Carlos Cetina from México invented this variant on a 10 by 10 board. It can be seen as a variant on Freeling's Grand Chess. The basic idea of this game is to fill up the four squares that were left empty in Freelings game, and to introduce castling.Cetina comments:
The Freeling's original idea of giving freedom to the rooks seems to me a good one, however I estimate that from a strategic viewpoint the castling is a more valuable and important rule than the initial liberty of the rooks.
Euchess is played by two players on a 10 by 10 board. Each player has:- one king (K)
- one queen (Q)
- two marshals (M) = rook + knight
- two cardinals (C) = bishop + knight
- two rooks (R)
- two bishops (B)
- two knights (N)
- ten pawns (P)
The starting position is the following:
Additional rules
Pawn promotion is as in orthodox chess, i.e.:- A pawn promotes when it reaches the last row at the opponents side of the board.
- Pawn promotion is obligatory when the pawn reaches this last row.
- A pawn can promote to queen, marshal, cardinal, rook, bishop, or knight of the same color, regardless whether a piece of that type has been taken or not.
Sample game
White: Isaac Balboa (12-year old)Black: Carlos Cetina
Villahermosa, Mexico
November 28, 1998
1.f5 f6 2.Ng4 e7 3.Bd5 Bf7 4.Bxf7 gxf7 5.o-o h6 6.Ci4 Cc10 7.Cxh6 Bf8 8.Ci4 Ng7 9.Nd4 i6 10.Mjf1 Ce8 11.e5 Nd7 12.e6 fxe6 13.fxe6 Cxi4+ 14.jxi4 Nc5 15.Mac1 Qe8 16.Cb4 Nb7 17.Mj1 Cg6 18.Mj2 Rh9 19.Kg1 o-o-o 20.Cc6 d7 21.exd7 cxd7 22.Ca4 Mc9 23.Bf4 Nc5 24.Cb5 a6 25.Cc4 Rh8 26.Qf3 Reh9 27.b4 Nce6 28.Cd5 Ke9 29.Cb7 Mxb7 30.Qxb7 Rxh3 31.Nxe6 Nxe6 32.Bxb8 Rh1+ 33.Mxh1 Rxh1+ 34.Kxh1 Cxi4 35.Bc7+ Nxc7 36.Qxc7+ Kf9 37.Kg1 Ch3+ 38.Kf1 Cxg4 39.Me1 Mh10 40.Qf4 Mh1+ 41.Rg1 Qi4+ 42.Rbg2 Mh2 mate
Carlos Cetina comments on the name:I use the "eu" prefix (eu=well) to name the variant because the enrichment of any thing is a goodness, and in this case the traditional chess itself is enriched in its combinative possibilities by the presence of both the new pieces and the "hoop" or "circlet" of squares that surround to the 8 by 8 traditional board.Readers are invited to play this game with Carlos Cetina. He can be contacted by email at: carlos_(email removed contact us for address) or (email removed contact us for address)
WWW page made by Hans Bodlaender, based on email of Carlos Cetina.
WWW page created: December 2, 1998. Last modified: December 4, 1998.