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   This tournament was set up for three rounds on one day at the home of Bruce Moon on 29 August 1993. Time per move was unlimited. We used the one point per win and one half point per draw or stalemate scoring system. (Others, such as 4-3-2-1 can be used.) We also selected the "varied" communication format, selecting one mode for each round. At about two and one half hours per round the total length of the tournament was about nine hours. The four players were John Zimmerman, Byron Massey, Bill Nulf (who came in as a last minute replacement believing that he would be playing in a standard chess quad tournament) and Bruce Moon. Players will be identified respectively as JZ, BM, BN, and BAM. The first round was silent communication, the second round open and secret, and the last open only (see rules). Remember: "---" indicates a skipped turn because a checked player must respond first.

ROUND 1 (silent)


   BN      BM      BAM     JZ

 1 d3      0-0     g5      Nf3

 2 Ne3     d8      h6      f2

 3 Nd5     dxe7    Bg7     Bg2

 4 Nxe7    c7      Rf8     Ne1

 5 0-0     Bb7     Nf6     Bf3

 6 Bxg5    d6      Nxg4    f1

 7 a4      dxe7    Rxa8+   ---

 8 ---     Bxa8    Nxh2    Kxh2

 9 Be3+    Kb8     Kh7     Bd1

10 axb5    Nb7     Be5     Bxc2+

11 Ka2     Nd6     Kg7     Kh3

12 Bd2     Bd5+    ---     ---

13 Ka3     Nxb5+   ---     ---

14 Kb4     Nd6     Bxb2    Nxd3+

15 Ka5     Nc4+    ---     ---

16 Kb5     Nxd2    Bxa1    e1

17 Resigns Be6+    ---     Kh2

18 ---     Nf3+    ---     Kh1

19 ---     Bd5     Bc3     d1

20 ---     Ne5+    ---     Kh2

21 ---     Nxf7    Bd4     Nf4

22 ---     Bc4     Bc5?    2e

23 ---     Nd6     Kh8     Nd3

24 ---     f7      Bd4     c1

25 ---     Nf5     Ba1     Bd1

26 ---     Ne3     Kg7     Nb4

27 ---     Nf1+    ---     Kg2

28 ---     Nd2     Bc3     e3

29 ---     Nb1     Bxb4    d2

30 ---     Kc8     Be7     Bc2

31 ---     Ba2     Bg5     Kf2

32 ---     Kd7     Bh4+    Ke2

33 ---     Ke6     Bf6     Be4

34 ---     Na3     h5      d3

35 ---     Nb5     h4      c3

36 ---     Nd4+    ---     Ke1

37 ---     Nf5+    Res     b1

38 ---     Bxb1    ---     Bxb1

39 ---     Nd4     ---     Ba2+

40 ---     Ke7     ---     b3

41 ---     Nxb3    ---     Bxb3

42 ---     g7      ---     Bc2

43 ---     Kd6     ---     Bd3

44 ---     Kc5     ---     c2

45 ---     Kd4     ---     Kd2

46 ---     Res     ---

    1. BM opens with 1 ... 0-0, a move later considered too

       conservative. Moving bishop pawn early invites a death


    3. 3 ... ... Nd7 threatens mate against South (BN) and

       discovers an attack on West's (BM's) R.  Ironically, had

       West (BM) not castled early, East (JZ) would have placed

       West (BM) in check, which would have allowed mate against

       South (BN), because South (BN) would not have a move with

       which to defend himself.  On the downside, castling early

       leaves the player vulnerable to possible Pawn attacks

       from the right-hand opponent.

    4. Why did BM not play 4 ... d7, forcing North (BAM) to lose

       a piece?

    6. JZ missed 6 ... ... NxP.

    7. BAM felt forced to exchange rooks.  He assumed BM would

       exchange and BAM would lose a move.  This presumption was

       questioned by JZ.  BAM then takes JZ N thereby winning

       the exchange.  However he loses a N to the two other

       players. JZ declines to take BN B because he didn't want

       to split pawns. And East (JZ) missed the fact that NxP

       attacks both R and N.

   22. JZ missed 22 ... ... Ne6+!.

   29. JZ missed 29 ... ... BxN completely. BM NxP probably not

       best move -- insures JZ win. JZ and BM believe that BAM

       resigned too early, perhaps loosing his cool.

       Unfortunately, throughout the tournament BN's objective

       seemed to be aggressively vengeful play rather than cool

       headed winning strategy.Communications option 1 (silent)

       was played only once before by three of the players. This 

       version brings about different strategies and tactics 

       because a player must count on another player(s) seeing 

       his intended combinations while wanting to achieve the 

       same results.
ROUND 2 (open and secret communications allowed)


   BM      JZ      BAM     BN

 1 0-0     d7      Nf6     f4

 2 b3      c8      g6      e1

 3 d3?     Nc6     Bg7?    e2

 4 Nc3     Nxe7    Rf8     d2

 5 Ne2?    Nc6     Nd5     Rxe2

 6 Bb2     0-0     h5      d1

 7 Bxg7+   ---     Kxg7    c1

 8 c4      e7      Re8     Bg2

 9 Kc2?    bxc4    Nxe7    Bxc6

10 dxc4    Bb7     Nxc8+   ---

11 ---     Ka6     Rxe2    Bxb7+

12 ---     Kxb7    Nd6+    ---

13 ---     Kc6     Ne4     Nf3

14 Kd3     Rd8+    ---     ---

15 Kxe2    Rxd2+   ---     ---

16 Kxf3    Rd1+    ---     Kh2

17 Kxe4    Kc7     h4      Kg2

18 a4      Rd2+    ---     Kf1??

