DISCLAIMER: The ideas expressed on this page are the creative work of its author, Charles Gilman, and they might not be shared by others responsible for this website. They do not represent any convention, consensus, or standard regarding piece names.
Index R to Man and Beast
Each entry starts with the name or prefix in capitals, linked to the Piececlopedia page if an established piece, followed by the plural in plain text if irregular. Then comes the geometry, with a link to the Man and Beast page - square also covers cubic/xyrixa/hex-prism, all covers those plus 2d hex and 2d/3d pentagonal ones, and hex covers xyrixa/hex-prism. Then comes the definition in plain text. The name's origin, if more than random and neither a Piececlopedia piece nor obvious, is in italics. Compounds of two oblique leapers always have one of a set of endings designed to avoid duplicate names for mixed-range and part-symmetric versions. Unless specified as royally-restricted a piece is capturable. The phrase "capturing as" means exclusively unless prefixed with "also". When a move can be "repeated" it means without capturing on any but the last instance. DQR stands for Defaulting to Queen (square) or Rook (hex). Names combining component names are marked ¢. FO pieces' symmetric counterparts are marked §.
New in 2016 under this letter: Runinto
New in 2015 under this letter: Rankcart, Rankwagon, Restaurateur, Restaurateuse, Ruckus, Rushoff
The acknowledgments, overview, and glossary to the series can be found here.
![]() | RABBI hex Curved Unicorn on 6-stage circuit, from Anglojewish Chess. |
![]() | RABBIRIDER hex Unicorn+Rabbi. |
RACCOON, RACCOONCUB cubic/hex Unicorn and Horn respectively restricted to make odd numbers of moves, also various leaping versions, extrapolated from Panda and Bear.
RACDINAL cubic Apostle+Rose, reversing first 3 letters, or 2 consonants, of Cardinal whose Curved rider it is.
RACEHORSE cubic/hex Packet+Alibaba, in conjunction with other -horse names for Packet compounds.
RACIST hex-prism Trainer+Hyphen, as one whose opinions are Offensive §.
RACK, RACKY cubic/hex Raccoon+Eunuch, Raccooncub+Key ¢.
RACPENTER xyrixa/hex-prism Rose+Badbaba, reversing first 3 letters, or 2 consonants, of Canvasser whose Curved rider it is.
RADAGAST cubic Rant+Dardness.
RAFFISH piece square one, especially FO, that is both Rank-Wraparound and File-Reflecting.
RAFFLE cubic/xyrixa/hex-prism Raccoon+Elephant ¢.
RAFT square set of four squares which can either move one step orthogonally together or rotate by 90° within its existing footprint, in both cases taking any pieces on its squares with it, from Floßschach.
RAFTER hex-prism piece moving twice as far as the Ratifier in the same directions, extrapolated from Hefter.
RAGE hex-prism FO 2:root 31 leaper, as attribute of Fanatic §.
RAGMAN hex-prism Saltire capturing as Past, as menial position with same first consonant and vowel as Aurochs.
RAIDING cubic Rant+Daste ¢.
RAILHEAD cubic/xyrixa Tale+Rant ¢.
RAIN hex-prism adds Point move to Bellmanwise pieces, adds Bellman moves to FO orthogonal pieces, and makes Hostwise component of Dissenterwise pieces symmetric, in conjunction with names of other environments and natural phenomena.
RAINGENERAL, RAINRIDER hex-prism Bellman+Point, Mediator+Wing.
RAKER hex-prism symmetric 4:root 75 leaper, as a word with the same first consonant and vowel as Aurochs, of whose SOLL its is a multiple.
RALF Ralves hex FO root-52 pure-hex leaper, extrapolated from Calf.
RALLIER cubic/xyrixa/hex-prism Raccoon+Alibaba ¢.
RALLOC cubic Epirts+Hctolb, Collar for Stripe+Blotch reversed.
![]() | RAM cubic/hex Horn+Point, as device used by Besieger §. |
RAMIFIER xyrixa dual to the FO 11:3:2 leaper, starts with reversed early letters of Marmot §, extrapolated from Runaround.
RAMMING hex-prism piece moving twice as far as the Raker in the same directions, extrapolated from Lemming.
