storm Queen / Red Witch) replaces a Banner with their respective flag. This is explained more fully when describing the moves of the TrueBorn Prince, the Dark Warlord and the Red Witch.

These differing methods of achieving victory carry a different weight in terms of game points awarded. This is shown in the scoring table.

A Truce is declared in certain circumstances and the game ends in a draw. This is explained more fully later under the rules.

For competition play the game of Dragon may be arbitrated by one known as the Arbiter who will ensure that both the spirit and the rules of the game are adhered to. He/She has the power to decide the game in favour of the spirit of the game over the rules of the game. The Arbiter may offer the service of moving the forces and operating the clocks that are used. It should be noted that clocks should be of the TigerIncrement type (explained under the rules).

The Forest Forces and their Elements:

The Forces



The TrueBorn King



The TrueBorn Queen at Work



The TrueBorn Queen at War



The TrueBorn Prince


Earth and Water

The Woodland King



The Woodland Princess



The Northern Light



The Ice Dragon Afire


Earth, Air and Fire

The Watching Ice Dragon



The Scholars



The Dwarfs


Earth and Water

The Elves



The Captive Elf



The Palace Defenders



The Guards



The Green Knights


Earth, Air and Water

The White Knights


Earth, Air and Water

The Crossbowmen


Earth, Air and Water

The Siege Director(s)


Earth and Air

The Buccaneer(s)


Earth and Water

The Ranger(s)


Earth and Air

The Watchtowers


Earth and Water

The Green Fortress (es)



The Albatrosses


Earth and Air

The Green Sceptre



The Forest Talisman


Earth and Air

The Forest Sword


Earth and Water

The First Wizard unchained


Earth and Air

The Captive Wizard



The TrueBorn Banner



The Forest Flag


Earth and Water

The Green Flagship and Flag



The Green Cannons and Cannonballs


Air and Water

The Green Ships and Flags



The Green Battering Rams



The Captains



The Librarian and Shield


Earth and Air

The Green Arrows



The Library Books



The Music Library



Games Equipment



The Forest Flag of Truce



The Storm Forces and their Elements:

The Forces



The Dark Warlord


Earth and Water

The Storm Queen



The Storm Empress


Earth and Air

The Red Witch


Earth and Water

The Storm Dragon



The Elder Winged Serpent Afire


Earth, Air and Fire

The Younger Winged Serpent Afire


Earth, Air and Fire

The Waiting Elder Winged Serpent



The Waiting Younger Winged Serpent



The Gnomes


Earth and Water

The Trolls



The Captive Troll



The Citadel Watchers



The Warders



The Red Knights


Earth, Air and Water

The Black Knights


Earth, Air and Water

The Catapults


Earth, Air and Water

The Red Siege Machines


Earth and Air

The Pirate(s)


Earth and Water

The Raider(s)


Earth and Air

The Castles


Earth and Water

The Red Fortress (es)



The Ravens


Earth and Air

The Red Sceptre



The Storm Talisman


Earth and Air

The Dark Crystal


Earth and Water

The Iron Magician unchained


Earth and Air

The Captive Magician



The Shadow Banner



The Dark Warlord's Storm Flag


Earth and Water

The Red Witch's Storm Flag


Earth and Water

The Red Flagship and Flag



The Red Cannons and Cannonballs


Air and Water

The Red Ships and Flags



The Red Battering Rams



The Ferrymen



The Jailer and Shield


Earth and Air

The Red Arrows


Air and Fire

The Pouch



The Chain and Manacle



The Padlock



The Keys



The Storm Flag of Truce




The Conflict known as Dragon

Board and Initial Deployment:


Description of Principal Forces

The TrueBorn King is recovering from injuries received from his battle with the Storm Dragon (see the section on the Storm Dragon). The injuries were sufficiently serious to send him to the Woodland Kingdom where the most skilled Healers in New-Earth have attended him. It is expected that he will make a full recovery, but given that he is now into his early sixties this will take many months. In his absence his wife, the TrueBorn Queen, and his son, the TrueBorn Prince are to govern the Forest Kingdom and also to prepare for the expected war with the Kingdom of Storms. The King wears a crown of platinum.

The TrueBorn Queen has reached her mid-fifties though is still considered to be a beautiful women. Like most of her family she is tall, slim and light of hair with blue eyes. The Queen has retained much of the litheness of her youth as she partakes of many of the King's hunts. The Queen has exceptional skill with the bow and still has the strength to pull a bow that is capable of bringing down even a Winged Serpent. The Queen spends a considerable amount of her time in New-Earth library where she has a great interest in some of the more ancient books that are there. The Queen also acts as Chancellor for the Forest Kingdom. The Queen wears a crown of silver.

The TrueBorn Prince is above average height, slim and fair of hair. The Prince wears a modest crown of platinum. The Prince puts duty before all else, like all his family, though he finds time for his favourite pastimes, which include several sports and games, and also fishing. The Prince is engaged to the Woodland Princess whom he met several years earlier on a visit overseas to the Woodland Kingdom. He is also noted for his skill with the sword and now carries the family sword, known as the Forest Sword. The Prince recently celebrated Son's Day, which is the occasion of the eldest son's twenty-seventh birthday; his gift from his father was the Forest Sword and his gift from his mother was his platinum crown.

The Dark Warlord is one of the most mysterious characters in New-Earth. None know his age, though the best guess is somewhere in his mid-fifties. He wears a cloak and cowl and his only visible features are his red eyes. Little else is known about him though dark rumours abound. In height he is almost the equal of the Prince, though he is broader. Those of the Forest Kingdom are sure that should he defeat them, he would enslave virtually all captives.

The Woodland King does not play any direct part in the war between the Middle Kingdoms as he must oversee the defenses of his own kingdom, for should the Dark Warlord prevail there may follow an invasion of the Woodland Kingdom. The Woodland King, at fifty, is short and powerfully built and has governed his kingdom for nearly twenty five years.

The Woodland Princess is twenty-one years old and the daughter of the Woodland King and the late Woodland Queen. Like her fiance, the Prince, she is fair of hair and face with blue eyes. Unlike the Prince, however, she is below average height though she is slim. The Princess has a small crown of silver upon her head and she now wears The Northern Light around her neck. Her main interests are reading, writing, music and archery where her skill is the equal of any in the Middle Kingdoms though the bow she carries does not have the power to bring down a Winged Serpent.

The Storm Queen. More is known about the Storm Queen than the Dark Warlord. She is thirty-four years old and unwed. She is above average height and has dark and striking brown hair and features - most admire her beauty - she is believed to originally come from the Island of Sirens. The Storm Queen is the subject of much idle gossip and speculation. The bow she carries is a powerful one and is capable of bringing down even the Ice Dragon; her skill at archery is a match for the TrueBorn Queen or the Woodland Princess. The Storm Queen wears a tall crown of gold upon her head and the Dark Crystal around her neck. Upon becoming the Storm Empress she does not carry a bow or Red Arrows.

The Red Witch. In appearance The Red Witch is similar to the Storm Queen but is shorter and has dark red hair. The Red Witch does not carry a bow or arrows and she wears no crown, but she does wear the Dark Crystal around her neck.

The Storm Dragon. A few years ago overtures were made to the TrueBorn Prince with a view to marriage with the Storm Queen, but the Prince rejected these sensing that there could never be political union between two kingdoms based on such different rules and principles of law. Upon the engagement of the Prince to the Woodland Princess the Storm Queen flew into a rage and sent the Storm Dragon to abduct the Princess, but the King was nearby and during the battle dealt the Storm Dragon grievous blows with the Forest Sword and though the Storm Dragon managed to return to Storm Tower her injuries left her permanently crippled and she is now unable to fly and is confined to Storm Tower. The King, as already stated, sustained serious injuries though the Princess was unharmed. Thus were the seeds of conflict sown. The Storm Dragon is almost as large as the Ice Dragon and is slightly older.

The Ice Dragon is the largest land and flying creature in New-Earth and is many centuries old, although in human terms he would be around thirty-five years old, for Dragons are the longest lived of all the world's creatures. The Ice Dragon originally comes from the Northern Ice Kingdom, which perished long ago, and is now the only Dragon of any kind left in New-Earth other than the Storm Dragon.

The Winged Serpents are brother and sister and are the last of their kind. Originally there was a third and younger sibling but whilst in his adolescent years, and well before reaching the peak of his powers, he was slain after capturing a maiden (in order to devour) by one known as St George and was mistakenly identified as a Dragon. Though both can breathe fire, Winged Serpents and Dragons are superficially related only. The two Winged Serpents are somewhat smaller than the Ice Dragon with the brother, and slightly older, being larger than his sister and both are younger than the Ice Dragon, though being nearly as long lived they would, in human terms, be around thirty years of age. Both of the Winged Serpents are adorned with the skulls of some of their many victims.

The White Knights is the name given to Sir Lancelot and Sir Tristram who have been transported from New-Camelot. At initial deployment Sir Lancelot stands upon the right of the TrueBorn Prince and Sir Tristram stands upon the left.

The Black Knights. It is known that one of these two Knights is the young renegade Mordred (abbreviation MD) who fled New-Camelot when it became known of his leading involvement in a plot against King Arthur. Mordred insists on using the title of "Sir", though the Round Table has officially stripped him of the title. The other Black Knight is rumoured to be an overseas volunteer and a Prince, though he will not reveal his features to anyone and is usually known as The Black Prince (abbreviation BP). At initial deployment Mordred stands upon the right of the Dark Warlord and the Black Knight (Prince) upon the left.

The Wizard and The Magician The Wizard (usually called The First Wizard) is head of The Council of Scholars who reside in Scholars' Tower and are the advisers to both The Forest and Woodland Royal Families and on occasions also advise King Arthur. During efforts to avoid conflict in the Middle Kingdoms, the Wizard was handed over to the Kingdom of Storms in exchange for the Magician as a token of good faith on both sides, but the talks broke down and the Wizard was imprisoned in Storm Tower, and so the Forest Kingdom responded by imprisoning the Magician in Scholars' Tower pending a decision on his long-term future. The Magician (usually called the Iron Magician) is considered to be the "right-hand man" of the Dark Warlord and is feared and respected throughout his kingdom for his ruthlessness in ensuring decrees that are issued are carried out to the letter. Both of these forces are thought to be of late middle age and are both taller than average though the Wizard is fairly slim with light hair, whereas the Magician is somewhat stocky and dark haired.

The Forest Sword was forged centuries ago by the greatest blacksmiths of New-Earth and has been the favoured weapon of succeeding Kings of the Forest Kingdom ever since. The blade is over three feet long and made of a secret alloy containing very rare metals. The TrueBorn Prince now carries the Sword.

The Dark Crystal has been given to the Storm Queen by her ally, The Dark King of the Dark Realm. The origin of the Crystal is something of a mystery though this Shadowstone is known to have been discovered near The Swamplands of the Dark Realm many centuries ago from whence it eventually found its way into the hands of the Dark King. It is thought to have then been imbued of its powers by the Sorcerers of the Dark Realm.

The Northern Light is a Diamond Earthstone that was discovered over a thousand years ago in the Woodland Kingdom. The stone has been imbued of its powers by all the greatest healers of New-Earth ever since and now possesses great powers. This stone has always been worn around the neck of a member of the Woodland Royal family.

The Librarian and Shield. The Librarian has worked in New-Earth Library for over fifty years and is now over seventy years old. He has worked tirelessly on cataloging and indexing the many works that New-Earth library contains. The shield he carries was made by the families of The Forest Tradesmen and is proof against the fire of the Winged Serpents.