19 Rxc1++  ---     ---   s e3

20 Kf3     Rb2     f5    s d3

21 Rc3     Kc6     g5    s e4

22 a5      Kb7     Kf6   s d4

23 axb4?   Kxb6    Ke5   s sf

24 Rc1?    Rxb3    g4+     ---

25 Kg2     Kc5     Kf4     ---

26 Rf1+    ---     Kg5     ---

27 Rc1     Rb8     h3+     ---

28 Kh1     Rg8+    Kf4     ---

29 Rf1+    ---     Kg3     ---

30 Rxf5+   Kxc4    h2      ---

31 Rf1     Re8     Kh3     ---

32 Rf2     Re3+    g3      ---

33 Rxh2+   ---     Kg4     ---

34 Rh8     Re1+    ---     ---

35 Kg2     Re6     Kf5     ---

36 Rc8+    Kd5     Kf4     ---

37 Rf8+    ---     Kg4     ---

38 Rg8+    ---     Kf5     ---

39 Rd8+    Rd6     Kg4     ---

40 Rg8+    ---     Res     ---

41 Kh3     Rf6     ---     ---

42 Kg4     Ke5     ---     ---

43 Re8+    Kd5     ---     ---

44 Kg5     Rf7     ---     ---

45 Kg6     Rd7     ---     ---

46 Kf6?    Ra7     ---     ---

47 Re7     Ra8     ---     ---

48 Kf7     Kd6     ---     ---

49 Re6+?   Kd7 DO  ---     ---

50 Rf6     Rb8     ---     ---

51 Kg7     Ke7     ---     ---

52 Rf7+    Ke6     ---     ---

53 Rf8     Rb7+    ---     ---

54 Kh8     Rb5     ---     ---

55 Kg7^Q   Rg5+    ---     ---

56 Kh6     Res     ---     ---

 [Note -- it was decided by chance who got to sit where, because in three

 rounds, distribution of right-hand opponents does not come out even.  

 It was also decided by chance who went first in each round.]

 [Special symbols: DO = makes draw offer; s = annexed by South; ^Q =

 King "upchucks" Queen.]

   This time BM's 0-0 leaves his flank vulnerable to BN.  

   The early NP move leaves player open to right-hand opponent's RP, and BN

   takes full advantage.

    8. BM doesn't see mate avoidance move until JZ points it out

       in order to keep BAM from becoming too powerful and to

       incur BM's gratitude.

    9. Why does BM not play PxN?

   10. BAM's thinking if NxB then BxN+ which leads to BxR.

   11. BN's bishop exchange saves BAM's N.

   14. BM offers to capture BAM's R if JZ will check, and

       successive checks capture successive pieces.

   16. JZ thinks Rd1 is mate; it isn't but it keeps BM from

       mating.  However BN could have resigned and pulled his

       pawns off the board allowing BM to play RxR.

   18. BN knowingly commits suicide.

   22. a5 makes pawn vulnerable but also BM overlooks the fact

       that annexed side must have at one legal move on each

       turn or those pieces become frozen. BM and JZ realize

       that they have to work together to prevent BAM's pawn


   31. BM asks JZ not to mate him so that he can move up to f2

       to attack BAM's pawn.  JZ agrees and honors his

       commitment, which later costs him the game.

   40. Pawn at g3 remains frozen at BAM's option.

   44. JZ mistakenly believes that BM queens on a8 not h8 square

       and facilitates BM's movement in that direction and

       realizes his mistake a couple of moves later, perhaps too


   Another chess club member arrived (Joe McGaffigan) and caused some distraction during the last two games. Across the board conversation opened up with criticisms, zingers, one liners, etc., including: "`It won't be long now!` said the butcher, who dropped his cleaver." -- among other things.

ROUND 3 (open discussion)


    BN      BAM     JZ      BM

 1  d3      d7      Nf6     e2

 2  Be3?    c5      g6      Bg2+

 3  ---     Bb7     Nxd7    exd1

 4  Rxd1    Bxg2+   ---     Rxg2

 5  Rxg1+?  ---     ---     Kh2

 6  Rxg2+?  ---     ---     Kxg2

 7  Bxc5??  Rxd7    h5      f4

 8  Bxb6    Nc4     0-0     Nf3

 9  dxc4??  Rd1++   ---     ---

10 w a4     Kb7     h4      Ne5

11 w Bd4    Rg1+?   ---     Kh2

12 w b3     Rd1     e6      e3

13 w Bc3    Rd8     Kg7     Nc6+

14  ---     ---     Kg8     Nxd8+

15  ---     Kc7     Be7?    e4 DO

16 w Bxh8   Kd7     Bg5     Nb7

17 w Be5+   ---     ---     Kg2

18 w Bc7    Kc6     Bxe3    Nc5

19 w b4     Kb5     g5      Nd7

20 w a5     Kc6     Bd2     Ne5+

21  ---     Kb5     Kf8     Nd7+

22  ---     ---     Ke8     Nf6+

23  ---     ---     Ke7     Nd5+

24  ---     ---     Kd7     Nc3+

25  ---     Ka6     Kc8     Na4

26 w c5     Kb5     Bf4     Nc3+

27  ---     Kc6     Bxc7    Nd5

28 w b5     bxc7    Kb8     Nb4+

29  ---     Kd6     h3+     Kxh3

30 w c6     d7      e5      Nd5

31 w c4     e7      Kc8     Nc7?

32 w b6     Kc5     Kb8     Ne6+

33  ---     Kd6     Kc8     Nd8

34 w a6     Kc5     Kb8     Nb7+

35  ---     Kb4     Kc8     Nd6+

36  ---     ---     Kd8     Nb7+

37  ---     ---     Kc8     Nd6+

38  ---     ---     Kd8     Nb7+

            Draw by repetition.

 [Special symbols: DO = makes draw offer; w = annexed by West.]

    4. BM thinks winning two pieces for one is a bargain

       especially if the two pieces come from the "tag team"

       which has been "trampling" him the whole tournament.  JZ

       believes that BM's tactics leave him down a piece net to

       BN which is unsound.

    5. By this time it is apparent that BN has lost all control

       of his tactical play.

    9. BN finishes his suicide agenda despite pleading from JZ

       and BM.   Then he persists in declaring that he did not

       allow mate deliberately.

   11. Rd2+ preferable.

   13. BM finds that discovered check can obtain BAM's R.

   15. JZ offers to give up his R and save BM's N in exchange

       for BM shepherding in JZ's KP for R promotion which would

       go after BAM's pieces first.  BM agrees. BM makes draw

       offer and BAM accepts but JZ doesn't, wanting to play on

       partly for expositional purposes.

