Check out Balbo's Chess, our featured variant for October, 2024.

This page is written by the game's inventor, wdtr2. This game is a favorite of its inventor.

Pocket Shogi Plus

The Game is inspired by Shogi. The concept came from Pocket Mutation, and advice from catugo. The program coding is a clone of code that Fergus designed. The pieces are almost identical to Shogi, except for three. The Lance promotes to a Vertical Mover. The Vertical Mover moves like a Rook in vertical movement only, and can step one space sideways.

The Knight promotes to a Standard Chess Knight.

The Golden general promotes to a Platinium General (new). A Platinium General has the same movement as a chess King, except that it can not move directly backwards. This is known as the drunken Elephant in Chu shogi.

There is a pocket. Any piece can be moved into the pocket except for the King. The movement into a pocket and out of a pocket takes one move each.



The Rules are identical to standard Shogi, except for the promotions:
Lance becomes a Vertical Mover
Knight becomes a standard chess Knight
Golden General becomes a Platinium General

Moves into a pocket and out of the pocket takes one turn each.

The Pocket: The pocket is an extra area that any of your pieces may move to, except for the King.
To Move into the pocket, you must have a valid move on the board.

A pocket move into the promotion zone and then back into the pocket will NOT promote the piece.


The Plus Part:

The Promoted Knight moves like a Standard Chess Knight. When captured, it demotes to a Shogi Knight.

The promoted Gold General becomes a Platinium General, and the promoted Lance becomes a Vertical Mover.


The King may move one space in any direction, but not into check. The object is to checkmate the King. The King may not move into the pocket.
Gold General
The Gold General moves one space in any forward or orthogonal direction. It may not move diagonally backwards. A gold general will promote to a Platinium General z
Platinium General
The Platinium General moves like a king, except it can not go directly backwards. A captured Platinium General demotes into a Gold General.
The Rook moves any number of spaces horizontally or vertically. It may not leap over pieces. When entering, exiting, or moving within the promotion zone, it may promote to a Dragon King. +r
Dragon King
The Dragon King moves as the Rook or one space diagonally. A captured Dragon King demotes into a Rook.
The Bishop moves any number of spaces diagonally. It may not leap over pieces. When entering, exiting, or moving within the promotion zone, it may promote into a Dragon Horse. +b
Dragon Horse
The Dragon Horse moves as the Bishop or one space orthogonally. A captured Dragon Horse demotes into a Bishop.
Silver General
The Silver General moves one space in any forward or diagonal direction. When it enters, exits, or moves within the promotion zone, it may promote. +s
Promoted Silver General
The Promoted Silver General moves as a Gold General. When captured, it demotes to a Silver General.
The Lance moves any number of spaces vertically forward. It may not leap over pieces. When it moves into or within the promotion zone, it may promote. When it reaches the last rank, it must promote. +l
Promoted Lance
The Promoted Lance becomes the Vertical Mover.  It has the Vertical movement of the rook, and can move sideways 1 square. The Vertical Mover when captured, demotes to a Lance.
The Knight leaps to either of the two spaces it could reach by moving two spaces forward, followed by one more space left or right. When it enters the promotion zone, it may promote. When it reaches either of the last two ranks, it must promote. +n
Promoted Knight
The Promoted Knight or Dragon Knight moves like a standard chess Knight. When captured, it demotes to a Knight.
The Pawn moves one space vertically forward. When it moves into or within the promotion zone, it may promote to a Tokin. When it reaches the last rank, it must promote to a Tokin. +p
The Tokin moves as a Gold General. When captured, it demotes to a Pawn.


This Chess Variant is ready for public use. Feel free to contact me about this game. Enjoy.

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By wdtr2.
Web page created: 2017-09-30. Web page last updated: 2018-06-27