- Various brief newsitems and other information.
- In Memoriam: Stan Goldovski.
- A Chess Variant Survey. David Moeser asks who would be interested in a chess variant meeting in North America.
Game competitions
- Contests held on the Chess Variant Pages.
- 2nd English Progressive Chess Championship. Held in 1998/1999.
- Mindsports Olympiad. Tournament of several games, including Shogi and Xiangqi. (Link.)
- Interview with Robert Abbott, inventor of Ultima.
- Interview with Michael Adams. A brief interview with chess grandmaster Adams on his upcoming match in Fischer Random Chess with Leko.
- Interview with Ralph Betza, the grandmaster of chess variant invention.
- Interview with Jean-Louis Cazaux: The Art of Chess Variants: an interview with French chess variant books author Jean-Louis Cazaux.
- Interview with Ben Good. Ben was winner of the contest to design a chess variant on a board with 38 squares.
- Interview with Darren Izzard, winner of the contest to design a chess variant on a board with 40 squares.
- Interview with David Li: The Beauty of Kriegspiel. David Li is author of several books, two on Kriegspiel.
- Interview with Peter Leko. Chess grandmaster comments on upcoming match of Fischer Random Chess.
- Interview with Seth McGinnis. Seth was the winner of the contest to design a chess variant on 39 squares.
- Interview with David Pritchard, author of the Encyclopedia of Chess Variants and other books.
- Interview with Tony Quintanilla, winner of the contest to design a chess variant on 41 squares.
People's pages
Webpages on chess variants by various people.- Jim Aikin's Chess Variants (Link.)
- Ralph Betza's pages on Chess Variants, including: Ralph Betza's pages About the Value of Chess Pieces.
- Jean-Louis Cazaux, information on his recent book: Guide des échecs exotiques et insolites. (Link.)
- Fergus Duniho. Information on chess variant games he has invented, as well as a chess variant construction set. (Link.)
- Jeff Elmore: 3D pictures and rules (Link.)
- Ethan Hunt: The 65th Square (Link.)
- George Jelliss: A Guide to Variant Chess (Link.)
- Fabrice Liardet. Tons of Losing Chess, lots of Bughouse, and a few others too. In French. (Link.)
- Andrea Mori. Italian and English information on chess variants. (Link.)
- Alexandre Muñiz: Web Thing. (Link.)
- Joao Pedro Neto: Chess Variants website. (Link.)
- Larry Lynn Smith: The Rules of Jetan (Link.)
- Mark Thompson: Abstract Games Web site (Link.)
- Vu Vo's Home Page: Quang Trung Chess (Link.)
- Japanese Translation of the Chess Variant Pages. Maintained by Katsutoshi Seki. (Link.)
- Russian translations of the Chess Variant Pages. Maintained by Pavel Tikhomirov. (Link.)
- De Schaak Variant Pagina's. Dutch translations of some materials on the Chess Variant Pages.
Miscellaneous information
- Tree. Displays a complete and detailed listing of this site. Takes a while to load.
- Looking to buy some chess variant games or books? Give the Chess Variant Pages Shop a visit!
- Yahoo! Clubs chessvariants. Our Official club at Yahoo. The place to discuss chess variants. (Link.)
- Retrochess: A challenge. Can you make a good chess variant based on retrograde chess analysis?
- A world chess variants organization? An idea of Richard Hutnik that asks for your comments.
- The Complexity of Large Chess Variants. Information on theoretical computer science results for large chess variants. By Eli Bachmutsky.
- IBM Patent Server. Many US patents on chess variants can be found here. (Link.)
- Chess Perversions. Column of Dutch chess author Hans Ree. (Link.)
- The world of fairy chess.
- Request for information from David Pritchard, and information about his Encyclopedia.
- AISE yearbook. Lots and lots of information about chess variants, in Italian - for use on PC. (Latest version: February 1997.) (Link.)
- Announcement of 3rd Heterochess Olympic Games.
- A Strategic Metagame Player for General Chess-like games. (Link.) Information on this metagame player.
- Review of Archon. Archon is a chess-resembling computer game. (Link.)
- Caissa's War: a chess variant in preparation.
- Endgame analysis. A computer analysis of endgames with fantasy chess pieces.
- Endgame analysis for hexagonal chess, with 2 pieces and kings, by Dave McCooey.
- Mario Velucchi's Personal Interests. Lots of chess (variant/puzzle) links and materials. (Link.)
- Pictures of chess pieces.
- ASCII art of Chess and fairy chess pieces.
- Algebraic-Numerical Chess Notation. A new chess notation, proposed by mathematician Missoum.
- Soccer-Football Notation. Describe soccer or football games in chess notation.
- List of fairy chess pieces, compiled by Frank Truelove.
- Rules Extensions for Chess Variants, by Hans Aberg.
- A Glossary of Basic Chess Variant Terms. A core glossary of terms used in the Chess Variant world. By John William Brown.
- co_art. Uses a 7x7 grid to allow users to express themselves through colors. By Ulli Purwin.
- A game in the train with Euwe. Story of a chess game where pawns promote to kings.
Some chess variants links
- Chess Space. See also their Chess Variants link page. (Link.)
- FIDE Laws of Chess.
- Ricards' PBEM server. Server, helping to play chess, some chess variants, and many other board games by email. (Link.)
- Chessence (Link.)
- Varying Chess (Link.)
- A Guide to Variant Chess (Link.)
Links for other games
- The Game Cabinet. Rules for several games. (Link.)
- Games Domain. Mostly information on computer games (a lot!), but also on other games. (Link.)
- Luding. Extensive German games site. (Link.)
- The Boardgames Book. Derek Hohls' website on free boardgames.
- Boardgames: The Mining Company. Well-designed index to information on boardgames on the net.
- MSO Worldwide - Board games & puzzles online, news, links, articles by recognized experts & information on upcoming Mind Sport events.
- Board Games. Large board games link page. (Link.)
- The Games Journal (Link.)
- Abstract Games Club (Link.)
- Variations on Go (Link.)
- Atlantis Puzzles, Games and Art (Link.)
- Logic Mazes (Robert Abbott's Webpages) (Link.)
WWW page created: 1995 or 1996.