   18. BM and JZ are teaming up but Bxe3 saves BM's N.

   29. BM offers BAM JZ KP if BAM agrees to leave his N alone

       deliberately breaking agreement with JZ.  Shortly

       thereafter BM said "He [JZ] knows that I'm a backstabbing

       piece of crap.  I've burned my bridges now."  BN, still

       around, was overheard saying "I'm happy with my game."

       among other comments that were technically not allowed by

       a non-player and unappreciated. JZ, ignominiously, later

       offers to help BM if BM lets JZ RP through despite being

       backstabbed already, thus overcoming emotion with


   31. BM had 31 --- --- --- NxP+  32 --- --- Kd8 (or b8) NxP+,

       followed by the draw by repetition, or taking the a-Pawn.

       BAM is shut out of either sequence.

   34. Allows NxP+ giving time for N to get away, but was not

       seen by BM and JZ until next move.

   35. Starts draw by repetition to circumvent BAM win.  To

       varying degrees all were uneasy with this "solution".

       Such a finish is only possible when other remaining

       players get skipped.  Perhaps tournament adjustments

       could alleviate problem.

   This tournament combined all 3 communication formats.  Other tournaments

   could utilize only one option.

   Summary observations made at the time include:

    BM: His contention was that the last [game] was best, but pointed out

        there was no clear winner for tournament.

   BAM: Feels someone should work out some basic openings.

    BN: Decided he liked talking options better.

    JZ: "I like it [all formats] if all players are comparable.  However,

        allowances can be made for a player(s) who are less disposed to

        rational control.  This game can tell you more about your opponents

        than regular chess." In the talking formats, a weaker player may be

        coached into making "correct" moves.



This tournament was also set up for 3 rounds on one day. It was played at the home of Bruce Moon on August 28, 1994. Time per move was unlimited. We used the one point per win and one-half point per draw (or stalemate) system. Others such as 4-3-2-1 can be used. We again selected the "varied" communication format, choosing one mode for each round. Total tournament was about ten hours, with breaks between games. The four players were John Zimmerman(JZ), Byron Massey(BM), David Francis(DF), and Bruce Moon(BAM). Remember, "----" indicates a skipped turn (due to check or elimination).

ROUND 1 (open discussion)


   BM      BAM     DF      JZ

 1 b3      b7d7    Nf6     g4f4

 2 Bb2     b6c6    g6      g2f2

 3 Nc3     b5d5    Bg7     0-0

 4 Ba3     Nb7     Bf8     Nf3

 5 Na4     0-0     h6      Ne5

 6 b4      Nd8     0-0     Nxf7

 7 b5      Bc8     Rh7     Ne5

 8 Nc5     Kb6     g5      Nc4+

 9 ----    Kc7     Bg7     Nb6

10 Rb3     Rxa3    Ne4+    ----

11 Kb1     Ra5     Be5+    ----

12 ----    Kxb6    Nxd2+   ----

13 Kc1     Kxc5    Bd6+    ----

14 ----    Kb6     Nc4+    ----

15 ----    Ka7     Bc5+    ----

16 ----    Ka8     Nxa5    g1e1

17 bxc6    Ne6     Bd6     e1d1?

18 Rxb8+?? Ka7     Nxc6+   ----

19 ----    Ka6     Nxb8+   ----

20 ----    Kb7     gxf4    g3f3!

21 c4      Nc7     Nxd7    Rg1+

22 ----    ----    Rg7     Re1

23 a4      Bxd7    Rg3     Bxd7

24 a5      Na6     Kf8     f2e2

25 Kd2     Nb8     h5      Rf1

26 a6+     Nxa6    h4      d1c1

27 c5      Nb8     Bxc5    Bh3

28 Kc3     Nd7+    Kg7     c1b1

29 Kb2     Nxc5    Kg6     b1a1=R

30 Kc3     Na5+    ----    ----

31 Kb3     Nc5+    ----    ----

32 Kc3     Na5+    ----    ----

33 Kb3     Nc5+    ----    ----

34 Kc3     ----    ----    ----

   Draw by repetition.

COMMENTS (directed to move numbers):

    3. South "likes his game" -- so far.  North duplicates

       South.  East: West's 3 ... b5d5 "superadventurous."

    5. South disregards attacked Pawn for mating chance at b6.

       East persuades North not to be too aggressive so East can

       concentrate on South. However, East intuitively likes 5

       ... ... ... Ne5 placement.

    6. West agrees to let East take North's Pawn, East agrees

       not to take West's Knight.

    7. South squeezes down on West.

    8. Unclear if South's Knight move is best.

    9. West explains that East must save him or South will annex

       West's pieces. In return, West agrees to take South's

       Bishop, which East could have gotten.

   10. West plays 10 ... RxB and North's check prevents


   11. North plays to eliminate East Knight, which is better

       than direct capture, then forks South allowing West to

       play 13 ... Kxc5.

   17. In playing 17 bxc6, leaving Rook en prise, South may

       understand that North doesn't want to lose his Knight,

       dropping a piece relative to East and West.  East

       completely misses 17 ... ... ... Bxe6!, checking North,

       which gains time for East escape.

   18. South's 18 Rxb8+?? loses.  South may have misunderstood

       North's intentions; otherwise, a pure error.

   20. North expects recapture but misses 20 ... ... ... f3!,

       stopping him up.

   21. West cuts off North's Knight, and North "forced" to get

       something for it.

   23. North and East agree -- East takes West's Bishop if North

       waits 2 moves to take Pawn.

   26. East finally sells South on Pawn distraction, promising

       Bishop is "owned" by South.  Never discussed was the

       possibility of parking Bishop on b1 to block East's own

       Pawn advance!

   27. North 27 ... ... Bxc5 questionable.  South's Pawn can

       only tie down West or cost West a piece, both of which

       help North.

   29. East heard "whispers" of possible perpetual check, but

       couldn't see it and promoted Pawn to Rook anyway.