The Jailer and Shield. The Jailer is known and feared throughout the Middle Kingdoms for few that are imprisoned in the Dungeons ever escape, and those that do bear the scars of cruel treatment. The shield carried by the Jailer was formed by the most skilled of the craftsmen amongst the Gnomes with the assistance of the Storm Elementals and is proof against the fire of the Ice Dragon. The Jailer is in his mid-forties and he also acts as Treasurer for the Kingdom of Storms.

New-Earth Library houses the largest collection of books in New-Earth with over three million works, many dating to before The Great Change. Scholars from all over New-Earth come to New-Earth library to study the various old and new texts and to assist the Librarian in his work. Subjects studied particularly are medicine and the sciences, though some caution against using some of the old sciences, believing that they lead inevitably to all the problems which existed before The Great Change.

The Dungeons extend both below and above ground level with those below ground level being reserved for long-term prisoners. Punishment in the Storm Kingdom is harsh, for the law is issued by decree of The Imperial Forces who wield absolute authority, and many infringements result in execution of those deemed guilty. Those who serve sentence once rarely commit further offences for conditions in the Dungeons are amongst the worst in New-Earth.

Notes on Rules

A Note on Elements

Forces can only operate within their elements. Thus forces without the element of water cannot alight on Trafalgar Ocean, likewise forces with only the element of water can only operate within Trafalgar Ocean. Forces whose elements include earth and water must, when crossing between kingdoms and Trafalgar Ocean, embark on or disembark from vessels (Flagships or Ships)-See below. Only forces with the element of air can fly, glide, leap or jump.

A Note on Embarking

When alighting on Trafalgar Ocean from a kingdom a force must carry out a normal move and land upon an unoccupied vessel. The vessel must be an allied one, i.e. of the correct colour - green for the Forest Forces, red for the Storm Forces. It is therefore not allowed for a Force to capture an enemy force when embarking. Embarking may be carried out by way of retreat from the opposing kingdom for some forces - see the section on scope , moves and powers of forces.

A Note on Disembarking

When leaving Trafalgar Ocean a Force must carry out a normal move and alight upon a position within the kingdom being entered. The vessel then reverts to her original colour, if not so already - see "boarding" below. It is allowed for a force to make a capture when disembarking. Disembarking may be carried out by way of retreat back into their own kingdom for some forces- see the section on scope , moves and powers of forces.

A Note on Boarding

Whilst operating on Trafalgar Ocean a force can by means of a normal move alight on and commandeer any unoccupied vessel of either Fleet or any vessel occupied by an opposing force (such force is then captured). Vessels may be boarded several times and therefore change "colour" several times. Whenever a vessel is vacated she then reverts to her original colour if not already that colour. Current colour is indicated by a vessel flying either a green flag or a red flag. Original colour is indicated by whether a Captain or a Ferryman is at the bows. Whilst commandeered, an opposing vessel can be used in the same manner as an allied vessel either when moving or in the use of Battering Rams or Cannons (explained later).

A Note on Passage

The move of a vessel takes priority over the move of any force occupying the vessel. The move of the force only comes into play when embarking, disembarking, or boarding or boarding with a capture.

Notes on Capturing

All captures are restricted to The Scope of Operations a force can operate within. All captures result in the replacement of the force being captured by the force making the capture except when captures are made by the use of Arrows or Cannons. This is explained later and also see Special moves involving Elves/Gnomes & Trolls/Dwarfs where en-passant type moves can occur.

A Note on the Seers

The Seers may be consulted on the State of Affairs existing in the game at the request of their Principals (the Forest Overlord or the Storm Overlord). Such consultation must take place away from the playing area and the time involved will be charged to the principal involved. As already stated, such consultations may only take place for a maximum of three times per principal.

A Note on the Play of the Game

The right of first move belongs to the Storm Overlord and thereafter one move per side is carried out until the end of the game.

A Note on the Island of Sirens

This island cannot be occupied by any force or item of regalia. The effect the island otherwise has on the conflict is exactly the same as though it were a position of water like any other on Trafalgar Ocean.

A Note on Gliding

Gliding is the ability to cross Trafalgar Ocean without the use of vessels. The force concerned may travel from the position on which it is situated within either kingdom to an unoccupied position within the opposite Kingdom (but not the same Kingdom - this is flying as explained later) regardless of any intervening forces on land or ocean. Depending on the force involved this may be vertical and/or diagonal movement but is always linear. When gliding it should be noted that it is not permitted to make any capture. Only Albatrosses & Ravens have the ability to both glide & fly.

A Note on Captured Forces

Captured forces, lost forces and sunken vessels must be removed from the Middle Kingdoms and placed in the Barren Lands behind the Kingdom making the capture or effective capture in the case of a loss. Spent arrows and cannonballs must also be placed in the Barren Lands though these should be placed with the force captured by them.

The Scope, Moves and Capturing Powers of The Forces

Order of Descriptions:

The TrueBorn King

The TrueBorn Queen at Work

The TrueBorn Queen at War

The TrueBorn Prince

The Dark Warlord

The Woodland King

The Woodland Princess

The Northern Light

The Storm Queen

The Storm Empress

The Red Witch

The Storm Dragon

The Scholars

The Watching Ice Dragon

The Ice Dragon Afire

The Waiting Elder Winged Serpent

The Elder Winged Serpent Afire

The Waiting Younger Winged Serpent

The Younger Winged Serpent Afire

The Dwarfs

The Gnomes

The Elves

The Trolls

The Palace Defenders

The Citadel Watchers

The Guards

The Warders

The Green Knights

The Red Knights

The White Knights

The Black Knights

The Crossbowmen

The Catapults

The Siege Directors

The Red Siege Machines

The Buccaneers

The Pirates

The Rangers

The Raiders

The Watchtowers

The Castles

The Green Fortresses

The Red Fortresses

The Albatrosses

The Ravens

The Green Sceptre

The Red Sceptre

The Forest Talisman

The Storm Talisman

The Forest Sword

The Dark Crystal

The Captive Wizard

The Wizard Unchained

The Captive Elf

The Captive Magician

The Magician Unchained

The Captive Troll

The TrueBorn Banner

The Shadow Banner

The Forest Flag

The Dark Warlord's Storm Flag

The Red Witch's Storm Flag

The Green Flagship and Flag

The Red Flagship and Flag

The Green Cannons and Cannonballs

The Red Cannons and Cannonballs

The Green Ships and Flags

The Red Ships and Flags

The Green Battering Rams

The Red Battering Rams

The Captains

The Ferrymen

The Librarian and Shield

The Jailer and Shield

The Green Arrows

The Red Arrows

The Library Books

The Music Library

Games Equipment

The Pouch

The Chain and Manacle

The Padlock

The Keys

The Forest Flag of Truce

The Storm Flag of Truce

The TrueBorn King (TK) - Earth

The TrueBorn King, as already stated, resides in the Woodland Kingdom and is in poor health and is unable to play any direct part in the conflict.

The TrueBorn Queen at Work (TBQ) - Earth

Whilst at work the TrueBorn Queen is restricted to New-Earth library and has no powers of movement or capture. No Storm Force can enter New-Earth Library as the Scholars guard against this and so whilst at work the TrueBorn Queen cannot be captured. Her bow and two Green Arrows with quiver are set aside.

The TrueBorn Queen at War (TBW) - Earth

The TrueBorn Queen goes to war upon either of the two Winged Serpents being set afire. The TrueBorn Queen then immediately collects her bow, two green arrows and quiver. She must then change place with the Woodland Princess and also collect any green arrows the Woodland Princess has left. This does not constitute a move. This is further clarified under the heading "Check Lists".

The TrueBorn Queen at war can operate only within the Forest Kingdom.

The TrueBorn Queen at war can move along any number of unoccupied positions vertically, horizontally or diagonally.

The TrueBorn Queen at war can capture and replace any opposing force along her path of movement, as with the Queen in Western Chess. She cannot fly or jump.

The TrueBorn Queen at war can also bring down and capture a Winged Serpent or a Raven by firing one of her green arrows. This is explained later under the heading "The Green Arrows".

The TrueBorn Prince (TPC) - Earth and Water

The scope of operations of the TrueBorn Prince extends to the following:

  1. The Forest Kingdom
  2. The Kingdom of Storms
  3. Trafalgar Ocean

The TrueBorn Prince can move (or board) to any adjacent unoccupied position.

The TrueBorn Prince can capture (or board and capture) and replace any opposing force occupying an adjacent position.

Initially the TrueBorn Prince is situated within the Forest Palace and he may return there should he leave. The TrueBorn Prince may not, however, return to the Forest Kingdom once leaving for Trafalgar Ocean. Once the TrueBorn Prince has reached the Kingdom of Storms he may not leave there until the conflict is resolved unless the Ice Dragon is set afire as explained later.

The TrueBorn Prince may not move to any position that places him under attack. There is one exception to this, which is described under The Forest Sword.

The TrueBorn Prince must not remain under attack if it is possible to escape the attack. If the TrueBorn Prince is unable to escape the attack then he is Locked Up and victory goes to the Storm forces.

Special Moves involving The TrueBorn Prince

  1. Choosing to exercise Towering rights
  2. Setting the Ice Dragon afire
  3. Planting the Forest Flag

Exercising Towering rights

This is a once-off move whereby the TrueBorn Prince moves laterally three positions towards the relevant Watchtower and the Watchtower moves laterally two positions in the opposite direction. The following conditions must be met.

  1. Neither the TrueBorn Prince nor the relevant Watchtower must have moved.
  2. The TrueBorn Prince must not be under attack.
  3. Any positions passed over or landed on by the TrueBorn Prince must not be under attack.
  4. All the positions between the TrueBorn Prince and the relevant Watchtower must be unoccupied.

Upon completion of Towering, the relevant Watchtower is transformed into The Green Sceptre. Towering is further clarified under the heading "Check Lists".

It must not be thought that the purpose of Towering is to protect the TrueBorn Prince for he would be safer in the palace, and would not place his own safety above that of his mother, fiance or the Ice Dragon (whom he stands between), but they are all safe except when the TrueBorn Queen goes to war as she may have to or the Ice Dragon is set afire as may be necessary.

Setting the Ice Dragon Afire

Upon the TrueBorn Prince landing (disembarking) on the Storm Beaches, the Forest Overlord has a choice on whether or not to set the Ice Dragon afire. The choice must be made immediately or is forfeited. If the Ice Dragon is set afire then the TrueBorn Prince and the Ice Dragon change places and the TrueBorn Prince is then confined to the White Room for the duration of the conflict and has no powers of movement or capture. The Prince is vulnerable to attack and capture in the White Room whereas the Ice Dragon guards the White Room against all enemy forces and cannot be captured whilst in there. This changeover is all part of the one move. Should the choice be not to set the Ice Dragon Afire then the TrueBorn Prince simply moves and captures in the usual manner for the duration of the conflict. Setting the Ice Dragon afire is further clarified under the heading "Check Lists".

Planting the Forest Flag

This move gains Victory for the Forest Forces and in order for this to happen the TrueBorn Prince must occupy either of the two positions covering the Shadow Banner: The Forest Overlord may then replace the Shadow Banner with the Forest Flag on the next or any subsequent move (provided the TrueBorn Prince still occupies one of the two covering positions and is not under attack).

The Dark Warlord (WL) - Earth and Water

The scope of operations of the Dark Warlord extends to the following:

  1. The Kingdom of Storms
  2. The Forest kingdom
  3. Trafalgar Ocean

The Dark Warlord can move (or board) to any adjacent unoccupied position.

The Dark Warlord can capture (or board and capture) and replace any opposing force occupying an adjacent position.