RAMPAGER square Double Rhino with first step restricted to directions indicated on each cell, as someone who acts like, and has the same initial as, a rhino.
RAMSHAL xyrixa/hex-prism Finch+Rose, reversing first 3 letters, or 2 consonants, of Marshal whose Curved rider it is.
RANGAROO xyrixa/hex-prism Aurochs+Elephant, extrapolatred from Kangaroo.
RANGEHEXER hex 60° and 120° Crooked Unicorn, back-formed from long-range and short-range.
RANGESCOUT cubic 70° and 110° Crooked Unicorn, back-formed from long-range and short-range.
RANK Brook-style piece cubic Sideways piece plus Vertical piece.
RANK- square Of a Tiger, Witch, or Wizard, restricted to directions which have only colourbound moves, as the Rankwizard is, in 2d, Rankswitching.
RANK-REFLECTING, RANK-WRAPAROUND pieces square front-reflecting+back-reflecting, able on reaching an end rank to continue onto the rank at the other end as if it were the next rank in the same direction.
RANKCART, RANKWAGON square Rankenchantress+Colourenchanter, Rankwitch+Cloourwizard, first extrapolated from second, which is an elision of Witch/Wizard and Dragon.
RANT cubic FO 7:2:1 leaper, as expressed by Propounder §.
RAPANDA hex-prism Pandaranker+Raccofiler if hex-ranked, Pandaleveller+Raccocolumner if hex-level, extrapolated from Unrook.
RAPARISONNER hex Aurochs+Eunuch, extrapolated from Caparisonner.
RAPSON square 6:5 Curved linepiece on 8-stage circuit, reversing first 3 letters, or 2 consonants, of Parson whose Curved rider it is.
RARDINAL xyrixa/hex-prism Bishop+Aurochs, extrapolated from Cardinal.
RARPENTER hex Aurochs+Dabbaba, extrapolated from Carpenter.
RATCHET cubic/xyrixa/hex-prism Raccooncub+Dabchick ¢.
RATIFIER hex-prism symmetric 5:root 27 leaper, as a word with the same first consonant and vowel as Aurochs, of whose SOLL its is a multiple.
RATTLESNAKE pentagonal Crooked Rook alternately turning left and right, but more slightly than the hex Girlhexer, as snake sharing Rook's initial.
RAUCOUS cubic/xyrixa/hex-prism Raccooncub+Tusk ¢.
RAUNCHY xyrixa Niggler+Ramifier ¢.
RAVALCADE hex Unicorn+Aurochs, extrapolated from Cavalcade.
RAWMER hex Finch+Mozbie, reversing first 3 letters, or 2 consonants, of Warmer whose Curved rider it is.
RAZORBILL square Rook+Gazelle, as bird name starting with the R of Rook and with the Z of Gazelle later on.
RBISHOP xyrixa Bishoranker+Rookfiler, extrapolated from Brook.
![]() | REAPER square Rook+Gryphon, from Tripunch Chess. |
REARUP cubic/xyrixa/hex-prism Birth+Gump, a pun of the rearing of childeren once they are born.
RECAP hex-prism FO 1:root 21 leaper, as task carried outby Tutor § in tutorials.
RECEIVER square heavy Anchorite as includes Rector, Curate, and Verger destinations.
RECKLESS cubic/xyrixa/hex-prism Restless+Wether, from Wrecker §.
RECLUSLVE cubic/xyrixa Monk+Chipmunk, from the withdrawn life led by monks.
RECONQUEROR cubic/xyrixa/hex-prism Alibuck+Conqueror, as considerable enhancement to Conqueror.
RECRUITING piece all one whose move can convert an enemy piece to its own army.
RECTIFIER pentagonal Straight Wazir-Ferz alternator, as word sharing Rhino's initial and meaning something that straightens things out.
![]() | RECTOR square symmetric 5:4 leaper, in conjunction with other church titles below Bishop for n+1:n leapers. |
RECURSIVE cubic Rector+Roper ¢.
REDACTION cubic/hex-prism Dancer+Remel ¢.
REDNER cubic 35° Ferz-Zombie alternator, EMD Rotcerwise.