ROUND 2 (silent)


   JZ      BAM     BM      DF

 1 a4      b7d7    Nd6     Nf3

 2 axb5    Bxb5??  Nxb5    g2e2

 3 0-0     Nb3     g6??    exd1

 4 cxb3??  Rxa1+   ----    ----

 5 Kxa1    b6c6    Bg7     Bg2

 6 Ka2     Kb7     h6      Ng5

 7 d3      b8c8    Nd6+    ----

 8 ----    Kc7     f6      Nf3

 9 b4      Res   0-0     Ne1

10 Be3     ----    Kf7     Nxd3

11 Ka3     ----    Nc4+    ----

12 Ka4     ----    Nxe3    Bf3

13 b3      ----    f5      Nb2+

14 Ka5     ----    fxg4    Be4

15 b5      ----    Be5     Rf2+

16 ----    ----    Ke8     Bxg6+

17 ----    ----    Kd8     Kh2

18 b6      ----    Rg8     d1c1

19 Ka6     ----    h5?     Nd3-

20 Ka7     ----    Bd4     Nf4

21 Ka6     ----    e5      Ne6+

22 ----    ----    Ke7     Nxd4

23 b7      ----    Rxg6    Nf5+

24 ----    ----    Nxf5    Rxf5

25 b8=R    ----    Kd6     c1b1

26 Rb4     ----    Re6     b1a1=R

27 Kb7     ----    e4      Rxh5

28 Rd4+??  ----    Ke7     Ra2???

29 Kb6     ----    e3      g1f1

30 b4      ----    Kf6     Rh6+

31 ----    ----    Ke5     Ra5+

32 ----    ----    Kxd4    R6h5???

33 bxa5    ----    Kc3     Rd5

34 a6      ----    e2      f1e1

35 a7      ----    Re4     Kg2

36 a8=R    ----    Rc4     Rd2

37 Kb5     ----    Rb4+    ----

38 Kc5     ----    Rc4+    ----

39 Kb6     ----    Rb4+    ----

40 Kc5     ----    Rc4+    ----

41 Kb6     ----    Rb4+    ----

42 Kc5     ----    ----    ----

Round 2 notes:

    2. South assumes free Pawn as BxP gives North NxB.  But West

       takes anyway??

    3. West misses mate risk in kamikaze attack.  North misses

       South mate and plays g6?? instead of "obvious" NxR.  East

       goes for obvious, as NxP+ allows West to mate South.

    4. South misses obvious mate (RxR!), thinking Rook exchange

       hurts him, but overlooking North's covering Knight.  West

       realizes mistake and plays RxR to stay alive.

    7. North nicely stops East attack and West approach, as West

       goes into foolishly giggling fit, leaving others

       wondering what was in the "tangy" mustard.

    9. West felt he had no chance and resigned, leaving frozen

       Pawns at c8, d7, and c6.  This helps South, although that

       was not West's intention.

   10. South gives up on d-Pawn as advance is stopped by West's

       frozen Pawns.

   11. South leaves responsibility of stopping East's Pawn to

       North, knowing only South's own promoted Pawn gets him

       back into game, but South misses Knight fork.

   12. East's Bishop move suspect.

   13. East's Knight move suspect.

   19. North sacrificing Pawns NOW?  East "misses" Knight blocks

       Bishop diagonal, and, in attacking North Bishop takes

       cover off b8.

   23. Nf5+ questionable.  Knight exchange not beneficial to

       East, and South's new Rook rebalances material.

   26. North Rook move (instead of Ke6) ensures East's second

       Rook, as South has no chance to cover a-file in time.

   28. South Rook move a mistake (thinks he has 2 moves before

       East's next turn).  This gives East chance to mate (Rb5,

       Ra7) and later costs South his Rook, but East misses mate


   31. Wrong!  R-h5! correct.

   33. North runs for Queen!  East divulges North Queen plot,

       but South not sure what was said.  North's protests

       clarifies East's comments, but South votes "no" on

       sanctions, angering North.

ROUND 3 (open discussion with side conferences allowed)


   BAM     JZ      DF      BM

 1 d3??    b8d8    e6??    g2e2

 2 Be3     b7d7    Nd6     exd1

 3 Rxd1    0-0     g6      0-0

 4 b4      Nc6     Bg7+    ----

 5 Kb1     Nxb4    h6      Nf3

 6 a4      b5c5    Nf5     g4f4

 7 Bc1     Bb7     Nh4     Bg2

 8 Bb2     d8e8    Kh7     Kh3

 9 c3      Na6     Rf8?    Rh2

10 d4      d7e7    Rg8     Kg4

11 c4      f8      Nf5     g1e1

12 d5      fxg7    Nxg7??  Ng5+

13 ----    ----    Kh8     Nxf7+

14 ----    ----    Kh7     Rxh6++

5 ----    ----   e Rxa8+   ----

16 ----    Kxa8  e Nf5     Rh1

17 dxe6    Bxg2  e Nd6     Rh8+

18 ----    Nb8   e Nxc4    Rd8

19 exf7    Bd5   e Nxb6+   ----

20 ----    Kb7   e Nxd5    Rf8

21 Rxd5    Nd7   e g5      Rxf7

22 Rd1?    Kc6   e stale   Re7

23 Bc3     Nf6+    ----    Kf5

24 Bxe1    Nd5     ----    Re6+

25 ----    Kc7     ----    e4

26 Rd5+??  ----    ----    Kg4?!

27 Rd1     Kc8      ----   R+ draw

   by perpetual check

Round 3 notes:

    2. South decides to lose Knight instead of Bishop after

       incorrect opening move.

    6. By now it was clear North and East were working together.

    8. If West and North work together here, (West BxN, North

       NxB), East could have been reduced at no cost.

   12. South Pawn push accompanies sell job to West, on attack

       of North's Bishop.  North NxP fatal mistake, and East

       pounces, breaking the alliance.

   13. East RxP works and saves f-Pawn which he would annex.

   15. East immediately trades Rooks to reduce opponents'

       material.  East's combined moves (N & R) costs him his

       Bishop as West suggests South PxP and East has 2 pieces

       under attack.

   18. Ne5 much better than Rd8.

   19. West steps in to prevent East RxR in deal with South to

       get East's Knight.

   20. East mistakenly touches Rook, so can't play Pe4, and

       gives Rook away in the process by moving too quick.

   21. West deals with East, because after South RxN, South

       becomes menacingly strong.  West agrees not to take

       East's Rook in exchange for shepherding West's Pawn to

       "Rookland".  East RxP also freezes Pawn at g5 because it

       can't move on its turn.

   22. Why didn't South play RxN+, instead?  South doesn't


   23. East immediately double-crosses West with RxP!

   26. South captures set-up Knight believing check will not

       result in PxR. East sees same mirage and move King!

   27. At this time, and given South's strength, West and East

       agree to perpetual check draw.  Thus West and East tie

       for tournament first place.