Unlike the TrueBorn Prince, The Dark Warlord is free to return to any area he has left including the Storm Citadel.

The Dark Warlord may not move to any position that places him under attack.

The Dark Warlord must not remain under attack if it is possible to escape the attack. If the Dark Warlord is unable to escape the attack then he is Locked Up and victory goes to the Forest forces.

Special Moves involving The Dark Warlord.

  1. Choosing to Exercise Castling rights.
  2. Setting the Elder Winged Serpent afire.
  3. Planting his Storm Flag.

Exercising Castling rights

This equates to Towering and is a once-off move whereby the Dark Warlord moves laterally three positions towards the relevant Castle and the Castle moves laterally two positions in the opposite direction. The following conditions must be met.

  1. Neither the Dark Warlord nor the relevant Castle must have moved.
  2. The Dark Warlord must not be under attack.
  3. Any positions passed over or landed on by the Dark Warlord must not be under attack.
  4. All the positions between the Dark Warlord and the relevant Castle must be unoccupied.

Upon completion of Castling, the relevant Castle is transformed into The Red Sceptre. Castling is further clarified under the heading "Check Lists".

Setting The Elder Winged Serpent Afire

This is similar to setting the Ice Dragon afire and occurs upon the Dark Warlord landing (disembarking) on the Forest Beaches when the Storm Overlord has a choice on whether or not to set the Elder Winged Serpent afire. The choice must be made immediately or is forfeited. If the Elder Winged Serpent is set afire then the Dark Warlord and the Elder Winged Serpent change places and the Dark Warlord is then confined to the Stairwell for the duration of the war and has no powers of movement or capture. The Dark Warlord is vulnerable to attack and capture in the Stairwell whereas the Elder Winged Serpent guards the Stairwell against all enemy forces and cannot be captured whilst in there. This changeover is all part of the one move. Should the choice be not to set the Elder Winged Serpent afire then the Dark Warlord simply moves and captures in the usual manner for the duration of the War. Setting the Elder Winged Serpent afire is further clarified under the heading "Check Lists".

Planting The Storm Flag

This equates to the TrueBorn Prince planting the Forest Flag. The move gains victory for the Storm Forces and in order for this to happen the Dark Warlord must occupy either of the two positions covering the TrueBorn Banner: The Storm Overlord may then replace the TrueBorn Banner with the Dark Warlord's Storm flag on the next or any subsequent move (provided the Dark Warlord still occupies one of the two covering positions and is not under attack).

The Woodland King (WKG) -Earth

The Woodland King resides in his kingdom, the Woodland Kingdom, in order to prepare against possible attack by the Dark Warlord and plays no direct part in the conflict.

The Woodland Princess (WPS) - Earth

Whilst the TrueBorn Queen is at work the Woodland Princess is confined to her original position and has no powers of movement. The Woodland Princess can bring down and capture only Ravens by means of her bow and two green arrows. This is explained later under the heading "The Green Arrows".

When the TrueBorn Queen goes to war the Woodland Princess moves to New-Earth library and occupies the position previously occupied by the TrueBorn Queen where she is confined for the duration of the war. Whilst in New-Earth library the Woodland Princess has no powers of movement or capture and she sets her bow and quiver aside. This is further clarified under the heading "Check Lists"

The Northern Light (NORTH) - Earth

The Northern Light is a Diamond Earthstone of great powers and is worn around the neck of the Woodland Princess. This stone has great defensive powers and has been aligned to protect the wearer against capture. Thus the Woodland Princess cannot be captured by the Storm Forces.

The Storm Queen (SQN) - Earth

The Storm Queen can operate only within the Kingdom of Storms for once she leaves she is transformed into the Red Witch. It follows that though the Storm Queen is a flag-bearer she cannot plant a storm flag without transformation.

The Storm Queen can move along any number of unoccupied positions vertically, horizontally or diagonally.

The Storm Queen can capture and replace any opposing force along her path of movement, as with the Queen in Western Chess. She cannot fly or jump.

The Storm Queen can also bring down and capture the Ice Dragon or an Albatross by firing one of her three red arrows from the bow she carries. This is explained later under the heading "The Red Arrows".

The Storm Empress (SEP) - Earth and Air

Upon the Ice Dragon being set afire the Storm Overlord can, if he so chooses, extend the Storm Queen's scope of operations to include the Forest Kingdom as well as the Kingdom of Storms (Provided the Storm Queen has not already been transformed into the Red Witch) and the Storm Queen's power of movement now includes gliding. The choice must be made immediately or is forfeited. If the choice is to extend the Storm Queen's powers then she is known as the Storm Empress, but she forfeits her bow and any remaining red arrows and quiver she has and must also forfeit her storm flag (these are placed in the Jailer's office in the Dungeons). This choice does not constitute a move. It should be noted that extending The Storm Queen's scope of operations prevents any transformation into the Red Witch. The power of moving directly across Trafalgar Ocean is known as Gliding. It is necessary to note that gliding does not confer the power to capture directly across Trafalgar Ocean.

This is further clarified under the heading "Check Lists"

The Red Witch (RWH) - Earth and Water

As already stated the Red Witch comes into being upon the Storm Queen leaving the Kingdom of Storms and she may not return there. The Red Witch retains the storm flag of the Storm Queen and The Dark Crystal but her bow and remaining red arrows and quiver are forfeited and placed in the Jailer's office.

The scope of operations of The Red Witch extends to the following:

  1. The Forest Kingdom
  2. Trafalgar Ocean

The Red Witch can move (or board) to any adjacent unoccupied position.

The Red Witch can capture (or board and capture) and replace any opposing force occupying an adjacent position. See The Dark Crystal.

The Red Witch may not return to Trafalgar Ocean once she has left there.

Special moves involving The Red Witch

  1. Setting the Younger Winged Serpent afire.
  2. Planting her storm flag

Setting The Younger Winged Serpent afire

Upon the Red Witch landing (disembarking) on the Forest Beaches, the Storm Overlord has a choice on whether or not to set the Younger Winged Serpent afire. The choice must be made immediately or is forfeited. If The Younger Winged Serpent is set afire then the Red Witch and the Younger Winged Serpent change places and the Red Witch is then confined to the Dungeons for the duration of the war and has no powers of movement or capture. The Storm Dragon guards the Dungeons against any of the Forest Forces and so the Red Witch cannot be captured whilst in there. This changeover is all part of the one move. Should the choice be not to set the Younger Winged Serpent afire then the Red Witch simply moves and captures in the usual manner for the duration of the conflict.

Planting The Storm Flag

This move gains victory for the Storm Forces and in order for this to happen the Red Witch must occupy either of the two positions covering the TrueBorn Banner: The Storm Overlord may then replace the TrueBorn Banner with the Red Witch's storm flag on the next or any subsequent move (provided the Red Witch still occupies one of the two covering positions). Unlike the Dark Warlord, the Red Witch may be under attack when planting her Storm flag.

The Storm Dragon (SD) - Earth

The Storm Dragon is confined to Storm Tower for the duration of the war and has no powers of movement or capture though she guards the Dungeons and Storm Tower and so prevents any entry or capture in either by any of the Forest Forces except when the Captive Wizard is freed as explained under "The Wizard Unchained"..

The Scholars (SCH) - Earth

Although the Scholars guard New-Earth Library and Scholars' Tower itself against any entry or capture by any of the Storm Forces, except when the Captive Magician is freed as explained under "The Magician Unchained", they have no powers of movement or capture themselves. There are fifty scholars on the council at any given time and they consist of men and women of all ages and background - merit alone and examinations determine replacements when there is a vacancy.

The Watching Ice Dragon (WDR) - Earth

The Watching Ice Dragon is confined to the White Room and he has no powers of movement or capture. Whilst watching in the White Room the Ice Dragon guards the White Room, as already stated, and cannot be captured. His wings are closed.

The Ice Dragon Afire (DA) - Earth, Air and Fire

When set afire the Ice Dragon occupies the position that the TrueBorn Prince was occupying and can only operate in the Kingdom of Storms where he can be captured. His wings are now open and remain so.

The Ice Dragon moves along any number of positions vertically, horizontally or diagonally regardless of any occupying force or forces and can alight on any unoccupied position along what are known as the Flight Paths. This power of movement is known as Flying, which occurs within a kingdom as distinct from gliding, which occurs between kingdoms.

The Ice Dragon can capture and replace any opposing force along a vertical, horizontal or diagonal flight path i.e. regardless of any intervening forces.

This power of capturing is known as Blazing, which comes from the element of fire.

The section "Check lists" details the occurrences on setting the Ice Dragon afire.

The Waiting Elder Winged Serpent (WES) - Earth

The Waiting Elder Winged Serpent is confined to the Stairwell and he has no powers of movement or capture. He guards the Stairwell and so cannot be captured whilst there. His wings are closed.

The Elder Winged Serpent Afire (ESA) - Earth, Air and Fire

When set afire The Elder Winged Serpent occupies the position that the Dark Warlord was occupying and can only operate in the Forest Kingdom where he can be captured. His wings are now open and remain so.

The Elder Winged Serpent moves along any number of positions vertically or horizontally regardless of any occupying force or forces and can alight on any unoccupied position along these flight paths. He thus has the power of flying.

The Elder Winged Serpent can capture and replace any opposing force along a vertical or horizontal flight path regardless of any intervening forces. He thus has the power of blazing.

The section "Check lists" details the occurrences on setting Winged Serpents afire.

The Waiting Younger Winged Serpent (WYS) - Earth

The Waiting Younger Winged Serpent is confined to the Central Dungeon and she has no powers of movement or capture. As already stated, the Storm Dragon guards the Dungeons and so the Younger Winged Serpent cannot be captured whilst there. Her wings are closed.

The Younger Winged Serpent Afire (YSA) - Earth, Air and Fire

When set afire the Younger Winged Serpent occupies the position that the Red Witch was occupying and can only operate in The Forest Kingdom where she can be captured. Her wings are now open and remain so.

The Younger Winged Serpent moves along any number of positions diagonally regardless of any occupying force or forces and can alight on any unoccupied position along these flight paths. She thus has the power of flying.

The Younger Winged Serpent can capture and replace any opposing force along a diagonal flight path regardless of any intervening forces. She thus has the power of blazing.

The section "Check lists" details the occurrences on setting Winged Serpents afire.

The Dwarfs (DF) - Earth and Water

The Dwarfs' scope of operations extends to the following:

  1. The Forest Kingdom
  2. Trafalgar Ocean

Initially Dwarfs are situated within the Forest Kingdom and their first move depends upon which rank they stand; those upon the Forest Second Rank can move vertically forwards either one position or two positions (they cannot jump over any force); those upon the Forest Front Rank can move vertically forwards one position. After their initial move a Dwarf can move (or board) vertically forwards one position.

Dwarfs can capture (or board and capture) one position diagonally forwards.

Upon A Dwarf landing (disembarking) on the Storm Beaches, he gains promotion to an Elf.

The Gnomes (GNM) - Earth and Water

The Gnomes' scope and powers equate to those of The Dwarfs.

Upon A Gnome landing (disembarking) on the Forest Beaches, he gains promotion to a Troll.

The Elves (EF) - Earth

Elves come into being upon Dwarfs entering the Kingdom of Storms and their scope of operations is limited to the Kingdom of Storms.

An Elf can move one position vertically forwards or diagonally forwards, or one position horizontally.

An Elf can capture as he moves i.e. one position vertically forwards or diagonally forwards or one position horizontally.