REDRESS cubic/xyrixa Rector+Rotcer ¢.
REFFARIG cubic Effarranker+Rotcefiler, extrapolated from Brook.
REFLECTING, REFRACTING pieces square one which on reaching any edge of the board can reflect off it as the move changing direction in one or two dimensions, one that can turn a corner to continue moving a set distance from the nearest edge of the board.
![]() | REGENT square Governor+Wazir, as a stand-in for one in a higher governing position. |
REHTIZ cubic FO 8:6:3 leaper, hex FO root-109 pure-hex leaper, Zither for FO 10:3 reversed.
REINDEER cubic/hex Wing+Antler, from the flying reindeer in the Father Christmas story.
RELATIVE HALFLING piece DQR all one restricted to moving up to halfway to the furthest cell in each direction that a corresponding non-Halfling piece can reach given what other pieces are on that board, rounded up where the total distance is an odd number of steps/leaps.
RELATIVE OTHERHALFLING, piece DQR all one restricted to moving at least halfway to the furthest cell in each direction that a corresponding non-Halfling piece can reach given what other pieces are on that board, rounded up where the total distance is an odd number of steps/leaps.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | RELAYER, RELAYFOLLOW-ER/-RESS/-SMAN/-SWOMAN, RELAY-ERESS/-SMAN/-SWOMAN cubic/xyrixa/hex-prism Horn+Wingcoward and its further compounds with the same-rank moves respectively of the Sling/Cannonade/Arbalest/Arsenal/Cannon/Arrow/Tank, in conjunction with Sprinter. |
RELIGIOUS cubic Remel+Roper ¢.
RELOCATER square Rhino+Okapi ¢.
REMEL square symmetric 9:1 leaper dual to the Rector, extrapolated from Camel.
REMOTE-BANDERSNATCH, REMOTE-JABBERWOCK, REMOTE-JUBJUB pieces all one whose move must be along a line one of whose previous cells (those from which it or its rider would continue from through its starting cell), a piece beyond its destination, or either respectively, must be occupied, by a piece of any army, which survives the move.
RENDER cubic 45° Wazir-Commuter alternator, EMD Rectorwise.
RENOE cubic Rector+Numbat+Loremaster, extrapolated from Canoe.
REPEATER xyrixa/hex-prism dual to cubic Quiver, FO 4:root 31 leaper, from the repeating patterns laid by a Tesselator §.
REPORTER cubic 70° Viceroy-Viceroy planar piece, from Gavin Smith's Prince.
REQUIRER square Rhino+Quagga ¢.
RESEAU square Rector+Remel ¢.
RESONATOR hex-prism Unicorn with first 2 steps replaced by Rumbaba ones, as something synthesising a hornlike noise.
RESPIRATOR square Rhino+Springbok ¢.
RESTAURATEUR, RESTAURATEUSE cubic/hex Prince capturing as Bellman, Queen capturing as Tricorn, as cpompounds of Waiter+Cook and Waitress+Chef respectively.
RESTLESS square Mitre+(usually Stepping) Tusk+(usually Stepping) Trisk, from Wrestler §.
RESTUP hex-prism Rage+Sleep ¢.
RETINUE cubic/xyrixa/hex-prism Fagin+Eunuch, in conjunction with other collective names for such compounds.
RETREAT hex-prism Elf+Tutor ¢.
RETNUH square Wing+Helmsupercoward, from Gryphon Aanca Chess.
REVERSING piece all one whose move rotates 180° either optionally in place of, or always at the end of, a normal move depending on the game.
REVIEWER cubic Theorist+Reporter, as one applying theory to reports.
REVIVER cubic Render+Redner, EMD REdresswise, as palindrome for compiund of reversed names.
REVOLUTIONARY hex-prism Wazir+Viceroy+Rumbaba, as one aiming to help found new republic.
REVOLVER hex 60° Curved Cannon, from a weapon whose barrel revolves.
RHAMOIS, RHAROLAIS hex symmetric root-117 pure-hex leaper, symmetric root-52 pure-hex leaper, extrapolated from Chamois, Charolais.
RHEA cubicxyrixa Queen+Oberon, as female-named moon of Saturn similar in size to Uranus' Titania.