   By the time the third game was over (about 9 hours with short breaks between games), final analysis was brief but it was agreed that the rule for perpetual check draws had to be modified. Henceforth only the players involved in the perpetual check itself get a draw. Any single player left wins or the two remaining players continue playing. Drawing players pieces are removed except for their kings which remain frozen in place.


1. JZ: "Play showed lack of game competition since the last tournament a year ago. Too many mistakes. Opening theory still rudimentary."

2. Players taking too long may necessitate time controls. If using 4 chess clocks, each players time use could be limited. In this case, each player would punch off his own clock after his move and punch on the clock of the next player. The other side of each clock is ignored. Egg timers could also be used. Penalties for exceeding time controls could range from loss of turn to loss of pieces (order to be agreed upon before the game) to loss of game. Remember open discussion and deal making can prolong turns and distract players time management.

3. ZM "Machiavellian" Quadchess can also be played on computer bulletin board in silent "cutthroat" format(?).



Once again, the third annual tournament was held at the home of Bruce Moon and game play started a little after 10AM. The three rounds were completed around 5PM making for the shortest event so far, partly because the time intervals between games was reduced. Once again, the three formats were used; first game -- no talking; second game -- any over the board discussion and deal making allowed; and the third game -- any discussion and side deals allowed outside the room.

Three players returned: Bruce Moon (BAM), John Zimmerman (JZ), Byron Massey (BM), joined this year by Josh Boyd (JB), a "young and up and coming" enthusiast. Played on 24/Sept/1995.

Referring to past tournament games, JZ quickly forewarns JB that BM is the "taproot of evil" because of previous backstabbing play. BM relishes this identity but doesn't live down to the character degeneracy of past years. However, this game still doesn't necessarily bring out the best in players' integrity.

ROUND 1 (silent)


   JB      BAM     JZ      BM

 1 d2d3    b5c5    Nf6     g2e2

 2 Ne3     c5xd4   g7g6    e2d2

 3 Bxd2    d4xe3   Bg7     Rxe2

 4 Re1     Nc4     h7h5    Nf3

 5 Rd1     Nd2     Nd7     Ng5

 6 Rxd2    0-0     Ne5     g4f4

 7 K61     e3f4    f7f6    g3f4

 8 c2c3    Bb6     Ng4     Nf7+

 9 ----    ----    Kn7     Bg2

10 b2b4    Bc4     Rf8     g1f1

11 Rd4     Bb5     Rxf7    f4e4

12 c3c4    Bc6     f6f5    Kg1

13 Rd2     Bxe4+!  ----    ----

14 Kc1     Bxg2    Bh6     Resigns*

15 b4b5    Bd5     Rf6     ----

16 Kc2     Bxc4    Bxd2    ----

17 Kxd2    Bxa2    Ne5     ----

18 Resign* b8d8    e7e6    ----

19 ----    b6c6    e7e6    ----

20 ----    Kb6     h5h4    ----

21 ----    b7d7    h4h3    ----

22 ----    d7e7    Rh6     ----

23 ----    Resigns ----    ----

   *=K comes off board but player's remaining

   pieces become frozen in place


    6. JB must prevent mate and can't take BM's N.

    8. JZ agrees not to take BM's N after NxB on A6.  BM agrees

       to pursue JB and JZ tries to stave off PxB crux move on

       BM's turn.  BM mistakenly thought play continued in order

       rather than player who effects mate going again.  This

       costs BM and JZ pieces.  JZ not bright enough to alert BM

       of telling error. BAM makes best move of tournament with

       RxP+, RxR++ which clinches BAM win before BM and JZ can

       marshal forces.

   15. BM tries to hold out for a draw but sees hopelessness of

       that almost immediately when faced with 3 moves in a row

       by BAM each turn.

ROUND 2 (open discussion across board allowed)


   BM      BAM     JB      JZ

 1 Nc3      Nc6      g7g6     g2f2

 2 b2b3     b7c7     f7f5     g1e1

 3 Bb2      b8d8     e7e6     Nf3

 4 Nd5      ----     Bg7      0-0

 5 Nxb6+    Kb7      Nf6      Ng5

 6 Nd5      b5c5     Rf8      Nxe6

 7 Nxc7     Kc8      Rf7      Nxc5

 8 Nxa6     Rf7      f5g4     Nc6

 9 Bxf6     Rf8++  w Bxf6     ----

10 c2c3     Re8    w g4xh3    Nf4

11 0-0      Rxe1+  w ----     ----

12 Kc2      Rxh2++ w ----   w f2e2

13 Rxh1     d8e8   w g6g5   w g3f3

14 Nb4      Nxb4+  w ----   w ----

15 c3xb4    e8f8   w g5g4   w Nd3

16 Resigns  ----     ----     ----


    3. After bold opening move the new kid gets ripped right

       away!  Welcome to ZM QUADCHESS!

    4. JB's Rd1 surprisingly strong in that it forces BAM to

       capture R so that BM doesn't get JB's pieces. Suddenly

       BAM double attacked after JZ lets BAM attack JB. BM

       release of cover gets BAM N and BAM must deal with mate

       threat.  BAM saves his skin with check followed by Bg2.

   10. BM had temporary out square for N at d8 but went for

       "breathing room" instead.

   15. BAM hopes JB will not take as his B placement gives JB

       another chance to unpin while JZ saves his R.

   16. JB declines free BAM B after JZ doesn't take JB R. JZ now

       takes R figuring he can promote pawns without it on


   18. JB's "early" resignation underestimates his potential.

       BAM would have had to make deal, i.e., JB would use his

       king to hinder JZ P promotion and in exchange BAM would

       let JB's P become a R.  Whether BAM would honor the deal

       remains questionable, but JB still had a chance.

   22. BAM has a "mirage attack" and doesn't take JZ P allowing

       his B to post up covering JZ's rooking square.  P push

       gains nothing.

 ROUND 3 (open discussion with side conferences allowed) 

  With BAM and JZ having 1 point each, everyone positions his strategy for

  a tournament win or tie.  Losers want to band together to beat winners 

  who must prevent each other from winning or even drawing.  But rational

  tournament winning strategy soon succumbs to game winning tactics which 

  lose out to emotional imperatives in waves, advantages and counter-cycles that

  defy accurate prediction.