Should an Elf reach The Storm Home Rank (i.e. the rank upon which the Dark Warlord initially stands) he may be exchanged for and change place with one of the following forces:

  1. The Captive Wizard, but not The Wizard Unchained if he has been captured
  2. A White Knight that has been captured
  3. A Green Knight that has been captured
  4. A Ranger that has been captured

If no Forest Force is available for exchange he must remain an Elf. The Elf may remain as an Elf by choice, but the choice of exchange must be made before the Forest Overlord presses his clock or he will remain an Elf.

Special moves involving Elves (and Gnomes)

If circumstances are such that:

  1. A Gnome has just moved forward from the Storm Second Rank by two positions and,
  2. An Elf is situated immediately alongside the Gnome on the Storm Front Rank,

Then the Elf can capture either laterally onto the Gnome's position or by moving one position diagonally forwards towards the Gnome to stand on the Storm Third Rank. The choice to capture diagonally must be made immediately or is forfeited.

If circumstances are such that:

  1. A Gnome has just moved forward from the Storm Second Rank by two positions and,
  2. An Elf is situated alongside the Gnome on the Storm Third Rank,

Then the Elf can capture laterally onto the Storm Third Rank by moving one position laterally towards the Gnome to stand on The Storm Third Rank. The choice to capture this way must be made immediately or is forfeited.

The Trolls (TRL) - Earth

The Trolls' scope and powers equate to those of the Elves viz.

Trolls come into being upon Gnomes entering the Forest Kingdom and their scope of operations is limited to the Forest Kingdom.

A Troll can move one position vertically forwards or diagonally forwards, or one position horizontally.

A Troll can capture as he moves i.e. one position vertically forwards or diagonally forwards or one position horizontally.

Should a Troll reach The Forest Home Rank (i.e. the rank upon which the TrueBorn Prince initially stands) he may be exchanged for and change place with one of the following forces:

  1. The Captive Magician, but not the Magician Unchained if captured
  2. A Black Knight that has been captured
  3. A Red Knight that has been captured
  4. A Raider that has been captured

If no Storm Force is available for exchange he must remain a Troll.

The Troll may remain as a Troll by choice, but the choice of exchange must be made before the Storm Overlord presses his clock or he will remain a Troll.

Special moves involving Trolls (and Dwarfs)

The situations and rules governing these moves equate to those of the Elves.

The Palace Defenders (PD) - Earth

The Palace Defenders' (who are drawn from the ranks of the Elves) scope of operations is limited to the Forest Palace, for should one move or capture to a position outside the Forest Palace he is Demoted to a Dwarf - without the two position initial move.

A Palace Defender moves in the same way as an Elf i.e. one position vertically forwards or diagonally forwards, or one position horizontally.

A Palace Defender captures in the same way as an Elf i.e. one position vertically forwards or diagonally forwards or one position horizontally.

The Citadel Watchers (CW) - Earth

The Citadel Watchers' (who are drawn from the ranks of The Trolls) scope and powers equate to those of the Palace Defenders and should one move or capture to a position outside the Storm Citadel he is demoted to a Gnome - without the two position initial move.

The Guards (GD) - Earth

The Guards are confined to the Forest Palace.

A Guard can move to any adjacent position within his palace.

A Guard can capture on any adjacent position within his palace.

Special move involving The Guards

As part of exercising Towering rights the Forest Overlord has the following choice:

  1. He can transform both Guards into Buccaneers.
  2. He can transform neither of the Guards.
  3. He can transform either one of the Guards and not the other.

The choice must be made immediately or both remain as Guards.

Should one of the Guards have been captured, the choice is simply whether or not to transform the one Guard. It is also possible for both Guards to have been captured in which case there can be no choice.

The Warders (WS) - Earth

A Warder's scope and powers equate to those of a Guard. He is confined to his Citadel and upon castling can be transformed into a Pirate with the same choices as with Guards.

The Green Knights (GK) - Earth, Air and Water

The scope of operations of the Green Knights extends to:

1. The Forest Kingdom

2. The Kingdom of Storms

3. Trafalgar Ocean

A Green Knight can move (or board) to an unoccupied position that lies two positions vertically or horizontally to him and one position laterally in relation to this, which is identical to the move of the Western Chess Knight. Any intervening forces have no effect on the move.

A Green Knight can capture (or board and capture) and replace an opposing force in the same manner as his move.

This method of moving and capturing is known as Leaping.

The Red Knights (RK) - Earth, Air and Water

The Red Knights' scope and powers equate to those of the Green Knights viz.

The scope of operations of The Red Knights extends to:

1. The Kingdom of Storms

2. The Forest Kingdom

3. Trafalgar Ocean

A Red Knight moves and captures the same as his counterpart the Green Knight.

The White Knights (WK) - Earth, Air and Water

The scope of operations of the White Knights ((Sir Lancelot (LT) and Sir Tristram (TM)) extends to:

1. The Forest Kingdom

2. The Kingdom of Storms

3. Trafalgar Ocean

A White Knight can move (or board) by leaping to an unoccupied position that lies:

  1. Three positions vertically or horizontally, then two positions laterally in relation to this or
  2. Three positions vertically or horizontally, then one position laterally in relation to this.
Any intervening forces have no effect on the move.

A White Knight can capture (or board and capture) and replace an opposing force in the same manner as his move.

The Black Knights (BK) - Earth, Air and Water

The Black Knights' (Mordred (MD) and The Black Prince (BP)) scope and powers equate to those of the White Knights viz.

The scope of operations of The Black Knights extends to:

1. The Kingdom of Storms

2. The Forest Kingdom

3. Trafalgar Ocean

A Black Knight moves and captures the same as his counterpart the White Knight.

Note: See Notes & further Rules (21) for variations in moves and capturing powers of White Knights & Black Knights.

The Crossbowmen (CB) - Earth, Air and Water

The scope of operations of the Crossbowmen extends to:

1. The Forest Kingdom

2. Trafalgar Ocean

A Crossbowman moves (or boards) any number of unoccupied positions vertically or horizontally.

A Crossbowman captures (or boards and captures) by Jumping over one force of either side and capturing the first opposing force behind the force being jumped over. This capture can only be carried out along a vertical or horizontal path, as with the Canon in Chinese Chess. If the capture is on Trafalgar Ocean, the single vessel of either colour being jumped over must be occupied. It should be noted that jumping involves straight-line movement whereas leaping involves movement that is oblique. It should also be noted that Watchtowers and Castles may be jumped over whether or not their Albatrosses or Ravens have been released - this applies to any capture made by jumping over Watchtowers or Castles.

If capturing whilst disembarking the single force being jumped over must be a vessel of either colour situated on Trafalgar Ocean and occupied.

Upon entering the Kingdom of Storms a Crossbowman is promoted into a Siege Director.

The Crossbowmen are father and son with the father (whose name is Tell) situated next to Sir Lancelot. The father is forty-one years old and the son is eighteen.

The Catapults (RCT) - Earth, Air and Water

The Catapults' scope and powers equate to those of the Crossbowmen viz.

The scope of operations of The Catapults extends to:

1. The Kingdom of Storms

2. Trafalgar Ocean

A Catapult moves and captures the same as its counterpart the Crossbowman and is re-formed into a Red Siege Machine when entering the Forest Kingdom.

The Siege Director(s) (GSD) - Earth and Air

A Siege Director comes into being upon a Crossbowman entering the Kingdom of Storms by way of disembarking from Trafalgar Ocean.

A Siege Director's scope of operations is confined to the Kingdom of Storms.

A Siege Director can move any number of unoccupied positions either vertically or horizontally.

There are two ways for a Siege Director to capture:

  1. He can capture and replace the first opposing force lying along a path of movement, as with the Rook in Western Chess.
  2. He can also capture by jumping over one force of either side and capturing the first opposing force behind the force being jumped over, as with the Cannon in Chinese Chess. This capture can only be carried out along a vertical or horizontal path.

The Red Siege Machine(s) (RSM) - Earth and Air

The Red Siege Machine's scope and powers equate to those of the Siege Director's viz.

A Red Siege Machine comes into being upon a Catapult entering the Forest Kingdom by way of disembarking from Trafalgar Ocean and is confined to the Forest Kingdom.

A Red Siege Machine moves and captures the same way as its counterpart the Siege Director.

The Buccaneer(s) (BR) - Earth and Water

A Buccaneer comes into being as part of the Towering move. He is initially situated within the Forest Palace. A Buccaneer's scope of operations includes the following:

  1. The Forest Kingdom
  2. Trafalgar Ocean

A Buccaneer moves (or boards) any number of unoccupied positions diagonally.

A Buccaneer captures (or boards and captures) and replaces any opposing force along his path of movement, as with the Bishop in Western Chess. He cannot fly, glide or jump.

Upon disembarking and entering the Kingdom of Storms a Buccaneer is promoted to a Ranger.

The Pirate(s) (PE) - Earth and Water

The Pirate's scope and powers equate to those of the Buccaneers viz.

A Pirate comes into being as part of the Castling move. He is initially situated within the Storm Citadel. A Pirate's scope of operations includes the following:

  1. The Kingdom of Storms
  2. Trafalgar Ocean

A Pirate moves and captures the same way as his counterpart the Buccaneer.

Upon disembarking and entering the Forest Kingdom a Pirate is promoted to a Raider.

The Ranger (s) (RG) - Earth and Air

A Ranger comes into being upon a Buccaneer disembarking from Trafalgar Ocean and entering the Kingdom of Storms.

A Ranger's scope of operations is confined to the Kingdom of Storms.

A Ranger can move any number of unoccupied positions diagonally.

There are two ways for A Ranger to capture:

  1. He can capture and replace any opposing force lying along his path of movement, as with the Bishop in Western Chess.
  2. He can also capture by jumping over one force of either side and capturing the first opposing force behind the force being jumped over. This capture can only be carried out along a diagonal path.

The Raider (s) (RR) - Earth and Air

The Raiders' scope and powers equate to those of the Rangers viz.

A Raider comes into being upon a Pirate disembarking from Trafalgar Ocean and entering the Forest Kingdom.

A Raider's scope of operations is confined to the Forest Kingdom.

A Raider moves and captures the same way as his counterpart the Ranger.

The Watchtowers (WR) - Earth and Water

The scope of operations of the Watchtowers extends to the following:

  1. The Forest Kingdom
  2. Trafalgar Ocean

A Watchtower moves (or boards) any number of unoccupied positions vertically or horizontally.

A Watchtower captures (or boards and captures) and replaces any opposing force along its path of movement, as with the Rook in Western Chess. It cannot fly, glide or jump.

Upon entering the Kingdom of Storms a Watchtower is re-formed into a Green Fortress.

The Castles (CE) - Earth and Water

The Castles' scope and powers equate to those of the Watchtowers viz.

The scope of operations of the Castles extends to the following:

  1. The Kingdom of Storms
  2. Trafalgar Ocean

A Castle moves and captures the same way as its counterpart the Watchtower.

Upon entering the Forest Kingdom a Castle is re-formed into a Red Fortress.

The Green Fortresses (GF) - Earth

A Green Fortress comes into being upon a Watchtower entering the Kingdom of Storms by way of disembarking from Trafalgar Ocean.

A Green Fortresses' scope of operations is confined to the Kingdom of Storms.

A Green Fortress can move along any number of unoccupied positions vertically, horizontally or diagonally,

A Green Fortress can capture and replace any opposing force along its path of movement, as with the Queen in Western Chess. It cannot fly or jump.

The Red Fortresses (RF) - Earth

A Red Fortress's scope and powers equate to those of the Green Fortress viz.

