Algebraic-Numerical Chess Notation
In this article Algebraic-Numerical Chess Notation, I will develop a new chess notation based on the algebraic notation and the numerical board invented by the arabs (10th century AD, for recording pieces tours and chess games). Today, it is the algebraic chess notation which is adopted by the orthodox chess Federation, where the pieces moves are identified by the departure and arrival squares, where each square of the 8x8 chessboard is represented by the coordinates (x,y), x=a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h and y=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. Example: 1. d2-d4 Ng8 - f6 means that the White pawn moves from the square d2 to d4 and the black Knight moves fom the square g8 to f6. Where the pieces are denominated by the letters R=Rook, N=Knight, B=Bishop, Q=Queen, K=King and P=Pawn. (see board (1)). Now, instead of using the coordinate (x,y) for for the pieces moves, I will use the following notation to represent the pieces move:
Au-v where A designates the the piece name and u, v identify the squares of the 8x8 chessboards in terms of numbers and not in terms of (x,y) where x=a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h and y =1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8.
Thus using the previous numerical chessboard with pieces arrangements (see board(1)) we can write the moves Ng1- f3 by N7-22.
57 R |
58 N |
59 B |
60 Q |
61 K |
62 B |
63 N |
64 R |
49 P |
50 P |
51 P |
52 P |
53 P |
54 P |
55 P |
56 P |
41 |
42 |
43 |
44 |
45 |
46 |
47 |
48 |
33 |
34 |
35 |
36 |
37 |
38 |
39 |
40 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
32 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
9 P |
10 P |
11 P |
12 P |
13 P |
14 P |
15 P |
16 P |
1 R |
2 N |
3 B |
4 Q |
5 K |
6 B |
7 N |
8 R |
Board (1)
Now let's consider the following LASKER-CAPABLANCA chess game and rewrite it in this new notation. In the algebraic notation it is:
1 e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5 a6 4 Bxc6 dxc6 5 d4 exd4 6 Qxd4 Qxd4 7 Nxd4 Bd6 8 Nc3 Ne7 9 0-0 0-0 10 f4 Re8 11 Nb3 f6 12 f5 b6 13 Bf4 Bb7 14 Bxd6 cxd6 15 Nd4 Ra-d8 16 Ne6 Rd7 17 Rs-d1 Nc8 18 Rf2 b5 19 Rf-d2 Rd-e7 20 b4 Kf7 21 a3 Ba8 22 Kf2 Ra7 23 g4 h6 24 Rd3 a5 25 h4 axb4 26 axb4 Ra-e7 27 Kf3! Rg8 28 Kf4 g6 29 Rg3 g5+ 30 Kf3! Nb6 31 hxg5 hxg5 32 Rh3 Rd7 33 Kg3! Ke8 34 Rd-h1 Bb7 35 e5! dxe5 36 Ne4 Nd5 37 Nc5 Bc8 38 Nxd7 Bxd7 39 Rh7 Rf8 40 Ra1 Kd8 41 Ra8 Bc8 42 Nc5 Black resigns
In the new notation using the numerical notation, LASKER-CAPABLANCA game is written as:
1 e13-29, 53-37 2 N7-22,58-43 3 B6-34 a49-41 4 B34xN43 d52xB43 5 d12-28 e37xd28 6.Q4 xd28 Q60xq28 7 N22xQ28 B62-44 8 N2-19, 63-53 9 0-0 0-0 10 f14-30 R62-61 11 N28-18 f54 -46 12 f30-38 b50 -42 13 B3-30, 59-50 14 B30x44 c51xB44 15.N18-28 R57-60 16 N28-45 R60-52 17 R1-4 N53-59 18 R6-14 b42-34 19 R14-13, 52-53 20 b10-26 K63-54 21 a9-17 B50-57 22 K7-14 R53-49 23 g15-31, 56-48 24 R4-20 a41-33 25h16-32, a33xb26 26 a25xb26 R49-53 27 K14-22! R61-63 28 K22-30! g55-47 29.R21-23 g47-39+ 30 K30-22! g55-42 31 h32xg39 h48xg39 , etc. black resigns
Now instead of considering the numerical chessboard with the squares identified by 1 to 64 we can identify them by any other type of numbers and record the chess game. For example if we consider the the first 64 prime numbers from 2 to 317 with initial arrangement of pieces (see board(2)), we can rewrite LASKER- CAPABLANCA chess game as:
271 R |
277 N |
281 B |
283 Q |
293 K |
307 B |
311 N |
313 R |
233 P |
239 P |
241 P |
251 P |
257 P |
263 P |
267 P |
271 P |
191 |
193 |
197 |
199 |
211 |
223 |
227 |
229 |
139 |
149 |
151 |
157 |
163 |
173 |
179 |
181 |
101 |
103 |
107 |
109 |
113 |
127 |
131 |
137 |
59 |
61 |
67 |
73 |
79 |
83 |
89 |
97 |
23 P |
29 P |
31 P |
37 P |
41 P |
43 P |
47 P |
53 P |
2 R |
3 N |
5 B |
7 Q |
11 K |
13 B |
17 N |
19 R |
Board (2)