RHEOSTAT cubic/xyrixa Rector+Rootler ¢.
RHEROLAIS cubic symmetric 10:8 leaper, extrapolated from Charolais.
![]() | RENOUNCER hex-prism Divorn+Prince, as prince renouncing his title. |
![]() | RHINO or RHINOCEROS square 45° Wazir-Ferz alternator, longer form of name used for Curved version in Leaping Bat Chess. |
RHYMER xyrixa/hex=prism dual to the cubic Rytas, symmetric 7:3 leaper with the 7 specifically hex-oblique, as a word sharing the initial R, and use of Y as first vowel, with Rytas.
RHYROLAIS cubic hex-prism piece moving twice as far as the Rytas in the same directions, extrapolated from Charolais.
RIAINESS square Mezel+Abrez, reversing first 3 letters of Acrobat.
RICOCHET Hopping piece all one which from the intervening piece onward moves along a different direction of the same kind.
RIDE- square/hex restricts radial moves to forward direction but allows oblique moves to be indefinitely repeated in the same direction, in conjunction with Co-, Mini-, Meta-, Para-, Sub-, Under-, and Vice-.
RIFLE piece all one that captures a piece on a cell that it would normally be able to reach, but without actually moving to that cell.
RIGAFFE square 4:1 Curved linepiece on 8-stage circuit, reversing first 3 letters, or 2 consonants, of Giraffe whose Curved rider it is.
RIGGING xyrixa Ramifier+Gripe ¢.
RIGHT-REFLECTING piece cubic one which on reaching the right-hand file can reflect off it as the leftward move with the same (if any) forward/backward/up/down component.
RIGHT-YAWING piece cubic one moving 90° clockwise either optionally in place of, or always at the end of, a normal move depending on the game.
RING hex FO root-31 pure-hex leaper dual to the cubic Rite, in conjunction with Endower, Avower, Newlywed §, Vampire, Fang, Rite, and Fate.
RINGROAD cubic Irrigator+Rotagirri ¢.
RIRG square Blotcreservist+Blotccoward, extrapolated from Barc.
RISEUP cubic/hex-prism Cedilla+Subordinate.
RITE cubic 7:3:2 leaper, hex-prism FO 1:root 61 leaper, in conjunction with Endower §, Avower, Newlywed, Vampire, Fang, Ring, and Fate.
RIVER square a special boundary between two ranks the crossing of which pieces may be barred from, restricted in, or promoted by, from Xiang Qi.
ROADIE hex-prism Drummrider+Eunuch, as a musician's equipment carrier.
ROBBING piece all one swapping piece type with a stronger enemy but including losing - and giving the enemy piece - its own Robbing ability, from Pink Panther Chess, where such ability was given to the weak Thief piece.
ROBE xyrixa dual to the FO 9:6:5 leaper, starts with reversed early letters of Beorning §, extrapolated from Runaround.
ROBIN square Rook+Bison, as bird name starting with the R of Rook and with the B of Bison later on.
ROBOT cubic Rootler+Roper ¢.
ROC square 45° Wazir-Ferz 7-stepper, devised by George Duke among such Rook-Bishop pieces.
ROCDWAINER hex Finch+Bocbler, reversing first 3 letters, or 2 consonants, of Cordwainer whose Curved rider it is.
ROFTNIGHT cubic 3:2:1 Curved linepiece on 6-stage circuit, reversing first 3 letters, or 2 consonants, of Fortnight whose Curved rider it is.
ROMEO cubic/hex Dicorn with first step replaced by a Ferz one, in conjunction with other Shakespearean names.
RONDEAU cubic xyrixa Rotcer+Rootler ¢.
![]() | ROOK square/hex piece moving any distance through empty intermediate cells along all orthogonals. |
ROOT12½ORBITER, ROOT32½ORBITER, ROOT65ORBITER square a Rose with Wazir steps inserted into its 55° turns to break each into two 27½° turns, a Rose with the 55° turns broken up by Trebuchet leaps and the 35° ones by Ferz steps, a Macel with the 55° turns broken up by Tripper leaps and the 35° ones by Dabbaba leaps, as the pieces whose paths connect all cells half a Root50leaper leap from a given intersection, half a Cobat leap from a given intersection, and a Bat leap from a given cell.