A Red Fortress comes into being upon a Castle entering the Forest Kingdom by way of disembarking from Trafalgar Ocean.

A Red Fortresses' scope of operations is confined to the Forest Kingdom.

A Red Fortress moves and captures the same way as its counterpart the Green Fortress.

The Albatrosses (AS) - Earth and Air

The scope of operations of the Albatrosses extends to the following:

  1. The Forest Kingdom
  2. The Kingdom of Storms

Initially the Albatrosses are situated within their Watchtowers awaiting Release for their Maiden Flight. Their wings are closed.

For her maiden flight, an Albatross must glide vertically forwards across Trafalgar Ocean to alight on any unoccupied position along her path within the Kingdom of Storms. Her wings are now open and remain so.

After her maiden flight, an Albatross can move by flying vertically or horizontally or by gliding vertically and alighting on any unoccupied position along her path within the Forest Kingdom or the Kingdom of Storms.

After her maiden flight, but not before, an Albatross captures on any adjacent position to which she occupies. It should be noted that the choice is either to move or to capture.

An Unreleased Albatross is deemed Lost (effectively captured) or captured if:

  1. Her Watchtower is captured (captured)
  2. Towering rights are exercised (lost)
  3. Her Watchtower leaves the Forest Kingdom (lost)

The Ravens (RN) - Earth and Air

The Ravens' scope and powers equate to those of the Albatrosses and are repeated:

The scope of operations of the Ravens extends to the following:

  1. The Kingdom of Storms
  2. The Forest Kingdom

Initially the Ravens are situated within their Castles awaiting release for their maiden flight. Their wings are closed.

For her maiden flight, a Raven must glide vertically forwards across Trafalgar Ocean to alight on any unoccupied position along her path within the Forest Kingdom. Her wings are now open and remain so.

After her maiden flight, a Raven can move by flying vertically or horizontally or by gliding vertically and alighting on any unoccupied position along her path within the Kingdom of Storms or the Forest Kingdom.

After her maiden flight, but not before, a Raven captures on any adjacent position to which she occupies. It should be noted that the choice is either to move or to capture.

An Unreleased Raven is deemed Lost (Effectively captured) or captured if:

  1. Her Castle is captured (captured)
  2. Castling rights are exercised (lost)
  3. Her Castle leaves the Kingdom of Storms (lost)

The Green Sceptre (GSE) - Earth

The Green Sceptre comes into being upon the completion of Towering.

The Green Sceptre's scope of operations is confined to the Forest Kingdom

The Green Sceptre can move along any number of unoccupied positions vertically, horizontally or diagonally.

The Green Sceptre can capture and replace any opposing force along its path of movement, as with the Queen in Western Chess. It cannot fly or jump.

Should the Ice Dragon be set afire the Green Sceptre is transformed into The Forest Talisman.

The Red Sceptre (RSE) - Earth

The Red Sceptre's scope and powers equate to those of the Green Sceptre viz.

The Red Sceptre comes into being upon the completion of Castling.

The Red Sceptre's scope of operations is confined to the Kingdom of Storms

The Red Sceptre moves and captures the same way as its counterpart the Green Sceptre.

Should the Ice Dragon be set afire the Red Sceptre is transformed into The Storm Talisman.


The Forest Talisman (FT) - Earth and Air

The Forest Talisman comes into being upon the Ice Dragon being set afire. It retains the powers of movement and capture that it had as the Green Sceptre but it now has the power of gliding and can operate in:

  1. The Forest Kingdom as before
  2. The Kingdom of Storms

To re-state its powers of movement and capture:

The Forest Talisman can move along any number of unoccupied positions vertically, horizontally or diagonally.

The Forest Talisman can capture and replace any opposing force along its path of movement, as with the Queen in Western Chess. It cannot fly or jump.

To re-state the power of gliding:

Gliding enables direct movement (though not capture) across Trafalgar Ocean to either of the Kingdoms.

Should the Ice Dragon be captured, the Forest Talisman must share his fate and is itself captured.

The Storm Talisman (ST) - Earth and Air

The Storm Talisman comes into being upon the Ice Dragon being set afire. It retains the powers of movement and capture that it had as the Red Sceptre but it now has the power of gliding and can operate in:

  1. The Kingdom of Storms as before
  2. The Forest Kingdom

The Storm Talisman moves and captures the same way as its counterpart the Forest Talisman.

Unlike the Forest Talisman, the Storm Talisman is unaffected by the capture of the Ice Dragon.

Should Castling take place after the Ice Dragon has been set afire then the relevant Castle directly becomes the Storm Talisman, even if the Ice Dragon has been captured.

The Forest Sword (SWORD) - Earth and Water

The Forest Sword is the heirloom of the Forest Royal Family and is carried by the TrueBorn Prince at all times during the conflict.

The Forest Sword has no independent powers of movement but protects the TrueBorn Prince from attack by the Dark Warlord. The Forest Sword also has the power to capture the Dark Warlord on the move, and so should the TrueBorn Prince move to a position adjacent to the Dark Warlord then the Dark Warlord is captured and victory is gained by the Forest Forces. This form of capture is known as Direct Capture. It should be noted that this is the only instance where the TrueBorn Prince can move to a position under attack by a Storm Force (the Dark Warlord), but this position must not be under attack by any other Storm Force.

The Dark Crystal (CRYSTAL) - Earth and Water

The Dark Crystal is worn around the neck of the Storm Queen/Empress and also the neck of the Red Witch after transformation. The Storm Queen/Empress is unable to utilize the power of this Shadowstone, however, but the Red Witch can.

The Dark Crystal has no independent powers of movement but protects the Red Witch from attack by the TrueBorn Prince. The Dark Crystal also has the power to capture the TrueBorn Prince on the move by direct capture, but only by the Red Witch, and so should the Red Witch move to a position adjacent to the TrueBorn Prince then the TrueBorn Prince is captured and victory is gained by the Storm Forces. The Red Witch may be on an attacked position whilst doing this.

The Captive Wizard (CWD) - Earth

The Captive Wizard is confined to Storm Tower and has no powers of movement or capture. His hands are chained.

The Wizard Unchained (WD) - Earth and Air

The Wizard is Unchained upon an Elf reaching the Storm Home Rank and being exchanged for him when in captivity. The Captive Wizard has his chains removed and changes places with the Elf, who is himself chained and called the Captive Elf. This move is known as Freeing The Captive Wizard and is detailed in the section "Check Lists".

The Wizard Unchained has the power of gliding and can operate in:

  1. The Kingdom of Storms
  2. The Forest Kingdom

The Wizard Unchained can move any number of unoccupied positions vertically, horizontally or diagonally.

There are two ways for the Wizard Unchained to capture:

  1. He can capture and replace any opposing force lying along his path of movement, as with the Queen in Western Chess.
  2. He can also capture by jumping over one force of either side and capturing the first opposing force behind the force being jumped over. This capture can be carried out along a vertical, horizontal or diagonal path.

To re-state the power of gliding:

Gliding enables direct movement (though not capture) across Trafalgar Ocean to either of the Kingdoms.

The Captive Elf (CEF) - Earth

The Captive Elf is confined to Storm Tower and his hands are chained for the duration of the conflict and he has no powers of movement or capture.

The Captive Magician (CIM) - Earth

The Captive Magician is confined to Scholars' Tower and has no powers of movement or capture.

The Magician Unchained (IM) - Earth and Air

The Magician's scope and powers when unchained equate to those of the Wizard Unchained and are repeated.

The Magician is Unchained upon a Troll reaching the Forest Home Rank and being exchanged for him when in captivity. The Captive Magician has his chains removed and changes places with the Troll, who is himself chained and called the Captive Troll. This move is known as Freeing The Captive Magician and is detailed in the section "Check Lists".

The Magician Unchained has the power of gliding and can operate in:

  1. The Forest Kingdom
  2. The Kingdom of Storms

The Magician Unchained can move any number of unoccupied positions vertically, horizontally or diagonally.

There are two ways for the Magician to capture:

  1. He can capture and replace any opposing force lying along his path of movement, as with the Queen in Western Chess.
  2. He can also capture by jumping over one force of either side and capturing the first opposing force behind the force being jumped over. This capture can be carried out along a vertical, horizontal or diagonal path.

The Captive Troll (CTRL) - Earth

The Captive Troll is confined to Scholars' Tower for the duration of the conflict and has no powers of movement or capture.

The TrueBorn Banner (TBN) - Earth

The TrueBorn Banner (from which name is derived the formal titles of the Forest Royal Family) is situated between the two positions of the centre-front of the Forest Palace and the central position of the Forest Front Rank.

The TrueBorn Banner has no independent powers of movement or capture but is replaced should either the Dark Warlord or the Red Witch plant one of their Storm Flags.

The TrueBorn Banner (which is the symbol of Tiger's-Eye Games) has a background of light (sky) blue; the foreground shows the right foreleg, stretched forward, of an orange coloured tiger with a bright green female stick insect standing on his paw and facing to the right. The viewpoint is through the eyes of the tiger.

The Shadow Banner (SBN) - Earth

The Shadow Banner is situated between the two positions of the centre-front of the Storm Citadel and the central position of the Storm Front Rank.

The Shadow Banner, which shows a red spiral on a black background, has no independent powers of movement or capture but is replaced should the TrueBorn Prince plant his Forest Flag.

The Forest Flag (FF) - Earth and Water

The Forest Flag is carried by the TrueBorn Prince at all times.

The Forest Flag has no independent powers of movement or capture, but replaces the Shadow Banner should the TrueBorn Prince plant this flag.

The Dark Warlord's Storm Flag (WDSF) - Earth and Water

This Storm Flag is carried by the Dark Warlord at all times.

This Storm Flag has no independent powers of movement or capture, but replaces the TrueBorn Banner should the Dark Warlord plant this flag.

The Red Witch's Storm Flag (RWDF) - Earth and Water

This Storm Flag is carried firstly by the Storm Queen at all times and then, upon transformation, by the Red Witch at all times.

This Storm Flag has no independent powers of movement or capture, but replaces the TrueBorn Banner should the Red Witch plant this flag.

The Green Flagship and Flag (GFS) - Water

The Green Flagship can only operate on Trafalgar Ocean.

The Green Flagship is free to move with or without a Forest Force (or opposing force if she has been boarded) and can move in one of two ways:

  1. She can move to the adjacent position her bow is pointing towards whether vertical, horizontal or diagonal.
  2. She can re-align her bow in the direction of any adjacent position whether vertical, horizontal or diagonal.

The Green Flagship captures by way of Sinking opposing vessels and this can be carried out by one of two ways:

  1. By use of her Battering Ram - this is explained under the heading of The Green Battering Rams.
  2. By use of her cannons - this is explained under the heading of The Green Cannons and Cannonballs.

The Green Flagship, when initially anchored in Trafalgar Harbour flies a plain green flag to indicate her allegiance to the Forest Forces but, if boarded by an opposing force (see Harbours, below), she must fly a plain red flag to indicate her changed allegiance.

The Red Flagship and Flag (RFS) - Water

The Red Flagship can only operate on Trafalgar Ocean and equates to the Green Flagship and is repeated:

The Red Flagship is free to move with or without a Storm Force (or opposing force if she has been boarded) and can move in one of two ways:

  1. She can move to the adjacent position her bow is pointing towards whether vertical, horizontal or diagonal.
  2. She can re-align her bow in the direction of any adjacent position whether vertical, horizontal or diagonal.

The Red Flagship captures by way of sinking opposing vessels and this can be carried out by one of two ways:

  1. By use of her Battering Ram - this is explained under the heading of the Red Battering Rams.
  2. By use of her cannons - this is explained under the heading of the Red Cannons and Cannonballs.