1 P41- 127, 257-167 2 N17-83 ,281-197 3.B13-151 P233-191 4 B151xN197 P251xB151 5 P37-113, 167x113 6 Q7xP113 Q293x113 7 N83xQ113 B311-197 8.N3-71, 313-257 9 0-0 0-0 10 P43-131 R311-307 11 N113-76 P263-223 12 P131-173, 239-193 13 B5-131,283-239 14 B131x199 P241 xB131 15 N67-113 R277-293 16 N113-211 R293-251 17 R2-7 N257=283 18 R13-43 P193-151 19 R43-37 R251-257 20 P29-107 K313-263 21 P23-61 B239-277 22 K17-43 R257-233 23 P47-137, 271-229 24 R37-73 P191-149 25 P53-139, 149x107 26 P61x107 R233-257 27 K43-83! R307-313 28 K83-131 P263-227 29 P73-89, 227-179 30 K131-83! N283-193 31 P139x179 ,229x179 32 R89-101, 257-251 33 K83-89!, 263-307 34 R7-19 B277-239 35 P127-167!, 199x167 36 N71-127, 193-163 37 N211-157 B239-283 38 N257xR251 B283xN251 39R101-271 R313-311 40 R19-2 K307-293 41 R2-277 B251-283 42 N113-151 Black resigns
The interest in using this new Algebraic-Numerical chess notation is that each recorded chess game can have application in practice. For example, the previous recorded chess game in terms of prime numbers gives rise to sequences of unordered prime numbers which can be applied in mathematics. Thus we see that from the first move to the 10th moves of the respective white and black we get the sequence 41,127, 257, 167, 17, 83, 281, 101, 197, 13, 151, 233, 191, 151, 197, 251, 151, 37, 113, 167, 113, 7, 113, 293, 113, 83, 113, 311, 3, 71, 313, etc..
Now instead of using the prime numbers we can for eample use the Fibonacci numbers, perfect numbers, Mersenne numbers, Fermat numbers, and othe types of numbers to record chess games. We can also use binary, hexadecimal, octal, code numbers for the squares of the 8x8 chessboards. Also, we can use alphabetic and specific characters. The recorded chess will give special formed words. We can also use electronic gates (as AND, OR, XOR, and their combination) to identify the squares of the 8x8 chessboard. In that case a recorded chess game will give rise to electronic circuitry which cxan be useful in electronic applications. We can also use the Mendeleiv chemical elements to identify the squares of the 10x10 chessboard. So, a recorded chess game may give rise to (probably) important chemical combinations which can be useful in chemistry and biology. There are a number of fields which this Algebraic-Numerical chess noation may very practical, not in chess games, but in mathematics, physics, biology, electronic, computer programming, secret coding, and many other social and artistic fields. In other words, using this new notation, a recorded chess game (from ordinary chess players to grandmasters) can be practically used in life and not only as an entertainement as it is now.
[Missoum responded with the following email when prompted for an example. -- DH]
I was taking a walk with my 4 year old son ALGORITHM, and at one moment he sang HIHOAAA, etc. I said to him: "ALGOR! Do you think that you will have a winning award with this bizarre song." But suddenly, this gave me the idea that a chess game can lead to a new musical melody, using the algebraic numerical chess notation. Here is a simple practical example of application of my article:
Take the 64 piano musial notes from the bass to the sharpest:
Identify each square of the 8x8 chessboard by one of these notes, starting with c for square 1, D for square two, etc... up to the 64th square following the previous note order. Play a chess game and translate the moves with the Algebraic-Numerical chess notation using the notes for departure squares and arrival squares.
Example: let's say that the moves d2-d4 d7-d5 are d(D)-d(E) d(B)-d(G), where D, E, B, G are piano notes representing the departure and arrival squares. Then using this notation, the played chess game will give a rise to a new musical melody (perhaps terrific, or very bizarre). We can also also use the guitar musical notes instead of the piano notes and apply the Algebraic-Numerical chess notation. So, a played chess game will give rise to a new guitar musical melody. In other words, we can compose new music using a chess game and the Algebraic-Numerical chess notation.
Written by A. Missoum. Edited by David Howe.
WWW page created: October 7, 1997.