ROOTLER cubic symmetric 8:3:3 leaper, xyrixa dual to the cubic Rotcer, from being the Rotcer's semi-dual and dual respectively.
ROOTOUT cubic Dancer+Rotcer ¢.
ROPER cubic symmetric 7:7:5 leaper, xyrixa dual of symmetric 14:5:5 leaper, from being a Hypotenuse piece of Rotcer and Rootler.
![]() | ROSE square 2:1 Curved linepiece on 8-stage circuit. |
ROTCER cubic symmetric 4:4:3 leaper, xyrixa dual to the cubic Rootler, Rector for symmetric 5:4 reversed.
ROUELLE cubic Fortnight+Votary.
ROUGH cubic 110° Crooked Panda, hex 60° Crooked Panda, in the sense that it turns only where it can stop and so alternates between two paths of the Simurgh, by analogy to the Proselyte.
ROUND cubic 45° Healer+Attendant+Tactician, on which physicians make house calls.
ROUNDHEAD cubic/hex-prism Runaround+Subordinate ¢.
RRANE cubic symmetric 8:6:2 leaper, extrapolated from Crane.
RUAOCHS, RUAROSE hex root-13 Curved linepiece on 6-stage circuit, Ruaochs+Aurrose, first reversing first 3 letters of Aurochs whose Curved rider it is, second combining both modifications of Aurochs.
RUBY- hex-prism adds Cross move to symmetric HD pieces, adds Rumbaba moves to FO SD pieces, and makes HD component of Hostwise pieces symmetric, in conjunction with other reds for part-symmetric Rumbaba compounds.
RUBYCHEF, RUBYCOOK, RUBYGENERAL, RUBYRIDER hex-prism Contrachef+Wieldrider, Contracook+Wielder, Rumbaba+Cross, Dicorn+Mitre.
RUCATE square 7:6 Curved linepiece on 8-stage circuit, reversing first 3 letters, or 2 consonants, of Curate whose Curved rider it is.
RUCKUS, RUDCHICK, RUDDER hex-prism Rumchick+Key, Rumchick+Drumstick, Rumbaba+Drummer all ¢.
RUFFIAN cubic/xyrixa/hex-prism Raccooncub+Thief, after the jkind of person who may well turn to stealing.
RUFFLE hex-prism Rumbaba+Elephant ¢.
![]() | RUMBABA hex-prism symmetric 1:root 3 stepper, from sharing Dabbaba's leap length but in a "rum" direction. |
RUMCHICK hex-prism FO 1:root 3 stepper, extrapolated from Rumbaba § and Dabchick.
RUMKEY hex/prism FO 3:root 3 leaper, from sharing Key's leap length but in a "rum" direction.
RUMPUS hex-prism Rumchick+Tusk ¢.
RUMTUSK hex-prism FO 1:root 7 leaper, from sharing Tusk's leap length but in a "rum" direction.
RUNAROUND cubic FO 6:1:1 leaper, xyrixa/hex-prism dual to the cubic Cedilla, FO 1:root 37 leaper, as literal description of first three letters of Nurturer §.
RUNINTO pentagonal-prism Haver+Point, as use of moving sharing Ram's initial.
RUNNING cubic Runaround+Muncher ¢.
RUNT hex-prism Rumbaba+Drumstick, as weaker version of Sow and Boar.
RUNWAY cubic/xyrixa/hex-prism Duchess+Pegasus,
RURA hex-prism Pastreservist+Pastcoward, extrapolated from Barc.
RURITANIAN hex-prism Recap+Cutler ¢.
![]() | RUNAWAY square symmetric 10:7 leaper, as someone as flighty as the similarly weak Flybynight. |
![]() | RUSHOFF hex-prism Senhelm+Rumtusk ¢, and also using same consonants as Sheriff §. |
RYTAS cubic symmetric 4:3:2 leaper, hex-prism symmetric 4:root 13 leaper, Satyr for symmetric 5:2 reversed.
RYUKYU hex-prism Rytas+Rhymer ¢.
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By Charles Gilman.
Web page created: 2011-10-29. Web page last updated: 2011-10-29