The Red Flagship, when initially anchored in Storm Harbour flies a plain red flag to indicate her allegiance to the Storm Forces but, if boarded by an opposing force (see Harbours, below), she must fly a plain green flag to indicate her changed allegiance.


Until such time as a Flagship leaves her home harbour, where she is initially anchored, she cannot be boarded by any opposing force either with or without a capture, though she can be sunk by Battering Rams or Cannons. This immunity is not restored upon any re-entry to her home harbour by a Flagship after leaving there.

The Green Cannons and Cannonballs (GAN) - Air and Water

There are two Green Cannons, each one being fixed in the middle of and at ninety degrees to the bow of the Green Flagship. The Green Cannons have no independent powers of movement and are therefore confined to Trafalgar Ocean.

The Green Cannons can capture by means of their Cannonballs of which there are three, and in order for a Cannonball to be fired the Green Flagship must be occupied. The Cannonballs are each capable of sinking a vessel and capturing any occupant on board but the Green Cannons must be fired singly. The manner of sinking is that the Cannonball travels along the line of fire (ninety degrees to the bows) that the relevant Green Cannon is pointing towards and it travels over any one intervening vessel regardless of colour to sink the first opposing vessel beyond. The intervening vessel must be occupied. This method of sinking and (possible) capturing is known as Firing and constitutes a move though the Green Flagship does not herself move.

It is necessary to note that the direction in which the Green Flagship is pointing in determines the direction of the line of fire of the Green Cannons and so the line of fire is variable and can be vertical, horizontal or diagonal. The direction the Green Flagship (and other vessels) is pointing in is where the bows are situated.

The Red Cannons and Cannonballs (RAN) - Air and Water

The Red Cannons and Cannonballs' scope and powers equate to those of The Green Cannons and Cannonballs viz.

There are two Red Cannons, each one being fixed in the middle of and at ninety degrees to the bow of The Red Flagship. The Red Cannons have no independent powers of movement and are therefore confined to Trafalgar Ocean. There are three Cannonballs.

The method and manner of sinking is identical to those of the Green Cannons.

The Green Ships and Flags (GSP) - Water

The Green Ships can only operate on Trafalgar Ocean.

A Green Ship is free to move with or without an occupant and can move in one of two ways:

  1. She can move to the adjacent position her bow is pointing towards whether vertical, horizontal or diagonal.
  2. She can re-align her bow in the direction of any adjacent position whether vertical, horizontal or diagonal.

A Green Ship captures by way of sinking opposing vessels and this is carried out by the use of her Battering Ram. This is explained under the heading of the Green Battering Rams.

A Green Ship, when initially anchored on Trafalgar Ocean flies a plain green flag to indicate her allegiance to the Forest Forces but, if boarded by an opposing force, she must fly a plain red flag to indicate her changed allegiance.

It is necessary to note that the direction of boarding or boarding and capturing is determined by the usual movement of the occupant and is not affected by the direction in which a vessel is pointing.

The Red Ships and Flags (RSP) - Water

The Red Ships' scope and powers equate to those of The Green Ships viz.

The Red Ships can only operate on Trafalgar Ocean.

Movement and sinking of opposing vessels (by Red Battering Rams) is the same as those of the Green Ships.

A Red Ship, when initially anchored on Trafalgar Ocean flies a plain red flag to indicate her allegiance to the Storm Forces but, if boarded by an opposing force, she must fly a plain green flag to indicate her changed allegiance.

The Green Battering Rams (GBR) - Water

The Green Battering Rams are fixed on the bows of all the Forest vessels. They are confined to Trafalgar Ocean as they have no independent powers of movement.

They can sink an opposing vessel that is one position adjacent to the direction in which the Green Battering Ram (and bows) points. Any occupant on board the sunken ship is captured. This method of sinking and (possible) capture is known as Ramming. The Green Ship or Flagship moves to replace the sunken vessel.

The Red Battering Rams (RBR) - Water

The Red Battering Rams' scope and powers equate to those of the Green Battering Rams viz.

The Red Battering Rams are fixed on the bows of all the Storm vessels. They are confined to Trafalgar Ocean as they have no independent powers of movement.

They can sink an opposing vessel in the same manor of ramming as with the Green Battering Rams.

It should be noted that opposing vessels include former allied vessels that have been boarded and are occupied by an opposing force.

The Captains (CN) - Water

The Captains are situated at the bows of each Green Ship including the Green Flagship. They have no independent powers of movement or capture but simply maneuver & sail their vessels in accordance with whichever Overlord currently commands them. The Captain of the Green Flagship is called the Fleet Captain.

A Captain never leaves his vessel and therefore if his vessel is sunk a Captain is lost along with his vessel.

The Ferrymen (FMN) - Water

The Ferrymen are situated at the bows of each Red Ship including the Red Flagship. They have no independent powers of movement or capture but simply maneuver & sail their vessels in accordance with whichever Overlord currently commands them. The Ferryman of the Red Flagship is called the Head Ferryman.

A Ferryman never leaves his vessel and therefore if his vessel is sunk a Ferryman is lost along with his vessel.

It should be noted that a vessel is not counted as occupied by virtue of a Captain or Ferryman being aboard.

The Librarian and Shield (LB) - Earth and Air

The Librarian and his Shield are confined to New-Earth Library with no powers of movement or capture and the Shield is lowered, until either of the Elder or Younger Winged Serpents have been set afire.

Upon a Winged Serpent being set afire, the Shield is raised and the Librarian is said to be On Alert as his new scope, move and powers are now exercisable. The Forest Overlord can, as an immediate move or subsequent move, place the Librarian upon any unoccupied position within the Forest Kingdom. This method of moving is known as Springing. Upon this initial move being completed, the Librarian is said to be On Guard and commencing from his next move can move to any unoccupied adjacent position but is confined to the Forest Kingdom.

The Librarian has no powers of capture but has, by means of using his Shield, the defensive power, where he stands along their flight path, to block off the flight path and therefore the blazing power of the Elder and Younger Winged Serpent. This power prevents either Winged Serpent from capturing him, flying over him or capturing behind him on their flight path and is known as Shielding. This power takes effect immediately upon springing. The Librarian can though be captured in the usual way by any of the other Storm forces.

Should both Winged Serpents be captured, the Librarian lowers his Shield and remains in the Forest kingdom.

The Jailer and Shield (JR) - Earth and Air

The Jailer's scope and powers equate to those of the Librarian and are repeated:

The Jailer and his Shield are confined to the Dungeons with no powers of movement or capture and the Shield is lowered, until and unless the Ice Dragon has been set Afire.

Upon the Ice Dragon being set afire, the Shield is raised and the Jailer is said to be on alert as his new scope, move and powers are now exercisable. The Storm Overlord can, as an immediate move or subsequent move, place the Jailer upon any unoccupied position within the Kingdom of Storms. As already stated this method of moving is known as Springing. Upon this initial move being completed the Jailer is said to be On Guard and commencing from his next move can move to any unoccupied adjacent position but is confined to the Kingdom of Storms.

The Jailer has no powers of capture but has, by means of using his Shield, the defensive power, where he stands along his flight path, to block off the flight path and therefore the blazing power of the Ice Dragon. This power prevents the Ice Dragon from capturing him, flying over him or capturing behind him on his flight path and as already stated is known as Shielding. This power takes effect immediately upon springing. The Jailer can though be captured in the usual way by any of the other Forest forces.

Should the Ice Dragon be captured, the Jailer lowers his Shield and remains in the Kingdom of Storms.

The Green Arrows (GA) - Air

There are four Green Arrows and initially two are in the Woodland Princess's quiver and two are in New-Earth Library awaiting use if and when the TrueBorn Queen goes to war. Green Arrows are confined to the Forest Kingdom in their scope.

The Green Arrows have no independent powers of movement but, as a move, can be loosed by either the Woodland Princess or by the TrueBorn Queen (if and when she goes to war and changes places with the Woodland Princess).

A Green Arrow, when loosed, can bring down and so capture a Raven or a Winged Serpent by means of it flying on a vertical, horizontal or diagonal flight path which leads to the position that a Raven or Winged Serpent occupies within the Forest Kingdom, regardless of any intervening forces.

It should be noted that neither the TrueBorn Queen nor the Woodland Princess move position when loosing their arrows. It should also be noted that there may be more than one Raven and/or Winged Serpent along the flight path and in this case a choice of capture can be made.

The Red Arrows (RA) - Air and Fire

The Red Arrows' scope and powers broadly equate to the Green arrows and are repeated:

There are three Red Arrows and they are carried in the Storm Queen's quiver. All Red Arrows have inflammable material coated on their tips and shafts. Red Arrows are confined to the Kingdom of Storms in their scope.

The Red Arrows have no independent powers of movement but, as a move, can be loosed by the Storm Queen.

A Red Arrow, when loosed, can bring down and so capture an Albatross or the Ice Dragon by means of it flying on a vertical, horizontal or diagonal flight path which leads to the position that an Albatross or the Ice Dragon occupies within the Kingdom of Storms, regardless of any intervening forces. The Red Arrows are always ignited upon being loosed regardless of the Target.

It should be noted that the Storm Queen does not move position when her arrows are loosed. It should also be noted that there may be more than one Albatross and/or Ice Dragon along the flight path and in this case a choice of capture can be made.

It should be noted that all arrows, green or red, can only be loosed singly and strike their targets through the wing (full recovery is made from these injuries). Forces that can fly can of course also be captured by the usual capturing moves of other Forces and not just by Arrows and this includes the TrueBorn Queen & Storm Queen.

The Library Books (TSB) - Earth

There are huge numbers of books in New-Earth Library, which are looked after by the Librarian and the Woodland Princess with help from Scholars during peacetime. They have no powers of movement or capture and must remain in New-Earth Library.

The Music Library (ML) - Earth

There is a vast collection of all kinds of music held within New-Earth Library, which extends back many centuries and this collection is looked after by the Dwarfs during peacetime. Like the books they have no powers of movement or capture and must also remain in New-Earth Library though copies are made and circulated.

Games Equipment (GEQ) - Earth

Many games, some very ancient, are stored in New-Earth Library along with sports equipment, for games and sports are very popular amongst those of the Forest Kingdom. Amongst the many exquisitely crafted items are boards and sets of many games together with their playing rules and they date as far back as millennia and there is ancient sports equipment as well. The games and sports equipment may not be removed from New-Earth Library and they have no powers of movement or capture.

The Pouch (PH) - Earth

The Pouch has no powers of movement or capture and is kept at all times in the Dungeons (the Jailer's office).

The Chain and Manacle (CH) - Earth

The Chain and Manacle are affixed to the back wall of the Central Dungeon and are reserved for holding the TrueBorn Prince in captivity. The Chain and Manacle have no powers of movement or capture.

The Padlock (PDL) - Earth

The Padlock is kept inside the Pouch and has no powers of movement or capture. The Padlock's use is for locking the Manacle. The Padlock may not leave the Dungeons.

The Keys (KS) - Earth

Two Keys to the Padlock are kept inside the Pouch and these have no powers of movement or capture. Like the Pouch and Padlock, the Keys may not leave the Dungeons.

The Forest Flag of Truce (FFT) - Earth

The Forest Flag of Truce is kept in New-Earth Library and is only removed from there in the event of a Truce being declared when it replaces the TrueBorn Banner. This Flag is plain silver in colour. The Forest Flag of Truce has no powers of movement or capture.