ROUND 3 (open discussion and side deals allowed)


   JZ      BAM     JB      BM

 1 b2b4    Nc4     g7g6    g2e2

 2 Nc3     b7d7    Nf6     Bg2+

 3 ----    b6c6    Bg7     0-0

 4 d2d3    Ne5     Rf8     Kh3

 5 Nxe2    Nxd3    Ne4+    ----

 6 Bb2     Nxb4    Nxg5    g1f1

 7 Nf4+    ----    ----    Kg3

 8 Be5     b8c8    Bxe5+   ----

 9 Rb2     Bb7     Bxf4+   Kh3

10 Rxb4    Ra3+    ----    Bf3

11 Rxf4    Rxa2+   ----    ----

12 Kxa2    Resign* e7e5    Be4

13 Kb3     ----    Kg7     Ng2

14 c2c3    ----    Rh8     Ne1

15 Ka4     ----    Kf6     Nd3

16 Ka5     ----    h7h5    Nxf4

17 Kb6     ----    d5xf4   Rg1

18 Rxh5    ----    ----    Kg2

19 Rxh8    ----    Kg5     Kf3

20 Rh3+    ----    ----    Ke2

21 Re3     ----    ----    Kd2

22 Rxe4    ----    f7f5    f1e1

23 Ra4     ----    f5g4    e1d1

24 c3c4    ----    g4g3    d1c1

25 Kc7     ----    Kg4     c1b1

26 Ra1     ----    f4f3    Kc3

27 Kd6     ----    f3f2    Rd2+

28 Ke7     ----    g3g2    Kb2

29 Ra5     ----    f2f1=R  b1a1=R

30 Rd5     ----    Rxd1    Rxd1

31 Rxd1    ----    g6g5    Kb3

32 Kf7     ----    Kf3     Kb4

33 Kg7     ----    g5g4    Ka5

34 Kh8     ----    Kf2     Kb6

35 Kg8^Q   ----    f2f1=R  Ka7

36 Qd4+,+?? ---    Kf3     Ka8

37 Qa1+??  ----    ----    Kb8^Q

38 Rxg1??  ----    g4g3    Qa3+

39 ----    ----    Kf2     Qb2+

40 ----    ----    Kf3     Qc3+

41 ----    ----    Kf2     Qd2

42 ----    ----    Kf3     Qg2+

43 ----    ----    Kg4     Qe4+

44 ----    ----    Kh3     Qf5+

45 ----    ----    Kh4     Qf4+

46 ----    ----    Kh3     Qh6+

47 ----    ----    Kg4     Qe6+,+

48 Kf8     ----    Kf3     Qf5+

49 Ke8     ----    Ke3     Qc4+

50 ----    ----    Kf3     Qd5+

51 ----    ----    Kf2?    Qg2+

52 ----    ----    Ke3     Qxg1+!

53 ----    ----    Kf3     Qa1

54 Kf7     ----    g3g2    Qg1

55 Ke4     ----    Kg3     Ka7

56 Kd5     ----    Kf3     Kb6

57 Kd6     ----    Kg3     Ka5

58 Kd5     ----    Kh3     Kb4

59 c4c5    ----    Kg3     Kc3

60 Kd6     ----    Kf3     Kd3

61 Kc7     ----    Kf4     Qxg2

62 Kb8     ----    Kf5     Qe4+

63 ----    ----    Kf6     Ke3

64 Ka5     ----    Kf7     Qe5

65 Ka7     ----    Kf8     Qe6

66 Kb8     ----    Kg7     Kf4

67 Ka8     ----    Kh7     Kg5

68 Kb8     ----    Kh8 s*  Qg6

69 Ka8     ----    ----    Kf6

70 Kb8     ----    ----    Ke7

71 Kc7     ----    ----    Qg3+

72 Kb6     ----    ----    Kd8

73 Ka7     ----    ----    Qb3

74 Kb8     ----    ----    Qb5

75 Ka7     ----    ----    Kc7

76 Resigns ----    ----    ----

   *=stalemate, pieces frozen


    1. JZ goes after BAM right away.

    5. BAM NxP available as BAM and JB agree to gang up on JZ.

    6. BAM gets a free P rather than lose his N in an exchange.

       He also threatens mate; JB NxP at g3 after JZ agrees to

       protect it.

    8. JZ misses KxN after BM indicated that he would go to h2

       instead.  This "misunderstanding" quashes no attack deal

       between JB and JZ as JB seeks revenge.

    9. JZ Be5 a saver as it puts attacking BAM in mate threat

       and exposes his N but JB falls for BM siren song side

       deal because he thinks JZ defaulted on N coverage.  BM

       agrees not to take JB's B after BxN+.  JB takes JZ's B,

       crippling latter's chance for tournament win but BxN

       unpins JZ R to take BAM's N.

   11. BAM, seeing trouble ahead, offers JZ a perpetual check

       for a 1 and 1/2 point tournament tie, but after looking

       over alternatives and with BM coaching, and the

       understanding that both JB and BM would go after BAM if

       offer was declined, and with the arrival of a milkshake

       to confuse matters further, JZ turns BAM down.  This

       decision had major consequences on final outcome of

       tournament. JZ got talked out of RxB when combination was

       pointed out to him.  He settles for RxP; but BAM plays

       RxP+ anyway!  Apparently seeing that he was going to be

       mated, he makes one last try for a deal but JZ plays KxR.

       After BAM resigns leaving pieces on board, JZ

       successfully sneaks into a hiding place hoping JB and BM

       would have a falling out.

   17. BM keeps pushing JB to get his R out to attack JZ but JB

       thinks it will take too long and looking to his future,

       pushes Ps instead.  After Ph4, BM retaliates by taking

       JB's B which was quickly followed by PxN as both go after

       each other. Now BM broaches a side deal to get JB's R in

       the same fashion as BAM mated JZ in the previous game.

       The fallout between recent partners is now complete.  JZ

       takes the deal.

   20. After much discussion, JZ sees opportunity with Rh3+.

       BAM illegally kibitzes to clarify that JZ goes again

       after Rh3+, Re3 so JZ goes for it and wins B at no cost!

       No one objects!  Then BM helps out with wrong K move.

   30. JZ's Rd5 bears further analysis.  Undoubtedly, a number

       of implications were missed but it works for him when JB

       exchanges R's.

