Babylonian Chess
This chess variant can be played with a standard chess set and polyhedral dice (aka RPG dice). Having additional chess pieces make for a more aesthetically pleasing game. Added variation by playing with a hexagonal or 3-player chessboard may also be possible.
All normal chess rules apply with several exceptions. All pieces move in the normal manner and special movements like en passant, castling and promotion are allowed. The main difference is that a player does not automatically capture an opponent's piece. When a player advances a piece with the intention to capture an opponent's piece, both players must roll dice appropriate to their pieces. The piece with the lower roll gets captured. Tied rolls results in stalemates. The dice assignments for the pieces are as follows: Pawn: 1d4 Knight: 1d6 Bishop: 1d6 Rook: 1d8 Queen: 1d12 King: 1d20 If the advancing piece is captured, the defending piece remains in place. An exception to this is the King (see below). In addition, several other differences exists: 1) Players need only declare a checkmate, not a check. 2) Pieces can be moved to expose the King to attack unless such a move will result in an immediate checkmate. 3) A player who already has a piece that can capture the opponent's King may, during any of his subsequent turns, move another piece into a position that threatens the King and claim an "Assist" attack. In this way, a player's King may be simultaneously attacked by several pieces which are in positions to do so. In this case, the dice rolls of the assisting piece and all the attacking pieces are combined and compared against that of the King. If the King rolls higher, all the attacking pieces are captured and the King has the option to move into any one of their positions, even if it is more than one square away. If the attackers combined roll is higher, the King is captured and the game ends. In the event of a stalemate, the King can choose to convert the attacking piece with the lowest roll to his color. 4) A checkmate immediately wins the game, no dice rolls need be made. 5) The game ends when a player captures or checkmates his opponent's King.
The introduction of the dice roll element forces players to weigh between the risks and benefits of trying to capture enemy pieces. This also means that the best made plan could be undone by an unlucky roll of the dice. The King, having a d20 dice roll and having special rules, can be used creatively. On the whole, the game becomes more unpredictable and exciting with considerable possibilities for new strategies and counter-strategies.
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By Muhammad Hidayat.
Web page created: 2009-08-26. Web page last updated: 2012-02-26