The Storm Flag of Truce (SFT) - Earth

The Storm Flag of Truce is plain gold in colour and is kept in the Dungeons and only removed from there upon a Truce being declared when it replaces the Shadow Banner. The Storm Flag of Truce has no powers of movement or capture.

Main Rules of Play

  1. The player of the Forest Forces is known as the Forest Overlord.
  2. The player of the Storm Forces is known as the Storm Overlord.
  3. The Forest Overlord may consult (on his move) for up to three times during the game with an assistant who is known as the Forest Seer. Such consultations must take place away from the playing area. The time for such consultations is charged to the Forest Overlord.
  4. The Storm Overlord may consult (on his move) with his assistant under the same conditions as the Forest Overlord; his assistant being known as the Storm Seer.
  5. It is not compulsory for either player to appoint a Seer.
  6. Any arbitrator of the game is known as the Arbiter who shall ensure both the spirit and rules of the game are adhered to.
  7. The Arbiter has the power to award a decision based on the spirit of the game above the rules of the game.
  8. The Arbiter may move the Forces and operate the clocks.
  9. Players may be disqualified for not giving of their best and forfeit any possible game points.
  10. The game is won when victory is achieved as described.
  11. The Storm Overlord has the right of first move.
  12. Moves are played alternatively by each Overlord.
  13. Moves, scope and captures are as described.
  14. Only one Force may occupy a position at any one point in either of the Kingdoms or Trafalgar Ocean, other than passage on vessels, Albatrosses in their Watchtowers and Ravens in their Castles.
  15. Positions, of which there are 149 are, in the main, alternately coloured light and dark as shown in the diagram.
  16. The initial deployment of the Forces is as shown in the diagram of the board.
  17. Players should give warning ("You are under attack") should the TrueBorn Prince or the Dark Warlord be under attack, though this is not compulsory.
  18. Neither the TrueBorn Prince nor the Dark Warlord may remain under attack if it is possible to escape the attack.
  19. Neither the TrueBorn Prince nor the Dark Warlord may move into an attacked position with the exception described under the Forest Sword.
  20. Captured, spent or lost forces and sunken vessels must be removed from the board and placed in the appropriate area of the Barren Lands as described.

21. The colours of the Forest Forces are essentially green, blue, white and silver.

22. The colours of the Storm Forces are essentially black, red and gold.

23. A Truce shall be declared and the game considered drawn under the following circumstances:

      1. By agreement between the two players. The Arbiter may over-rule
      2. Where a Situation (overall position) is repeated three times with the same player having the move. The situation will be considered as having been repeated if forces of the same colour(s) and type occupy the same positions.
      3. If a situation occurs whereby fifty moves are played by both players and there having been no capture or sinking nor any movement of Vessels, Dwarfs, Gnomes, Elves or Trolls. In this case either player or the Arbiter can enforce a Truce.

24. A record of the moves should be made.

25. Clocks shall be of the TigerIncrement type which work as follows:

      1. An initial balance is entered into each of the clocks. This is known as The Reserve and for an example is say 100 minutes.
      2. An amount of time, known as the Increment, is added per move for a fixed number of moves, known as the Cut-Off Point. For our example we will say the increment is 2 minutes and the cut-off point is 100 moves for each player.
      3. At the cut-off point a Final Increment is added to the clocks and the clocks now enter a Countdown Phase as no further amounts are added to the clocks. For our example we will say the final increment is 120 minutes for each player.
      4. The total time allowed in our example is seven hours for each player and up to 100 moves there is allowed a minimum of 2 minutes for each move and so there is no time scramble for this phase of the game. The next phase of the game commences with a large final increment and so time pressure should only manifest itself, if at all, at a later phase of The Game. Provided therefore, that the cut-off point is set at a typical critical point of games, most games should not be won or lost on blunders committed at the critical stage due to time pressure.
  1. Transformations, re-formations, promotions, demotions, exchanges and interchanges are effective upon completion of the move bringing such change about. The new powers of movement and capture of such a force cannot be used, however, until the following move unless stated otherwise.

Main Rules-Scoring

27. Game points are awarded according to the scoring table as shown. In the event of a conceding or loss on time the following rules apply.

a. For a conceding - the conceding player must state whether he is conceding in lieu of a Locking Up, Direct Capture or a Planting of a Flag. The winning player may then accept the offer and be awarded game points as shown in the scoring table. If the winning player does not accept the offer (when in lieu of Planting of a Flag), then play should carry on. The Arbiter may over-rule.

b. For a loss on time - the winning player is normally awarded 5 Game points + 1/2 Nominal unless both players agree to an award of 3 Game points (for inevitable Planting of a Flag by the winning player). The Arbiter may over-rule.

Main Rules - Other

28. A Player/Arbiter upon touching one of his Forces must make a move with it if possible. The move cannot be retracted once the Player's/Arbiter's hand has let go of the Force. The Arbiter must act in accordance with the Player's instructions.

29. Players, including Seers, may have a copy of the rules with them and also a summary of the scope, moves and capturing powers of all the Forces.

Game points Scoring Table


For Locking up 5 + 1/2 nominal

For Direct Capture 5

For Planting a Flag 3

For the Declaration of a Truce 1

Check lists

On Towering

Towering can only take place if the following conditions are met:

  1. Neither the TrueBorn Prince nor the relevant Watchtower must have been moved, or the Watchtower captured.
  2. The TrueBorn Prince must not be under attack.
  3. Any positions passed over or landed on by the TrueBorn Prince must not be under attack.
  4. All the positions between the TrueBorn Prince and the relevant Watchtower must be unoccupied.

Providing these conditions are met and the Forest Overlord decides upon Towering, the procedure is:

1. The TrueBorn Prince moves laterally three positions towards the relevant Watchtower.

2. The relevant Watchtower moves laterally two positions in the opposite direction.

3. The relevant Watchtower is automatically transformed into the Green Sceptre.

4. If an unreleased Albatross is in the relevant Watchtower then she is lost and deemed captured.

5. The Forest Overlord has the choice of transforming both, either one or neither of the Guards or remaining Guard into a Buccaneer(s). This choice must be made before pressing his clock or is forfeited.

6. The procedure ends with the Forest Overlord pressing his clock.

The new scope, moves and powers of the Green Sceptre and Buccaneer(s) can be exercised commencing on the following move of the Forest Overlord.

On Castling

The conditions for Castling are identical to those for Towering and the procedures and occurrences are the exact equivalent except that the relevant Castle is automatically transformed into the Storm Talisman if the Ice Dragon has previously been set afire (even if subsequently captured).

On Freeing the Captive Wizard

To free the Captive Wizard, who is atop Storm Tower with his hands chained, the procedure is:

1. An Elf must reach the Storm Home Rank.

2. The Forest Overlord must decide to exchange this Elf for the Captive Wizard before pressing his clock or the possibility is forfeited, at least until and if another Elf reaches the Storm Home Rank.

3. The Captive Wizard and the Elf Interchange places.

4. The Captive Wizard now becomes the Wizard Unchained whereby his hands are unchained and his new scope, moves and powers of capture can be exercised commencing on the following move of the Forest Overlord. If subsequently captured, he is placed in the Barren lands and cannot be further exchanged.

5. The Elf becomes the Captive Elf who has his own hands chained and is confined to Storm Tower for the duration of the war and has no powers of movement or capture.

6. The procedure ends with the Forest Overlord pressing his clock.

On Freeing the Captive Magician

To free the Captive Magician, who is atop Scholars' Tower with his hands chained, the procedure is the exact equivalent of freeing the Captive Wizard and is repeated:

1. A Troll must reach the Forest Home Rank.

2. The Storm Overlord must decide to exchange this Troll for the Captive Magician before pressing his clock or the possibility is forfeited, at least until and if another Troll reaches the Forest Home Rank.

3. The Captive Magician and the Troll interchange places.

4. The Captive Magician now becomes the Magician Unchained whereby his hands are unchained and his new scope, moves and powers of capture can be exercised commencing on the following move of the Storm Overlord. If subsequently captured, he is placed in the Barren lands and cannot be further exchanged.

5. The Troll becomes the Captive Troll who has his own hands chained and is confined to Scholars' Tower for the duration of the war and has no powers of movement or capture.

6. The procedure ends with the Storm Overlord pressing his clock.

On Setting the Ice Dragon afire

To set the Ice Dragon afire the procedure is:

a)The TrueBorn Prince must disembark upon an unattacked position in the Kingdom of Storms and the White Room must not be under attack except by the Dark Warlord.

b) The Forest Overlord must choose to set the Ice Dragon afire before pressing his clock or the possibility is forfeited. If the choice is to set the Ice Dragon afire then the following operations are put into place:

1. The Ice Dragon with his wings now open is moved to the position the TrueBorn Prince disembarked upon.

2. The TrueBorn Prince is moved to the White Room.

3. The Green Sceptre (if there is one) is transformed into the Forest Talisman.

4. The Red Sceptre (if there is one) is transformed into the Storm Talisman.

5. The Jailer raises his Shield and is on alert.

6. The procedure is completed by the Forest Overlord pressing his clock.

The combined move of the Ice Dragon and the TrueBorn Prince is known as Interchanging.

All the above occur on the move of the Forest Overlord. The new scope, moves and powers of the Storm Talisman, Jailer and Shield may be exercised immediately by the Storm Overlord. The new scope, moves and powers of the Ice Dragon and the Forest Talisman may be exercised on the following move of the Forest Overlord. The TrueBorn Prince is now confined to the White Room for the duration of the conflict and has no powers of movement or capture, though the Forest Sword retains its power to directly capture the Dark Warlord and could do so immediately upon the TrueBorn Prince moving to the White Room if the Dark Warlord occupied an adjacent position.

  1. The Storm Overlord now has the choice to transform the Storm Queen (if there is one) into the Storm Empress. The choice must be made after making his move (which can be a move of the Storm Queen) and before pressing his clock or will be forfeited. If transformation is chosen:
  2. Her Storm Flag, Bow, Quiver and any remaining Red Arrows are forfeited and placed in the Jailer's office in the Dungeons.
  3. The procedure is completed by the Storm Overlord pressing his clock.

The scope, moves and powers of the Storm Empress may be exercised on the following move of the Storm Overlord.

On Setting a Winged Serpent afire

To set a Winged Serpent afire the procedure is:

a)Either the Dark Warlord must disembark upon an unattacked position in the Forest Kingdom and the Stairwell must not be under attack, or the Red Witch must disembark upon a position in the Forest Kingdom.

b) The Storm Overlord must choose to set the appropriate Winged Serpent afire before pressing his clock or this possibility is forfeited. If the choice is to set the appropriate Winged Serpent afire then the following operations are put into place:

1. The Winged Serpent with his/her wings now open is moved to the position the Dark Warlord/Red Witch disembarked upon.

2. The Dark Warlord/Red Witch is moved to the Stairwell/Central Dungeon.

3. The Librarian raises his Shield and is on alert.

4. The procedure is completed by the Storm Overlord pressing his clock.

The combined move of the Winged Serpent and the Dark Warlord/Red Witch is known as Interchanging.

The above occur on the move of the Storm Overlord. The new scope, moves and powers of the Winged Serpent may be exercised on the following move of the Storm Overlord. The Dark Warlord/Red Witch is now confined to the Stairwell/Central Dungeon for the duration of the conflict and has no powers of movement or capture. The new powers of the Librarian may be exercised immediately by the Forest Overlord. After the Storm Overlord presses his clock:

  1. The TrueBorn Queen now automatically goes to war and the following procedures must take place:
  2. The TrueBorn Queen collects her bow, quiver and two Green Arrows and is moved to the position of The Woodland Princess.
  3. The Woodland Princess is moved to the position in New-Earth Library occupied by the TrueBorn Queen at work. Also if sent to war:
  4. Any remaining Green Arrows of the Woodland Princess are Transferred to the TrueBorn Queen.
  5. The Forest Overlord now makes his move (which can be a move of the TrueBorn Queen) and presses his clock.