   33. BM makes Q run following JZ's run for h8 corner.

   36. Wrong!  JZ thought he could stop BM from queening.

       Instead, R+, Q+ on diagonal wins.  JZ throws tournament


   37. Wrong again!  Ra1+, Qd6++ also wins BM's Q.

   38. Wrong again!  Instead of RxR, Qe5+, Ra1+ RxQ.  After

       almost enough checks to make for a perpetual check draw,

       BM finds a way to separate JB from his P. JB

       masochistically agrees to help get JZ but BM closes him

       out instead, allowing him a 1/2 point stalemate.  JZ's

       hopes of barricading himself in quickly turn to ashes as

       configuration is wrong.

   Final score: BAM 1, BM 1, JZ 1, tie for 1st, JB gets 1/2.

   Final thoughts:  Once again players marveled at ebb and flow of game. 

   How quickly fortunes could turn.  Winless JB ready to go again but JZ 

   thinks that once a year for an annual tournament is enough.

Here's hoping that you find this game as interesting as we did and that you will spread it around. The potential for playing over the net has not been explored as of this date. E-mail us with your ideas. 04/October/1996



The fourth, and probably last ZM "Machiavellian" Quadchess tournament to be presented on this page for expositional purposes was played on 23/12/1996 at the Bay Area Chess Club in Coos Bay Oregon. After too much foot dragging the same players as in a previous tournament finally assembled to do combat once again. They were Bruce Moon (BAM), Byron Massey (BM), John Zimmerman (JZ), and Josh Boyd (JB). Bruce Moon unexpectedly died less than two weeks later.    Perhaps the conditions had something to do with the play. It was cold in the room and BM had to leave early causing at least JZ to rush some of his moves a little during the tournament.    Unfortunately, due to conflicting schedules and other priorities the contestants were out of practice and the caliber of play resembled beginner status. This may make some of you feel better about starting out on your own. The first game was played in the open discussion mode, with silent and open /private discussion following in that order. Lack of communication was indeed a factor in the second game, preventing BM and JB from teaming up to counter BAM's power. Nevertheless, the ending was a surprise, demonstrating once again this game's versatility.


          BAM       BM        JZ        JB


     1.   b4        Nc4       e6(1)     f2(2)

     2.   d3        Ne5       0-0       f4

     3.   Nc3       Nc6       h6?(3)    Nf3

     4.   a3        d7        Nd6       Bg2

     5.   Ne4       e7(4)     Nf5(5)    Rh4?

     6.   Nxg3+     ----      ----      Kh2

     7.   Ne2       exf8      g5        Nxg5

     8.   Bb2       Bb7       Rh7(6)    Nf3

     9.   Bf6       Nd4(7)    Kxf8      Rg4

    10.   Nxg1(8)   Nxc2+     ----      ----

    11.   Kb2       Nxa3      h5        Rg3

    12.   Ne2       c5        Nxg3      Ne1

    13.   Res.?!(9) c6        Nf5       Be4

    14.   ----      0-0       Rg7       Nf3

    15.   ----      d5(10)    Ne7       Nd2

    16.   ----      dxe4      Ng6       Nxe4

    17.   ----      Kb6       Nxf4      Nd6

    18.   ----      Ba6       h4        Kh1

    19.   ----      Kc7       h3        Nb5+??

    20.   ----      Nxb5      Rh7?(11)  Kh2

    21.   ----      Bb7       Ng6       Kg3?

    22.   ----      d6        h2        Kg4

    23.   ----      Be4       Kg7       Kg5

    24.   ----      Ra5       Rh8       Kg4

    25.   ----      Bh1       Nh4       Kg5

    26.   ----      Nd4+      ----      Kf4

    27.   ----      Nxe6+?(12)fxe6      Kg4

    28.   ----      Ra7       Nf5       Kf4

    29.   ----      d8        Kg6       Res.

    30.   ----      Rb7       Ng3       ----

    31.   ----      Bc6       h1=R      ----

    32.   ----      Kd7?(13)  R1h7+     ----

    33.   ----      Kxe6      Rxb7      ----

    34.   ----      Bxb7      Rxd8      ----

    35.   ----      Bc6       Nf5       ----

    36.   ----      Be4       Re8+      ----

    37.   ----      Kd5       Kg5       ----

    38.   ----      e6        Ng7       ----

    39.   ----      Bf5?(14)  Nxf5      ----

    40.   ----      exf5      Kxf5      ----

    41.   ----      Kc4       Ke4       ----

    42.   ----      Kb3?(15)  Rc8       ----

    43.   ----      Kb2?!     Ke3       ----

    44.   ----      Kb3?!?    Kd2       ----

    45.   ----      Kb2       Rc7       ----

    46.   ----      Kb3       Kc1       ----

    47.   ----      Ka4       Kb2       ----

    48.   ----      Kb5       Kc3(16)   ----

    49.   ----      Ka4       Rb7       ----

    50.   ----      Ka5       Kb3       ----

    51.   ----      Ka6        *

*  JZ goes on to win a few moves later to take the first point.


 (1)  P-c6 wrong because N at c4 not c6.

 (2)  P-f2 too timid.  It gives BAM time to attack BM.

 (3)  JZ turns down BM pawn, felt it left him too vulnerable.  This was 

      correct as B-b2 allows BM to take JZ B, but his h6 move too weak.  

      JZ fails to anticipate BM's attack or go after JB either.  BM 

      suggests unlimited castling in the future but BAM and JZ not inclined.

 (4)  Outright win of a piece for a pawn!

 (5)  JZ and BAM agree to attack vulnerable JB but BAM doesn't need JZ 

      and moves off so JZ can take JB's N.

 (6)  JZ felt NxR left him too vulnerable to BxR, so JZ agrees not to take 

      JB's R for one move.

 (7)  Takeable by everyone!  Complications are so intricate that 

      opportunities are missed by JZ if not others as well.

 (8)  BAM's instincts were Nxd4 but BM convinces BAM to team up if BAM 

      plays Nxg1, Nxf3+; but BM plays Nxc2+ instead!

 (9)  Way premature but BAM doesn't agree.  

(10)  JZ and BM collude to trap JB's B.

(11)  Overlooks mate possibility with R-g2+ followed by N-h5, N-g3.

(12)  BM misses that JZ also checked and can capture!  Key mistake.

