Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

A Remarkable Game

This game came to me when I was trying to make up an example on the dangers of the Pawnless advance, and why you should develop weaker pieces first.

White plays the Remarkable Rookies, and Black the Fabulous FIDEs.

1. (HFD)f1-f4 violates all principles, but at least it threatens mate. The example should show that it's a bad move.

1. ..... Nb8-c6 is a developing move, but 1. ... d6 or f6 would be better choices if Black doesn't want a draw.

2. (HFD)c1-c4 threatens mate to the Queen. White compounds his mistake, and surely we will see him punished?

1. (HFD)f1-f4 Nb8-c6 2. (HFD)c1-c4 Ng8-f6 3. (HFD)c4:c6!? d7:c6 4. (HFD)f4-e5+ Ke8-d7 5. (HFD)e5-d4+ Kd7-e6?? 6. (RN)d1-e3+ Nf6-e4 7. (RN)e3:e4+ Ke6-f5 8. (HFD)d4-g4 mate!

What a pretty checkmate position!

If 7...Ke6-d5 8. (RN)e4-f4+ Kd5-c4 9. (HFD)d4-e5+ Qd8-d4 10. (RN)f4:d4 mate.

Of course, 5....Kd7-e8 draws.

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