The combined move of the TrueBorn Queen and the Woodland Princess is known as Interchanging.

The scope, moves and powers of the TrueBorn Queen at war may, as stated above, be exercised immediately. The Woodland Princess is confined to New-Earth Library for the duration of the war with no powers to move or capture and she sets her bow and quiver aside.

Notes and further Rules

1. The option to set the Elder Winged Serpent afire occurs only upon the first disembarking by the Dark Warlord into the Forest Kingdom. Should he not exercise the option and later retreat and subsequently again disembark into the Forest Kingdom, the option will have been forfeited.

2. The Librarian should lower his shield if circumstances are such that no winged serpent is in or can enter the Forest Kingdom in the future.

3. Although the Dark King is a personal ally of the Storm Queen, the Dark Realm is not officially allied to the Kingdom of Storms and the Dark Realm possesses little in the way of military strength as its inhabitants pursue objectives different to those of the Kingdom of Storms. The city of New-Camelot is officially allied to the Forest Kingdom but is still engaged in ending the insurrection against it in which, as already stated, Mordred played a leading role and so can spare no more than the White Knights as assistance. The insurrection was ended within two years.

4. Boards (the standard board is called the "Middle Kingdoms" board) should be much larger than standard Chess boards and include a fair measure of the Barren Lands and the Great Forest. Pieces must tend towards being realistic.

5. Once released, Albatrosses and Ravens cannot return to their Watchtowers or Castles.

6.More than one force may occupy positions in Scholars' Tower, Storm Tower, New-Earth Library and the Dungeons. Other than as specifically described, no force may enter or leave Scholars' Tower, Storm Tower, New-Earth Library, the Dungeons, the White Room or the Stairwell.

7. Stalemate results in a truce being declared and is therefore a draw.

8.Consultations between Principals and Seers must take place during their own move and not whilst their opponent's clock is running.

9. It is not known what the exact ages are of the White and Black Knights except that Mordred is known to be in his early twenties. Sir Lancelot and Sir Tristram are thought to be around fifty years of age (though they have lost none of their skills) whilst it is guessed that the Black Prince is in his late twenties or early thirties.

10.Albatrosses and Ravens can only glide in a vertical direction. The Storm Empress, the First Wizard (unchained), the Iron Magician (unchained), the Forest Talisman and the Storm Talisman can glide both vertically and diagonally (where the diagonal path leads to a land position).

11.The Librarian is a member of The Council of Scholars.

12.When Planting the Flag, a Flag-Bearer must have occupied the position he/she is on for at least one immediately preceding turn of move. The Red Witch may not Plant her Flag if the Dark Warlord is under attack.

13.Players may with-hold or delay Planting the Flag in order to pursue possibilities of Locking Up or Direct Capture.

14.The defensive and Direct Capturing powers of the Forest Sword and the Dark Crystal (the Crystal works by way of causing paralysis) are effective across the borders between Trafalgar Ocean, Harbours and the Kingdoms or any combination thereof even if the TrueBorn Prince or the Red Witch cannot themselves move or capture across a Border or Harbour Border.

15.The routes to free the Captive Wizard and the Captive Magician are through The Labyrinth and The Storerooms respectively, both of which are deep underground and have connecting pathways to their respective home ranks. When Freeing the Captive Wizard, the task of the Elf is much more difficult than Freeing the Iron Magician is for the Troll; for whereas knowledge of The Storerooms was obtained and memorised by secretly studying their layout by Gnomes (Trolls upon promotion) who were accompanying the Iron Magician during the exchange with The First Wizard, the path through The Labyrinth came about when the Magician boasted that it was based on the long lost (or so he thought) puzzle known as Rubik's Cube and, overconfident, how it relates to finding the correct path. Just one Rubik's Cube exists in New-Earth Library or Scholar's Tower, but where is not certain and when found the puzzle must be solved and taught to the Palace Defenders (Elves)/Dwarves. Also a reel of thread must be carried so that the path can be re-traced. All this is achieved, however, but with little time to spare.

16. The Woodland Princess was not wearing the Northern Light at the time of the attack by the Storm Dragon.

17. An alternate initial deployment called the Trident formation may be tried for experimental purposes, if both players agree, whereby the two Red Ships situated immediately alongside the Red Flagship commence with their bows pointing due North. The procedure for this is that the Storm Player on his first move re-aligns the bows of both these Ships and then the Forest Player makes his first move – in a sense this reverses who moves first. The standard initial deployment is called the Arrowhead formation.

18. Watchtowers/Castles, Buccaneers/Pirates & Crossbowmen/Catapults cannot jump over ships at any time except when Crossbowmen/Catapults make a capture on Trafalgar Ocean or capture whilst disembarking from Trafalgar Ocean as described.

19. The title of TrueBorn for the Forest Royal Family is a formal one, and usually in peacetime (when crowns are rarely worn and the TrueBorn Banner, or the Shadow Banner, are rarely flown) their titles are the less formal ones of: the Forest King, the Forest Queen and the Forest Prince. In keeping with the Chinese form of naming chinese chess the game itself may be called DragonQi, though here Qi is pronounced as in the English word key.

  1. Sequence of Events:

Time in past


Many Centuries

The Great Change

Four years

Overtures to the TrueBorn Prince

Three years

Meeting between the TrueBorn Prince and the Woodland Princess

Six months

(The Kraken Wakes and sinks the Island of Sirens)

Three months

Engagement of the TrueBorn Prince and the Woodland Princess

The attack by the Storm Dragon

The TrueBorn King moved to the Woodland Kingdom

The Forest Sword moved to Scholar's Tower

The Northern Light sent to the Woodland Princess

The Dark Crystal sent to the Storm Queen

Two months

Talks begin

Exchange of the First Wizard and the Iron Magician

The TrueBorn Prince celebrates Son's Day - receives the Forest Sword

One month

Talks break down

The First Wizard imprisoned

The Iron Magician imprisoned

Search for Rubik's Cube begins

Fleets and Forces deployed


War commences

21. The rules described for the moves of the White and Black Knights are for what is known as the LanceVariation of Dragon where the White Knights & the Black Knights wield long lances at an angle. Either player can demand that the SwordVariation must be played.

Under the SwordVariation the White Knights and the Black Knights wield swords and their powers of movement and capture change as follows:

They can move (or board) one or two positions diagonally or by the same move as the Green or Red Knights (i.e. the standard chess knight move) and any intervening forces have no effect on either type of move. They capture (or board and capture) in the same manner as they move and capture on the position they move to and not any opposing force they jump or leap over. Their maximum available positions reachable on one move are therefore sixteen and they can capture on all of these positions.

Both players may also agree to play the PikeVariation where the White Knights & Black Knights wield pikes and their powers of movement and capture change as follows:

They can move (or board) one or two positions vertically or horizontally or by the same move as the Green or Red Knights (i.e. the standard chess knight move) and any intervening forces have no effect on either type of move. They capture (or board and capture) in the same manner as they move and capture on the position they move to and not any opposing force they jump or leap over. Their maximum available positions reachable on one move are therefore sixteen and they can capture on all of these positions.

There are no changes to the scoring system or the clock system.

The Arbiter must enquire of the players.

Games should be designated as "LanceVariation", "SwordVariation" or "PikeVariation".

As a summary:

If both players agree the LanceVariation then this is played.

If both players agree the PikeVariation then this is played.

If neither of these two are agreed then the SwordVariation is played.

The Arbiter must enquire of the players.


Notes additions:

22) Amongst the many changes brought about by The Great Change there was (and it is only partially understood) an imparting or enabling of some form of sentience and animation to some constructions and objects as well as enhancement of all forms of life. Thus all of the Forces in Dragon possess some degree at least of awareness and empowerment.

23) An alternative Situation has occurred whereby following “Keys in Time prologue – The Turning of the Key” (see Jewel), the Island of Sirens has been sunk by the now awakened legendary sea creature called The Kraken and in the place of this Island there are now turbulent waters and this position on Trafalgar Ocean would show an appropriate design (see 28 below) and be called The Kraken’s Lair. This Situation is the Standard Situation for the Game of Dragon at the commencement of the War. The rules of Dragon do not change in any way and as before The Kraken's Lair position cannot be occupied by any Force or item of Regalia but is otherwise the same as any other position of water (except Harbours) on Trafalgar Ocean. The Kraken has a number of tentacles and is the largest of all the creatures of New-Earth. He is neutral in the Conflict of Dragon. The sinking of the Isand of Sirens takes place six months before War commences.

Titles for The Kraken and other legendary creatures are:

The Ice Dragon: His Title is The Lord of Fire and Sky

The Kraken: His Title is The Lord of the Sea

The Storm Dragon: Her Title is The Queen of Dark Storms

The Tiger(who is Overall lord): His Title is The Lord of the Forest (or Jungle)

The Winged Serpents: Their Title is The Lords of Night and Shadow

24) Dragon may, but does not have to, be played with the assistance of a computer which shows all the legal moves available to Players on their turn to move. There must be no ranking of how good the moves are nor any other information given whatsoever and only one "ply" of moves may be shown. The moves must be openly shown to both Players, any Seers, The Arbiter, Spectators etc. i.e. to all involved. It is also allowed for a computer to only check the legality of moves made by players.

25) Banners in the Game of Dragon are the same also on their reverse sides and the representational aspect of the TrueBorn Banner has already been somewhat described. The Shadow Banner, often called The Storm Banner, is a 2D representation of a gigantic Tornado that has swept up huge amounts of dust and debris.

The Forest Flag shows the TrueBorn Banner with the Ice Dragon on the reverse side with a white background.

The Dark Warlord's Storm Flag shows the Shadow Banner with the Elder Winged Serpent on the reverse side with a light/mid-grey background.

The Storm Queen's/Red Witch's Storm Flag shows the Shadow Banner with the Younger Winged Serpent on the reverse side with a light/mid-grey background.

26) At the commencement of War, weather conditions over Trafalgar Harbour are calm and sunny and weather conditions over Storm Harbour are foggy.

Also at the commencement of War the TrueBorn Prince occupies the Position known as Forest Square and the Dark Warlord occupies the Armoury of The Kingdom of Storms.

27) As well as Son's Day as mentioned there is also Parents' Day (or Marriage Day if no children) and this is celebrated on every tenth anniversary of the date of a couple's wedding.

There is also Siblings' Day (or Daughters' only Day if no Sons)and this is celebrated once every year for the Children other than the eldest son or a son. The date rotates yearly from the eldest child's birthday through to the youngest child's birthday and then repeats again (the birthday of the eldest son is excluded unless this is also the birthday of one or more other Siblings).

28) Design showing Kraken's Lair:

An Identity Check called Combination Lock:

The author of "TigerChess", "Dragon" and "TigerBridge" and other games (which are collectively "Tiger's-Eye Games"),

G. Nicholls, can identify himself by:

Showing the moves leading to the following positions:





This set of moves is known as Tiger in the Snow and the author

can also show the related moves known as Tiger round the Forest.

This 'user submitted' page is a collaboration between the posting user and the Chess Variant Pages. Registered contributors to the Chess Variant Pages have the ability to post their own works, subject to review and editing by the Chess Variant Pages Editorial Staff.

By Glenn Nicholls.
Web page created: 2005-07-24. Web page last updated: 2009-03-01