(13)  BM declines advantageous exchange because he wanted to retain 

      material.  Questionable decision.

(14)  Thinking B covers P, BM missed NxB!

(15)  BM runs into the open(?)! JZ forgot that he could have gotten a Q by

      moving K-a1.  Fortunately, he didn't need it.

   After BAM's premature resignation stopping up JB's pawn advance 

 possibilities, BM had game well in hand but managed to turn a win into 

 a loss.


          JB        BM        JZ        BAM


     1.   b3(1)     d7        Nf6       Nf3

     2.   Ne3       Nc6       g6        f4(2)

     3.   Nd1       Nd8       0-0       e2

     4.   Nc3       c8        Bg7       f1

     5.   Na4       0-0       Ne4+      ----

     6.   Nb2       Nc6       Kf8       0-0

     7.   c3        d8        e6        Bg2

     8.   Na4       e7+       Ke8       Ne1

     9.   Ba3       Bb7       Ng5(3)    Bxc6++

    10.   ----      ----    e Nf3(4)    Bxb4

    11.   Rxe1      Kb8     e Rxd8+     ----

    12.   ----      Ka7     e Rxa8+     ----

    13.   ----      Bxa8    e Nxe1      Rg1

    14.   Bc5       bxc5(5) e h5        f3

    15.   Nxc5      Kb6     e Bh8(6)    Be8

    16.   b4        Bb7     e h4        Kg3(7)

    17.   Nb3       Kc7     e h3        Bb5

    18.   Nd4       Kd8     e h2        Bd3

    19.   a4        Ke8     e h1=R      Bb5+

    20.   ----      Kxf7    e Rh7+(8)   ----

    21.   ----      Kg8     e Rxe7      Bxa4

    22.   Nf5+      ----    e ----      Kg4

    23.   Nxe7+     Kxh8    e g5        Rh1+

    24.   ----      Kg7     e Nd3       Be8

    25.   c4        Kf6     e Nc5       Rh6+

    26.   ----      Kg7     e Nxb7      Rg6+

    27.   ----      Kf8     e e5        Rg8+(9)

    28.   ----      Kxe7    e e4        Kf5

    29.   Res.(10)  stalemate-draw


 (1)  JB doesn't pressure BM so BM blitzes JZ who must play defense and 

      can't attack BAM, but BAM doesn't advance on JB.

 (2)  Attacks JB's N and BAM P works because JZ plays P-g6 not P-g5.

 (3)  P-f5 crucial but JZ felt he had to stop BM's P advance.  Completely 

      missed BAM's mating move.

 (4)  BAM now controls e (East) and immediately moves his newly acquired 


 (5)  BM irrationately captures JB's B which is needed to combat BAM's 

      superior material.

 (6)  BAM "mirage".  Could have advanced hP.

 (7)  BAM overlooks KxP.

 (8)  BAM plans to exchange Bs with RxP, KxB, but misses JB's Nf5+ fork.

 (9)  Thinking that was mate but it forces BM to make unwanted capture 

      instead, still good for BAM.

(10)  A brilliant strategy (if he actually thought of it), in a way.  

      With almost no chance of winning, at least he limits BAM to half a 

      point and can still tie for first with JZ by getting a win in the 

      final game. 


          BM        BAM       JB        JZ


     1.   b4        d7(1)     Nd6       f2(2)

     2.   bxa5      c6        f6        Bf1(3)

     3.   Nc3       Res.(4)   0-0       Bg2

     4.   Bb2       ----      h5        Bf3

     5.   Nd1       ----      g5        Ng6(5)

     6.   Bd4       ----      Rh6       Nxf8

     7.   Nb2       ----      Kxf8      Kg2

     8.   d3        ----      h4        e1

     9.   Nd1       ----      f5        gxf5

    10.   Be5       ----      Nxf5      Bg4

    11.   Nc3       ----      Nd6       Rh3

    12.   Rb4       ----      Nf7       Kf3

    13.   Bc7       ----      Rf6+      Ke3

    14.   Nd5+      ----      ----      Kd2(6)

    15.   Bf4+(7)   ----      ----      gxf4

    16.   Nxf6(8)   ----      exf6      Bh5

    17.   Res.(9)   ----      Nd5*      Rf3

    18.   ----      ----      Ke7       Bg4

    19.   ----      ----      Kd6       d1

    20.   ----      ----      Kc5       c1

    21.   ----      ----      Kc4       b1

    22.   ----      ----      Nc3       a1=R

    23.   ----      ----      Ne4+      Ke3

    24.   ----      ----      Ng3       Be6+

    25.   ----      ----      Kc3       e2(10)

    26.   ----      ----      Kb2       Rg1

    27.   ----      ----      Res.

*  illegal move but nobody noticed it!


 (1)  Expecting others to follow suit.

 (2)  Weak but unobtrusive.  Allows PxN.

 (3)  Wrong!  Should have remembered NĀ©g6, PxN, B-g2++.

 (4)  Ultimate pique!  Again an emotion based resignation (BAM disagreed).

      A player who is substantially reduced often gets overlooked until 

      the end game as others battle for advantage against each other.  

      BAM felt that everyone would go after him anyway (and his resignation

      would at least stop up BM's Ps).

 (5)  JZ felt that he needed to counter attack JB to get him off his back 

      and reluctantly sacrificed a N to do so.

 (6)  JZ runs away from his corner where he feared he would be eventually

      crushed.  A dangerous gamble.

 (7)  Another critical BM blunder.  Missed PxN, saving JZ.

 (8)  BM takes JB N which helps JZ.

 (9)  Resigned to leave for another engagement.

(10)  Forced move follows R-b1.

JZ wins tournament with 2 points to one half each for BM and BAM and JB 0. Disappointing level of play not surprising and lots of banter made for an enjoyable tournament.


Bruce Moon's analysis made these presentations possible. These tournament games give you a good idea of how ZM "Machiavellian" QUADCHESS can be played well or badly. It is my hope that you can and will enjoyably play our game.

Address all responses to:  (email removed contact us for address)   or contact the Bay Area Chess

Club in North Bend, Oregon, 97459 or through HELPLINE 541-888-6716


Written by John Zimmerman (c).
WWW page added to the Chess Variant Pages: December 23, 1998. ļ»æ